Trái nghĩa của greatly worshipped

Tính từ

Opposite of accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character

Động từ

Opposite of past tense for to exalt or revere as one would a deity
despised abhorred abominated detested execrated hated loathed blasphemed derided disdained dishonoured flouted mocked reviled ridiculed spurned blamed castigated condemned criticised criticized denigrated denounced dishonored disliked disrespected scorned scoffed at taunted teased censured lambasted satirised satirized vilified ribbed jeered berated attacked chaffed reproached lampooned kidded joshed scolded slammed ragged mimicked hammered gibed reprimanded jived vituperated rallied knocked needled sneered slated excoriated twitted razzed reproved rode rid ridden admonished savaged roasted scoffed chid chided bashed scouted bantered panned rubbished japed quizzed pilloried flayed lectured skewered smeared chiacked crucified pummelled pummeled hazed cursed curst jibed swore sweared sworn reprobated cussed disparaged bagged insulted humiliated contemned pooh-poohed stigmatised stigmatized slighted dismissed abused fleered detracted disrelished desecrated profaned laughed at repudiated reamed cartooned jeered at tormented recoiled from shuddered at rejected jibed at detracted from sneered at imprecated anathematized poured scorn on uttered oaths shrank from shrunk from regarded with repugnance felt hostile to felt repelled by held up to ridicule heaped scorn on had an aversion to uttered profanities felt revulsion to felt aversion to found intolerable flouted at poked mullock at treated with contempt laid into used bad language took the piss out of taken the piss out of railed against inveighed against took the mickey taken the mickey ran down run down took apart taken apart took the Lord's name in vain taken the Lord's name in vain took to pieces taken to pieces regarded with disgust felt repugnance towards disliked greatly vituperated against wound up ragged on cast a slur on made jokes about had a strong aversion to goofed on felt hostility to felt aversion towards felt distaste for felt disgust for felt animosity to felt hostility towards felt disgust towards made sport of slung off at held up to shame exposed to ridicule made a monkey out of laughed out of court made someone a laughing stock poked borack

Đồng nghĩa của greatly worshipped

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