の同義語 a hurdle


A problem or difficulty that must be overcome
obstacle hindrance impediment obstruction block handicap bar encumbrance deterrent trammel stop barrier inhibition crimp snag cramp drag fetter manacle difficulty chain holdback interference baulk balk problem shackles embarrassment let clog complication hiccup hazard hamper headache uphill rub stumbling block fly in the ointment spanner in the works monkey wrench in the works drawback hitch catch restriction limitation disadvantage check restraint curb issue setback pitfall trouble catch-22 inconvenience facer burden cumber discouragement constraint defect weakness downside impedance shackle barricade blockage disbenefit brake detriment dilemma delay glitch minus millstone holdup blockade road block wall monkey wrench predicament hampering shortcoming nuisance flaw albatross joker stoppage fault pickle retardation sticking point ball and chain booby trap cumbrance quandary imperfection adversity liability hassle deficiency baggage gridlock preventive hardship rein damper blocking negative hang-up stricture blank wall roadblock hangup misfortune prevention interruption disincentive checking arrest traverse worry plight downfall crunch scrape prob jam-up lock ill dispute mess can of worms disputed point point at issue gotcha stone in one's path debit incommodity strike straitjacket gimmick lack failing disability retardment circumvention puzzler hold-up weak point weak spot bottleneck prohibition impairment load con land mine dead weight tight spot thorn in one's side millstone around your neck bond stumbling stone pale complaint circumscription confinement railing fence tribulation hobble fetters bonds bump opposition barring choking yoke pinch penalty occlusion congestion injury dissuasion privation affliction aggravation mountain to climb mountain jam checkmate afterdeal control tie disablement disorder determent psychological baggage millstone round someone's neck evil entanglement factor web development saddle debt duty guilt cross trap red tape defence defense leash preventative bridle limit fix bug knot unseen problem spot cropper trick bulwark defensive measures suppression snare monkey on back conundrum dodge ploy puzzle wile bridling curbing repression encirclement frustration shackling baulking cramping fettering holding back stifling smothering the rub retarding device cinchers joker in the pack anchor binders infarct embolus cordon closure infarction stopping halting thwarting quashing foiling vexation gremlin mix-up bother source of difficulty hot potato grievance hornets' nest source of trouble thorn in the flesh muddle vexed question question mark difficult situation interdict impasse upset blow blunder line of defense defeat slip balking embargo sublimation sabotage intervention knock bummer mishap reversal inefficacy error miscalculation mischance mistake disappointment bafflement whammy putting an end to putting an stop to nipping in the bud excess baggage foot dragging deal-breaker body blow perplexity botheration question bitter pill worriment habit count doubt squeeze disagreement bugbear one in the eye piece of bad luck kick in the teeth stroke of bad luck knock-back bit of trouble reversal of fortune negative aspect hot water consequence teething trouble box deterrence halt condition forestalling preclusion safeguard obviation snafu avoidance annoyance interception inhibitor disturbance fuss trial concern forestallment deterence discontinuance pain precaution caution disruption awkwardness unwieldiness unfitness exasperation distress untimeliness unsuitableness cumbersomeness troublesomeness uneasiness stew cross to bear curtailment protection unhandiness bothersomeness constriction rebuff woe close cutoff shutdown captivity anxiety stress disqualification security ban bind stalling precautionary measure discomfort tie-up obligation remedy boycott reduction snarl-up intimidation warning grief reverse snarl logjam preventive measure protective measure incommodiousness struggle manacles chains deadweight detention clampdown clot problems bondage ceiling taboo irritation bad news lapse disquiet restrainer unease weight constrainment agitation wet blanket unpleasantness traffic jam task timewasting filibustering obstructionism strain bone of contention elimination down layoff abeyance immobilization sit-down deduction walkout lockout downtime standstill commitment misery disgrace anticipation averting precluding deadlock slowing wait weary load buttress preemption albatross around one's neck prophylaxis break exclusion detainment remonstrance expostulation persuasion bad flip side deterring factor handicapping tailback chill put down damp holding pattern depressant cloud proscription harness narrowing backup queue immobilisation tangle gloom pall stint issues demerit moratorium veto stopping up strife depression other side of the coin interdiction turmoil deep trouble dire straits danger torment inadequacy reservation circumspection injunction modification definition qualification row sorrow onus rahui cold water interference with regression slowdown backset comedown regress bath foil bottom restricted access maximum palladium fail-safe protective shield responsibility charge mental weight blame punishment unwanted responsibility accountability hold moderation cap spoiling reverse of fortune double whammy drawing board flip-flop whole new ballgame unfortunate development about-face retardant neutralizer prophylactic irk irritant thorn peeve harassment pest aggro ruffle threshold rope order instruction deprivation pinions decrease string abridgment abridgement command nuisance value failure countering bound regulation demarcation bounds restraining order irons handcuffs cuffs scotching derailment dashing crushing incommode hair shirt tiresomeness inopportuneness extent containment border perimeter boundary crippling hindering foundering collapse snookering baffling put out bilboes tethers trammels ropes restraints tops line of demarcation cutoff point margin confine cut-off point upper limit line nonfulfillment scuppering nonfulfilment contravention unfulfillment anticipatory measure arrestment finish discontinuation expiration end surcease closedown stay cessation termination shutoff conclusion cease offset ending involvement lease chit indebtment loan bite pledge balance arrear possibility due contingency remainder contract damage Achilles heel mortgage jinx tab IOU account nonsuccess lack of success non-success bracelets gyves darbies disaster area staying restraining suspension millstone round one's neck leg irons


To overcome an obstacle or difficulty
overcome master conquer beat lick defeat vanquish best subdue overpower worst surmount dispatch skunk stop take upend surpass get overmatch triumph over prevail over overbear outdo outstrip down throw do down get around get the better of win against overwhelm trounce rout crush clobber thrash drub stuff hammer destroy demolish paste quash slaughter whip trim own excel crucify shellac walk over take to the cleaners prevail win over run rings around wipe the floor with walk all over make mincemeat of gain a victory over tank quell undo overthrow outclass pass exceed subjugate suppress get over endure resist curb weather survive floor devastate be victorious knock out reduce shock outlive bring someone to their knees oppress rise above knock your socks off render incapable stun render powerless be victorious over come out on top come out on top of grind down render win knock over blow out of the water render helpless cope with climb crest leap triumph get through vault negotiate over deal with better be unstoppable by transcend cream murder marmalize top smother kill strike spank slap about repress annihilate swamp prostrate put down snow under blow away overmaster whelm dominate squash extinguish squelch bowl over put an end to astonish daze smash check stagger dumbfound upset amaze wipe out break flatten stifle massacre crack down on control knock for six thwart trash astound end ruin stupefy pulverize tame overrun wallop stamp out blow out total stir outplay overturn frustrate humble silence take aback dazzle shake pulverise pound impress finish knock sideways confound surprise get rid of abolish subject terminate put a stop to whomp snuff out bewilder affect touch bring down gain mastery over spellbind trample move come through withstand circumvent give someone a drubbing subordinate bear down beat down give someone a hiding nip in the bud put the kibosh on turn inside out put away clamp down on slap down topple bury outshine beat hollow confuse quench slam unseat flabbergast awe skin outperform ride out sink solve take care of strike dumb outwit outlast demoralize startle shut down eradicate wreck take your breath away bust go one better than defeat utterly humiliate pacify rule cane demoralise outmanoeuvre outrun cap torpedo drop distress fascinate knock for a loop bedazzle outmaneuver leave speechless bomb subvert gain control of wax bridle deck hypnotize overawe live through pull through put paid to stand lambaste stand up to do in find a solution to find an answer to resolve sweep someone off their feet do better than run rings round pip at the post shatter disturb crack oust put out hegemonize put in the shade baffle smoke eclipse whup tyrannize depose extirpate whop excite whap render speechless pommel slay disconcert dust zap eliminate tromp butcher trump dethrone checkmate overshadow hypnotise brave outsmart dismay outdistance rock obliterate sort out discomfit get a grip on waste dumfound razzle-dazzle suffer stick out thunderstrike overtop arrest break down win out decimate gain ascendancy over outmatch outgun knock off tan overtake tyrannise paralyse be the victor bear up against win a resounding victory over numb pick apart abash shake up tower over blast paralyze find the answer to find the solution to edge out KO put to shame carry the day keep down take it all mow down bring to ruin run circles around take the crown foil hold down put the lid on knock down put someone in their place make a fool of do away with knock the stuffing out of restrain govern succeed manage dispirit enslave seize sap ride weaken persecute annex traumatize command downgrade degrade abuse defeat heavily outfox cow out-think blind nonplus handle chasten appropriate get the upper hand whack steamroll expose maltreat strangle steamroller whitewash unsettle outjockey occupy puzzle undermine surprize flog enervate edge dismantle coerce force outrival outrage get round supplant cripple enfeeble demote gain scotch gain the victory finish first entrap outjump outflank ambush route shipwreck outhit flax win through flummox deaden lower get to rule over blur bear wrong fell capture traumatise abase outpace bring to heel come out ahead exterminate crack down perturb plow under work over override bemuse muddle petrify hit for six make it vaporize weed out shame scourge nose out be successful improve on bring to knees level annexe chagrin bulldoze treat bring under the yoke hold sway over finish off run roughshod over win a victory over take down make it through come through unscathed take off vaporise knock spots off come first take the honours inhibit take over give someone a pasting take out last out sit out take to cleaners roll back bear down on cast down trample underfoot trample on tyrannize over shake off fake out shoot ahead stem prevail against pull down tear down sit on bear the brunt of hit like a ton of bricks blot out block out rule with an iron hand pwn take possession of rule with a rod of iron contend with blow your mind take the prize stick it out grapple with shoot down bring low persist nullify enchant captivate defeat easily make emotional regulate immobilize immobilise direct weather storm intimidate grind blow glitz capsize turn over cut to pieces balk curtail scrunch squish get control of outrank settle beat up quelch ice improve upon greatly upset prevent disable outfight succeed over overpass suffocate remove banish expunge perplex get one up on mop up take apart colonize gain the advantage over sweep off feet make it past domineer over make it over psych gobsmack befog benumb baulk wear down clamp down put an stop to bring to screeching halt enthrall compel underyoke befuddle disorder fuddle addle distract mystify dizzy take by surprise force down dampen hose unthrone uncrown wipe off map limit hinder colonise enthral execute smash down pour cold water on throttle rein in gain control over throw cold water on depress be better than unhorse dwarf upstage incapacitate disrate impair get the upper hand over gain the upper hand over mix up shoot ahead of hold sway kick around make speechless stop someone in their tracks remove from power remove from office discontinue impoverish assassinate throw for a loop sweep halt liquidate keep under thumb reel back in lead ail deject trouble dishearten asphyxiate outwear put lid on keep inside cut off keep in put kibosh on drive underground interrupt bottle clamp hold in shush bring to naught spike psych out address expropriate field appal snow outvie tower above cook trip maneuver discourage sadden devitalize diminish daunt horrify manoeuvre see through pull out of it tough out make a comeback land on your feet recover from live out pass through break through tackle secure usurp offend revolt disgust gain on leave behind play sicken nauseate scandalize dispose of bowl down throw down trip up set down throw to the ground rugby-tackle knock to the ground bring to the ground invade manipulate cause instability debilitate bother weary get to grips with take in hand hit fog disquiet jolt agitate acquire spoil demean hack rub out bump off choke get ahead of go one better draw away from leave standing repel debase gain a victory win hands down get last laugh take the cake gain mastery of bash disgrace carry off take someone's life hijack pirate arrogate commandeer weigh down bum out dull damp down get further ahead of be head and shoulders above pull a fast one be one up on blow out of water walk away from score points off be a cut above bring around tolerate brook give the coup de grâce administer the coup de grâce drive to the wall move in for the kill unnerve displease provoke discompose mortify lather swing ravage put out of action jar appall sustain wear abide confiscate desolate queer belittle antagonize anger cast a pall over put a damper on submit take control of dishonor cheapen discredit raze scandalise antagonise electrify insult hold out against deflate pop one's balloon snub bemean make someone eat humble pie make someone eat crow dishonour bring down a peg cause to lose face cut down to size embarrass preempt take down a peg settle someone's hash foul make one feel small put one away fix someone's wagon smirch take down a peg or two make eat dirt force to eat humble pie cut to the quick bring home the bacon topscore deliver the goods give offence to throw a curve raise someone's eyebrows gross out shake out of your complacency hit like ton of bricks take the wind out of your sails completely surprise give a turn make someone's blood run cold set someone back on their heels wrack gut dynamite crash reign overrule put up with be impermeable to die hard against hold out hang tough be proof against be impervious to stay the course persevere against persist with be resistant to explode smite nuke break up be the winner edge the opposition achieve success take first prize beat the opposition pull it off reign supreme defenestrate dislodge eject ill-treat lay claim to cook one's goose fix one's wagon wipe off the mat trick outthink overreach outslick fox raze to the ground blow to bits mutilate ravish spoliate blow sky-high mess up maim blow to pieces blow up maraud imperil endanger exploit gain victory be first upset the opposition overwhelm the opposition achieve first place achieve mastery domineer prove carry treat harshly sink the opposition have hoodwink cheat con outgeneral gyp bamboozle dupe defraud jip hoax finagle juke goose outguess mislead swindle deceive gull make liable put in danger lay open put through encumber overload saddle beset be cruel to aggrieve press harass torture worry tyrranize harry hound strain handicap be brutal to plague annoy despotize torment vex tax gain ascendancy gain mastery prove superior finish in front win the day overcome the opposition make a clean sweep run circles around the opposition come in first defeat the opposition sweep the board toughen make out luck out be usual get there carry all before one go places be happening gain the palm exist generally move out pick on ride roughshod over put upon harden season weigh heavy upon put screws to put the squeeze on go great guns hit pay dirt erode coarsen acclimate make rings round end run put one over on figure out lead astray be cleverer than take in pull a fast one on steal a march on sweep over grow strong become toughened grow hardened


To enclose or hem in (on all sides)
confine enclose encircle surround circumscribe encompass bound ring compass gird corral kettle fix straiten constrain hinder shut in hem in fence in box in close in hedge in mew up pen in rail in box up pen up hold back cage immure coop impound coop up imprison envelop hedge house incarcerate encase trap include intern closet encage inclose lock in lock up box wall in pen case mew capture hold captive keep cage in hold in girdle circle border environ skirt wreathe fringe edge shut up embrace hold cut off engird jail contain detain blockade gaol round rim put under lock and key circumvent enwreath hold prisoner put inside pound hem wall flank frame limit orbit circuit enfold bottle up loop beset put away margin belt cincture put behind bars begird seal off form a barrier round form a ring around ring round restrain remand fence store cover mure commit delimit jug circumnavigate outline besiege take prisoner set go around beleaguer send down cordon off fence off take into custody put in prison invest block off send to prison clap in irons verge put in chains bind protect mew in entrap shelter sheathe block wrap line keep within bounds retain restrict put in jail throw into irons put into irons form a ring round move around keep safe mount catch circulate tour coil circumduct go round ensphere frame in set in a frame arrest possess take away corner trammel stockade bastille halo band gird in enring ring in ice take in send up hold in custody keep captive bang up put in irons put into detention detain at Her Majesty's pleasure hold hostage keep in custody lock away demarcate establish drive into a corner pin down determine decide specify stipulate identify designate settle delineate classify shut away seclude inter cloister entomb distinguish demark prescribe detail mark curb set the limits of set the boundaries of set out mark off lay down terminate stake out set bounds to define mark out siege enwreathe throng close in on enclave inundate lay siege to close around


To move quickly
gallop run race dash shoot sprint career fly rush speed bolt canter dart tear hurry scamper hasten hurtle zoom hare lope scud scurry streak belt frisk jog pelt prance scoot trip trot bomb stampede whip zip amble charge course go like lighting hotfoot it jump leap leg it pace rack spring stride barrel along go like the wind tear along go like a bat out of hell barrel hie scuttle boogie flash buzz blast whirl whizz drive post bustle whisk hustle bucket go hell for leather bound rocket motor travel careen step bundle blaze breeze bowl blow rip jet hurl rustle scramble cannonball nip chase highball clip go like lightning hump burn rubber wheech sweep ram fleet get the lead out zap crack on hightail go like the clappers shift scutter whoosh swoop get a move on wing cut along step on it hightail it whiz scorch spank along lay rubber flit make haste get cracking put on some speed skip haste hotfoot go fast pound bowl along rattle along dive plunge steam roll move hop speed up bounce jogtrot beetle go dogtrot put your foot down hurry up push spurt flee burn fling skedaddle lollop dance double vroom gambol hop it lunge surge frolic sail accelerate quicken dispatch boil move quickly ride lose no time make tracks fast-track go like a bomb shake a leg really move get your skates on caper romp yeet go quickly progress cannon waltz proceed smoke press on skim get moving bullet break expedite lash press stir one's stumps step on gas whip along go like a bullet cover ground move along escape abscond decamp depart dog it clear out get out cut and run beat it plough storm crack be quick launch oneself throw oneself go headlong tool go at top speed swoosh push on skitter outstrip plow pass skirr walk run very fast start run slowly tear out whistle flow stream gush vault flutter go jogging get traverse catapult whish burst bestir beeline sally put foot spur cascade pass by move forward move rapidly go by put on a burst of speed express launch pitch heave float thrust rush headlong slip away be off like a shot pour book it chuck it down dig in make time get a wiggle on gather momentum belt along go briskly step lively drift climb shuffle crawl run like mad plunge ahead turn on steam bomb along gear up bowl over go all out make short work of move fast waste no time whip around not lose a minute take wing slide buck move like greased lightning flood sloosh tumble bob pump move apace glide make off rush off speed away light out run lightly cavort sport rollick curvet capriole tread lightly pounce saltate journey jockey sit cycle tour cruise be carried hitch a ride thumb a ride be borne be supported be conveyed make a run for it rush at make it snappy get on it gust roar fuss lurch wind rage take flight jostle go faster leave get faster swirl pick up speed bluster skite stir flurry march coast slip kite run off run away wash dust retreat bug out split vamoose scat increase speed gather speed advance pass quickly make oneself scarce pick up the pace rev up take off step up pile patter barge propel roll along run fast pop shove blow fiercely steamroller blitz railroad rush around scatter waft thrill hop along step along go away exhale circulate flourish go rapidly drive fast flicker billow eddy descend plummet drop well up brandish flick surge through startle duck dodge head tear up the miles go at breakneck speed go like greased lightning flitter go along show quickly stomp spin swish twist seethe churn nosedive run out flirt smooth along stoop stalk gee up play stamp flounce scram beat a retreat turn tail contend strive squirt puff squall swing strike attack fall tear around skidoo run for it clear off scarper fall upon make for set upon make hover vie hook it skip off levant rev buzz around brush move suddenly dip run round in circles fly down peel out make a break for it head for the hills make a quick exit cut out beat a hasty retreat set out set forth aim cut head off set off make a break steer bear veer jab prod poke stride angrily scrabble go through shoot through fly the coop show a clean pair of heels do a fade do a bunk kick rocks take a powder do a runner get lost gain momentum move faster tilt continue move past drive faster tilt at put on a spurt open it up jockey for position get a wriggle on step on the gas open up the throttle put pedal to metal put on afterburners peel rubber open up put on speed

の反対語 a hurdle

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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