Đồng nghĩa của over indulgently

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Adverb for tending to indulge excessively
luxuriously hedonistically sybaritically decadently indulgently intemperately immoderately dissipatedly debauchedly excessively greedily sensually extravagantly hedonically unrestrainedly profligately dissolutely licentiously voluptuously prodigally highly lavishly easily pleasurably plushily effetely depravedly corruptly degenerately pervertedly immorally wickedly sinfully degradedly wantonly rakishly abandonedly perversely unwholesomely unprincipledly sickly loosely uncleanly evilly shamelessly louchely impurely lewdly lasciviously unchastely lecherously vilely badly sordidly basely lustfully promiscuously fastly libidinously indecently viciously disreputably dishonourably obscenely rottenly corruptedly carnally pruriently dishonorably pervily iniquitously nefariously coarsely amorally wildly salaciously dirtily concupiscently ungodlily lowly villainously unsavourily unsavorily unrighteously lubriciously improperly twistedly despicably ignobly profanely immodestly dishonestly unhealthily kinkily randily hornily goatishly disgustingly criminally unscrupulously meanly crookedly lickerishly wrongly grossly unethically wrongfully shadily swingingly unnaturally sleazily vulgarly unconstrainedly lawlessly carelessly passionately blasphemously irresponsibly hotly ribaldly hypersexually itchily abnormally imprudently unlawfully darkly waywardly barbarously deviously incontinently unfairly recklessly contemptibly dodgily infamously unconscionably nastily riotously raffishly unrefinedly consciencelessly retrogradely unholily frivolously impiously uncontrolledly foully heedlessly foolhardily raunchily retrogressively sacrilegiously fraudulently irreverently fleshlily atheistically roguishly godlessly untrustworthily wolfishly erotically irreligiously mercenarily filthily whorishly monstrously unworthily unvirtuously heinously deceitfully avariciously bestially brutally dubiously incorrigibly underhandedly abjectly shiftily scandalously seedily simoniacally shamefully craftily hatefully feloniously venally delinquently sinisterly maliciously openly drunkenly slipperily malevolently perniciously schemingly spitefully slily inexorably objectionably vindictively exploitatively scrofulously virulently lightly two-facedly crudely inferiorly aberrantly corruptibly rapaciously uncontrollably gluttonously inconstantly morbidly lusciously lushly sadistically grotesquely naughtily smuttily obsoletely abasedly misguidedly graspingly impertinently brashly carefreely audaciously sensuously animally unrulily laxly desirously scabrously relaxedly disorderlily sexually knavishly unregenerately unprofessionally rudely boorishly banefully flagitiously deleteriously outrageously underhandly demonically contemptuously errantly rancorously vengefully forbiddingly questionably blackly venereally unbelievingly agnostically sceptically ruttishly unjustly delightfully appealingly attractively enticingly desirably pleasingly wastefully slackly harshly heathenly heretically faithlessly paganly excitingly unreservedly gratuitously wretchedly shoddily cheaply squalidly temerariously heathenishly idolatrously treacherously gracelessly ignominiously tawdrily pornographically bawdily undisciplinedly iconoclastically religionlessly nonreligiously diabolically paltrily servilely execrably abominably discreditably currishly snidely detestably undevoutly repugnantly scurvily abhorrently skeptically unspiritually poorly distastefully calculatedly covetously undignifiedly inequitably inhumanly low-mindedly

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Adverb for kind or lenient, often to excess
softly leniently tolerantly forgivingly indulgently compassionately clemently liberally permissively laxly charitably benignly benignantly easily gently kindly mercifully lightly mildly obligingly softheartedly sympathetically tenderly generously forbearingly graciously undemandingly complaisantly compliantly yieldingly tender-heartedly weakly bonelessly soft-heartedly spinelessly loosely unrestrictedly freely accommodatingly agreeably acquiescently nonjudgmentally approvingly open-mindedly broad-mindedly kindlily benevolently considerately humanely understandingly magnanimously kind-heartedly thoughtfully amiably good-naturedly beneficently friendlily kindheartedly genially philanthropically caringly helpfully patiently altruistically pleasantly unselfishly affably amicably warm-heartedly goodly nicely warmly cordially moderately warmheartedly big-heartedly good-heartedly bigheartedly congenially sociably tenderheartedly munificently good-humoredly good-humouredly large-heartedly mellowly decently hospitably bigly greatheartedly goodheartedly politely lovingly bountifully sweetly bounteously sparingly unstintingly responsively feelingly affectionately cheerfully empathetically lavishly sensitively empathically nobly humbly favourably lovably likeably delightfully engagingly favorably unsparingly likably selflessly calmly peacefully openhandedly freehandedly high-mindedly loftily civilly honourably reasonably open-handedly lovelily supportively fairly justly honestly honorably casually humanly unassumingly personably courteously temperately happily eleemosynarily respectfully openly commiseratively angelically acceptingly accessibly ungrudgingly maternally excellently willingly naturally chivalrously amenably unreservedly modestly peaceably fondly urbanely sensibly charmingly outgoingly relaxedly profusely carefreely jovially dotingly gregariously longanimously stoically solicitously unpresumptuously prepossessingly winsomely prodigally freeheartedly fulsomely unflappably pietistically openheartedly moralistically deferentially equitably ruthfully self-effacingly familiarly concernedly comfortingly dutifully harmlessly nonchalantly righteously regardfully cooperatively gallantly receptively acceptably pitifully vulnerably accommodatively appealingly immaculately obediently enchantingly captivatingly takingly winningly appreciatively Christianly cheerily expansively encouragingly carefully wonderfully ingratiatingly heartily companionably mushily demurely holily inoffensively pharisaically creditably unerringly spotlessly understandably piteously properly unpretentiously emolliently perceptively reassuringly chirpily informally docilely unceremoniously attentively propitiously tactfully unoffensively pleasingly wholesomely uncomplainingly quietly chastely pristinely gracefully confidentially sentimentally resignedly closely heroically greatly conscientiously respectably ethically virtuously uprightly valiantly principledly highly morally perkily intimately convivially socially coolly subduedly placably diffidently abundantly amply breezily seemlily manageably measuredly prayerfully virginally unblamably unambitiously unobtrusively meekly conciliatorily passively harmoniously readily unconstrainedly uninhibitedly pacifically tractably decorously mindfully plentifully well-meaningly plenteously handsomely unaffectedly diplomatically

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Adverb for unreasonable or inappropriate in magnitude
inordinately excessively immoderately extravagantly exorbitantly extremely steeply unconscionably stiffly unreasonably lavishly plethorically intolerably insanely disproportionately extortionately outrageously toweringly devilishly fancily unwarrantedly overweeningly intemperately preposterously unrestrainedly unmercifully unnecessarily baroquely needlessly superfluously unmeasurably wantonly unjustifiably unrestrictedly dizzyingly gratuitously wastefully overabundantly unlimitedly unwarrantably irrationally supererogatorily uncontrolledly unbridledly profligately prodigally imprudently unjustifiedly egregiously wildly enormously exaggeratedly recklessly violently debauchedly dissipatively heavily unboundedly severely uninhibitedly dissipatedly rampantly astronomically riotously decadently passionately uncontrollably profusely boundlessly abandonedly dissolutely tempestuously rawly indiscriminately immensely limitlessly improvidently superly vastly substantially grandiosely tremendously grossly ungovernably incontinently fantastically indulgently hugely prodigiously immeasurably monumentally redundantly infinitely monstrously massively stupendously greedily supernaturally ridiculously whoppingly sillily epically gigantically giantly gargantuanly extensively mountainously thumpingly stratospherically colossally mightily superabundantly unfetteredly overgenerously ludicrously unfairly unjustly highly unacceptably improperly fulsomely largely inexcusably indefensibly inappropriately groundlessly unprovokedly wrongly prohibitively criminally pompously pretentiously exactingly unmeritedly overly effusively gushingly bigly appallingly undeservedly elaborately inconceivably unforgivably unseemlily unpardonably unsuitably unbecomingly unlawfully bloatedly ill-advisedly aboundingly exceedingly unyieldingly unrelentingly unmitigatedly unreservedly gushily dearly punitively unthinkably illogically ungodlily barbarously shockingly consciencelessly sneakily wickedly knavishly unholily reprehensibly horrifyingly ginormously copiously greatly significantly additionally voluminously amply considerably sizeably sizably extraordinarily abundantly inessentially substantively thickly incredibly troublesomely causelessly unfoundedly healthily majorly seriously handsomely avoidably senselessly baselessly unreasoningly carelessly brutishly unessentially ambitiously ostentatiously imposingly unusually abnormally immodestly boldly audaciously labouredly laboredly irregularly unsupportably bottomlessly assumedly reasonlessly affectedly melodramatically theatrically stagily sensationalistically forcedly greyly magnificently showily commandingly overelaborately camply imperiously impressively grayly wrongfully heroically adventurously zealously grandly fancifully unrightfully arbitrarily

Trái nghĩa của over indulgently

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