の同義語 not all it's cracked up to be


Not up to a satisfactory standard
disappointing inadequate unsatisfactory inferior insufficient lame poor underwhelming deficient mediocre pathetic pitiful substandard anticlimactic sorry duff ropy rubbish unacceptable unfulfilling unsatisfying unworthy bathetic disagreeable displeasing distasteful failing ineffective uninteresting disillusioning second-rate below par falling short not good enough not much cop not up to scratch not up to snuff bad deplorable lousy lamentable crummy wretched rotten shoddy awful terrible dissatisfactory dreadful dire miserable sad defective dismal imperfect abysmal execrable subpar suboptimal appalling crumby faulty wanting low-grade paltry junky punk atrocious shabby regrettable horrible diabolical distressing wrong disgraceful weak rubbishy laughable undesirable trashy bush unfortunate woeful wack hopeless off crude bush-league abject frightful shameful unsuitable not up to par egregious third-rate cheap sour disastrous below standard intolerable useless low-quality feeble schlocky abominable unsound ill sucky tenth-rate unwelcome below average nasty unlucky bum objectionable jerry-built pitiable pants ill-advised gimcrack lacking meager unpleasant grotty less-than-stellar meagre direful damaged not up to standard offensive inept unpalatable reprehensible no good unpopular poor-quality upsetting tatty unfavorable unfavourable worthless blameworthy undesired trumpery schlock grievous chronic calamitous inadmissible contemptible unwanted low unimpressive under par cheapjack piddling horrendous subnormal godawful too bad a load of pants cruddy odious tinny god-awful second rate from hunger inappropriate harsh bitter unsavory inopportune icky unpleasing shocking unsavoury grim untoward craptacular common cheesy coarse obnoxious wicked sleazy tragic poxy repellent base trifling amiss stinking incompetent junk lemon cut-rate low-rent disturbing disquieting minimal bargain-basement impaired ignominious el cheapo inconsiderable insignificant insubstantial derisory catastrophic rueful half-baked no-good not satisfying ghastly not acceptable bungling tragical heartrending unhappy heartbreaking distressful dissatisfying outrageous low quality afflictive regretful inefficient reduced limited heinous impotent little flawed ineffectual cheap and nasty gross impermissible insufferable yukky yucky uncongenial unlovely rejected disconcerting iniquitous restricted inappreciable sparing mean sketchy patchy unrefined unpolished pits unbearable excluded horrid less than ideal a pity nefarious not up to expectations leaving much to be desired foolish-looking silly ridiculous absurd hideous ludicrous beastly cataclysmic affecting glaring grave exceptionable annoying ill-favoured minor league small potatoes minor-league flagrant repulsive under-strength unwished for unwished-for flagitious repugnant found wanting vile for the birds no great shakes leaving a lot to be desired not wanted foul too little ill-favored unattractive improper unbefitting not okay scant bereft indecorous infelicitous injudicious tactless unbecoming inexpedient inapt unseemly dodgy amateurish garbage cheapo dubious questionable damnable undue unsuited insupportable scurrilous condemnable out irremediable indefensible inacceptable reject second-class ill-suited two-bit poor quality ill-considered ill-timed of poor quality of low quality won't do not on valueless middling weak sauce tawdry flimsy tacky very bad detestable loathsome sordid ratty average seedy God-awful sub-par hellacious thin dime-a-dozen unbelievable implausible unconvincing rough revolting ordinary not up to much dirty despicable inconceivable bleak horrifying tenuous unpersuasive squalid incredible uncomfortable good-for-nothing grubby bodger grungy pedestrian hack dilapidated disgusting improbable scurvy run-down downmarket shallow ramshackle scruffy indifferent unexceptional troublesome troubling monstrous severe forbidding horrific impoverished déclassé gruesome stressful excruciating doleful poorer unsettling torturous difficult slipshod abhorrent neglected godforsaken hairy vapid dingy nightmarish discomforting worrisome irksome disreputable fraught tame unspeakable cruel flat tinhorn the pits agonizing daunting traumatic perturbing sick hostile gloomy threadbare depressing sombre piteous agitating tumbledown cheerless galling broken-down uninspired lackluster lacklustre unlikely poverty-stricken unsubstantial poorly sickening low-end somber tormenting grisly macabre troublous frightening doubtful painful nauseous dishonorable rundown dishonourable slight hard scabby faint dreary decrepit brutal discreditable run down agonising vicious far-fetched suspect desolate forlorn drab half-pie bloodless spiritless uninviting drear mangy nauseating half-hearted glum ailing anemic dumpy inane low-down tatterdemalion solemn comfortless anaemic scrubby depressive awkward superficial scummy timeworn harrowing frail pale untenable repellant petty piss-poor tattered puny scandalous ignoble unsightly stark savage oppressed grody naff degenerate vulgar insipid hurtful bland illogical unimaginative thrown together down at heel ugly snide currish cheap-jack beat-up twopenny-halfpenny careless dog-eared moth-eaten slummy down-at-the-heels bombed-out unreasonable down-at-heel weakly crook wishy-washy disheartening lifeless sickly hateful sullen morose makeshift low-minded vague commonplace rickety senseless joyless gaudy desperate unwell depressed clumsy sneaking transparent fragile filthy alarming off-colour inexpert corrupt unkempt bedraggled off colour out of sorts remote fanciful indigent pitiless ruthless merciless insalubrious parlous tired fatuous cheapie servile worn-out badly built pallid off-color rinky-dink frivolous of a sort harmful preposterous critical irrational dull distressed wishful a dime a dozen negligent uncultured groundless etiolated dark measly faded colourless hollow lowbrow unsophisticated negligible trivial discouraging lurid queasy powerless catchpenny characterless immoral destitute scuzzy garbagy enervated serious colorless shaky indisposed slim strictly for the birds slovenly nauseated unstable unprincipled sorrowful tender fantastic specious nonsensical inglorious sepulchral scungy prosaic end-of-the-pier unrealistic perilous fishy slender mournful corny anguished menial tremendous incredulous uncompelling incomplete airy risky pointless stupid distant lonesome elegiacal derelict fallacious slapdash unexciting decaying low cost decayed run-of-the-mill worrying evil infamous meretricious noisome wacky nutty not good morbid debased dishonest undistinguished degraded rancid droopy dud blah jerrybuilt from hell crass gut-wrenching scarcely credible skanky ruinous outside unthinkable unimaginable disgustful loathly hard to believe not convincing vacuous hard to swallow down-and-out kitsch scroungy pinchbeck Brummagem brassy raunchy knocked together entry-level bottom-rung under the weather difficult to believe two a penny dime-store beyond contempt worse for wear fumbling vigourless inexcusable phony second-best cheeseball weak-kneed unskilful low-class unfashionable wanky unforgivable ungrounded baseless lesser second class halfhearted broken throwaway ropey dicey tinpot shlock shlocky brummagem twopenny overwhelming unpardonable unconscionable bogus nugatory plastic pretentious phoney light worse derisible controvertible commiserable low in quality backwards poopy sinful unscrupulous hellish rebarbative in poor condition scrappy outclassed well below par dangerous unjustifiable downer bummer erroneous diddly depraved small-time minor disadvantaged deprived bad quality criminal opprobrious not cutting it precarious acute hazardous reprobate dissolute not the best bad news maladroit tough oppressive despisable disdainable austere third string second string second fiddle humble slavish shambly unmaintained small cowardly to be pitied threatening short ragtag sparse off-form messy very poor rugged stinky trying ragged inhospitable sloppy crumbling shacky ominous sticky gunky gungy rank mucky a dead loss villainous hateworthy needy debauched worn fantastical onerous unable to do something for toffee swinish beyond the pale beggarly outcast frayed burdensome slumlike dishevelled disheveled indelicate plebeian lowly decadent impure seamy unconceivable strained sinister marginal heavy iffy dour taxing ponderous labored laboured forced underprivileged adverse louche sleazoid avaricious ruined exiguous dumbed down deteriorated stiff irredeemable irretrievable strange full of it cock-and-bull beyond belief hard to take botched fumbled deteriorating inauspicious inhuman self-seeking mercenary calculated venal covetous bleached waxlike haggard pasty gray white waxen wan grey livid sallow ashen dim ashy whitish cadaverous spectral deathlike washed-out doughy watery blanched fulsome obscene noxious peaky tiny faltering degenerated festy weighty ghetto shanty ghost disfigured bare slum-like uncared-for gone to rack and ruin pot cure injurious searing yucko gnarly liverish unnerving discomposing humourless humorless sober irritating mortifying murderous not expected not likely hundred-to-one hardhanded piecemeal contradictory nebulous farfetched unsubstantiated inconclusive vexatious sedate unendurable backbreaking far faraway outlying wabbit funny treacherous very unpleasant peaked saddening unappealing afflicting uncool gone to seed all the worse for wear sick-making hefty fiendish scarce peculiar skid row rough going incongruous spurious impossible puzzling unsustainable unsupportable false invalid irreconcilable obscure concerning indecisive infernal fair boring peakish disconsolate tedious dry banal dizzy patchwork shameless giddy waterish downcast dejected illegitimate unreasoning nonrational unfounded unreasoned reachy vain inconsequent inconsequential problematic passable moderate lightheaded untidy melancholy so-so nerve-racking nail-biting heart-rending off-putting heart-breaking extremely bad nerve-wracking uncharitable wilting flagging wilted drooping wearisome stale trite heartbroken medium dastardly light-headed washed out green about the gills not oneself peely-wally down crestfallen debilitated lewd won't hold water full of holes won't wash off the wall self-contradictory tolerable middle-of-the-road craven woebegone inconsolable downhearted unchivalrous infirm reproachful jejune uninspiring workaday everyday adequate unwise sorrowing grieving melancholic mourning pieced together jerry-rigged ill-constructed unhealthy unremarkable lustreless monotonous limp devastated blue despairing unpromising run-of-the-mine OK unimportant forgettable run-of-mine immaterial bog-standard vanilla amateur fair-to-middling weakened languid saddened brokenhearted tiresome humdrum imprudent impractical funereal heavyhearted despondent lonely choked heartsick hangdog heartsore dolorous sapped enfeebled incapacitated dreich lugubrious saturnine sterile hackneyed namby-pamby ho-hum milk-and-water not so hot of no consequence nothing to write home about plain vanilla not very good gutted sunless plutonian tenebrous black tenebrific elegiac wimpish wimpy valetudinarian doddering crippled simpleminded mindless misguided naive rash foolish reckless hacky barren prosy afflicted helpless bummed hapless dispirited mirthless hurting downtrodden wasted vitiated effete nesh sensitive asthenic prostrate susceptible prostrated mundane arid nothing driveling beige weariful soft drivelling nebbish innocuous plain subdued dry as dust grief-stricken broken-hearted cast down uncultivated uncouth rude ill-mannered trembly strengthless doddery delicate sapless low-spirited cut up in the pits down in the mouth long-faced brainless irresponsible asinine witless unintelligent idiotic thoughtless Cimmerian chap-fallen down in the dumps common or garden boorish uncivilized impolite in poor health kooky harebrained foolhardy short-sighted mad featherbrained aberrant roughneck tasteless unmannered clodhopping incult oafish unladylike cloddish churlish ungentlemanly lowbred raffish illiberal uncivilised rough-hewn brutish slobbish mannerless graceless unmannerly ill-bred

の反対語 not all it's cracked up to be

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