Trái nghĩa của greatly wish

Danh từ

(mass noun) Opposite of a goal or set of goals planned ahead of time

Danh từ

Opposite of something that is wished for, or considered desirable

Danh từ

Opposite of a fanciful mental image, typically based on one's conscious or unconscious wishes

Danh từ

Opposite of that which is intended, such as an aim or a goal

Danh từ

Opposite of the thing that one desires or ordains

Danh từ

Opposite of an impulse or desire, especially one of a whimsical kind

Danh từ

Opposite of denotes one's preference or right to choose

Danh từ

Opposite of a formal indication of a choice between two or more candidates or courses of action

Danh từ

Opposite of a pressing requirement

Danh từ

Opposite of an aim, intention or purpose

Động từ

(spurn) Opposite of to feel or express a strong desire or hope for something that is not currently in existence

Động từ

(abhor) Opposite of to feel or express a strong desire or hope for something that is not currently in existence

Động từ

Opposite of to bestow (a thought or gesture) towards (someone or something)

Động từ

Opposite of to have intentions for a given outcome

Động từ

Opposite of to require (something) as rightfully due or appropriate in the circumstances

Động từ

Opposite of have a strong desire for something

Động từ

Opposite of to attempt to pass off a counterfeit or inferior product as genuine

Đồng nghĩa của greatly wish

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