Đồng nghĩa của a tunnel

Danh từ

A large, naturally-occurring cavity formed underground, or in the face of a cliff or a hillside

Danh từ

Place to cross a river

Danh từ

An aperture or opening through a surface or barrier
hole opening gap break aperture breach orifice crack rent space outlet perforation puncture split vent rift chink fissure fracture leak slot void cleft cut gash hiatus rupture tear crevice discontinuity eyelet foramen gulf incision interstice interval keyhole lacuna notch passage peephole separation slit window cranny loophole nick spyhole vacuity mouth run chasm rip cavity slash check crevasse pinhole cleavage groove prick division pore laceration abyss ladder inlet eye divide spout punch snag pinprick stab scission hollow rime rima flaw chip crater ravine eyehole channel fault nook tatter rimation knothole wound recess escape grike precipice blank judas damage interspace schism pit canyon gorge gulch clove scratch empty space grommet duct disjunction scuttle tube jag nip bergschrund niche open space defile gully omission parting interruption indentation furrow armhole narrow opening squint embrasure crazing placket dent snick clough chimney arroyo small opening ripping splitting cracking tearing breadth judas hole arrow slit casement exit amplitude headway blank space pause compass jab lesion blowhole avenue port breather vent hole hole-in-the-wall booth abysm deep hole black hole bottomless pit injury graze trauma abrasion scrape score traumatism contusion sore bruise mutilation mark gouge burst blowout hurt harm pierce scarification carving dissection hack scotch slice displacement severance splinter dissolution hairline fracture kerf rabbet shave snip twinge split-up partition detachment herniation scuff chafe ulcer knife wound swelling affliction sprain breaking ruination splintering smashing wreckage deterioration surface injury sting hemorrhage haemorrhage scraped area breakage deformation shock cramp pang scar bite blemish ruined goods rive

Danh từ

An underground system of tunnels and chambers with recesses for graves, used (in former times) as a cemetery

Động từ

To dig a passage or hole (through a barrier)
dig burrow bore drill excavate mine channel penetrate dig your way scoop out dig out hollow out delve shovel scoop gouge cut gouge out cut out sap hollow quarry grub undermine scrape trench dig down sink dredge groove dig up pit open up undercut cut away empty spade open expose cut through punch pierce perforate drive create make puncture hoe plow tunnel under dig under burrow under extract prick ream riddle bulldoze rout depress root rake gorge ditch furrow unearth plough enter turn sift concave deepen hew draw remove put dent notch corrugate rut rabbet dish indent work pan carve out drill hole strip-mine dig for scratch chisel claw hack score gash incise engrave mark burrow out chisel out hack out scrape out claw out scratch out cut into stab spike lance stick impale gore hole spear skewer make a hole in jab slit bore through transfix probe transpierce thrust pink drill through spit harpoon rupture nick tap permeate knife bayonet punch holes in put holes in run through break through stick into pin honeycomb needle lacerate break pick peck pervade breach wound slice slash bore a hole in make a hole break in thrust through slice open bore into go through make holes in pass through broach jag embed put a hole in burst make a wound in intrude upon punch through split stick in rent cut open slice into drive through suffuse interpenetrate transfuse pepper cut a hole in drill a hole in sink in pop in insert into sink into eat through run into poke full of holes shoot full of holes damage mar infest percolate into impair poke spoil corrupt crack cleave intrude press crack open stamp

Động từ

To dig or poke about, especially in soil, in search of something
grub dig excavate burrow shovel delve dredge root explore probe spade poke sift through rake through grub about poke about poke around scratch about scratch around search ransack rummage in rummage look search through scour hunt through fossick rummage around in ferret in forage rummage round in rummage about in rootle scrabble ferret out grub about in sift burrow in dig in grub around in gouge out inquire scoop out scrabble about in scratch go through rootle around in leave no stone unturned ferret about in poke about in turn inside out jump into seek turn upside down root around in dig deep fossick through fish about in enquire rifle through scrabble around in really get into trowel prospect dig deeper root about in roust around in ferret around in fish around in unearth poke around in investigate examine scrutinize research inspect hunt scrutinise check out look into consider appraise survey grope comb rifle rake fish fiddle dig through go into shake down ferret ponder review parse ferret around understand audit winnow troll skirr contextualize contextualise jumble toss disturb sort through disorder disarrange shake disorganize disarray fumble disrupt spy delve in dowse mine scout pan reconnoitre drill turn over reconnoiter beat the bushes mix up search high heaven mess up ferret about fiddle about in look through look high and low vet go after make a survey of scan analyse study make enquiries snoop check up on analyze question query check pry conduct an enquiry search high and low dig down suss out seek an answer find out go over subject to an examination

Động từ

Lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of, especially gradually or insidiously
undermine weaken sabotage subvert threaten damage hurt impair compromise disable injure cripple diminish reduce ruin sap enfeeble hinder impede mar spoil botch shake debilitate disempower eat away whittle away attenuate blunt challenge corrode demoralise demoralize dent destabilise destabilize dig emasculate foil foul up frustrate mine sandbag soften thwart torpedo wear wreck dig out drag through the mud hollow out chip away at clip one's wings queer the pitch of poke full of holes knock the bottom out of put the kibosh on throw a monkey wrench in the works of throw a spanner in the works of harm destroy vitiate lessen blemish break blight erode tarnish decrease disrupt enervate deface disfigure debase flaw endamage crab crush corrupt bloody impoverish taint ravage cross up deplete devitalize lower smash sully wear away invalidate shatter prejudice shrink wound consume water down cut jeopardize undercut dilute besmirch undo demolish drain exhaust trash devastate annihilate defile dismantle jeopardise total mess up be detrimental to waste gut blot cause detriment to unsettle take the edge off deteriorate use up degrade curb check limit thin devalue etiolate pervert temper mitigate contract wither rough up adulterate devaluate tire shock interfere with incapacitate queer stain dissipate discolour discolor desecrate infect scorch batter constrict dirty bleed vandalize have a bad effect on smash up louse up muck up mangle abate raze wear down do harm to wreak havoc on smirch be prejudicial to be disadvantageous to vandalise pare down cut back burn crack be deleterious to play havoc with drive a nail into the coffin of knock sap the strength of gnaw blacken whittle crool bruise influence lead astray pull the rug out from under scotch endanger scupper atrophy imperil upset cost prostrate minimize minimise detract demean belittle dislocate dim emaciate shrivel have a negative effect on bodge blow soil befoul chip away dilapidate cause the sacrifice of result in harm to cause the loss of warp debauch deprave manipulate put at risk distort blotch speckle moderate wear out result in damage to lead to the end of nick mutilate rob from knock off balance wrench touch afflict depress disturb curtail lighten deflate assuage calm rarefy extenuate soothe offset handle roughly strike at the foundations blast inconvenience disfeature prune set a bad example extend lace sophisticate excavate bleach scratch play merry hell with abuse fade tear bang up stab lacerate scathe maltreat do damage to wrong maim split cause injury pollute rust rot contaminate disintegrate tamper with dump on do mischief to infringe encroach on screw up detract from shake up take out downsize narrow restrict downscale make feebler cut down retrench burrow hollow gouge make feeble ease put out of commission throw a monkey wrench into put out of action thin out expend worsen reduce the power of deprive of force knock down make weaker de-escalate empty spend soften up cut away pull the teeth of remove the sting from reduce the powers of evacuate place a limit on milk unfit ding disqualify tweak cheapen strain gouge out cut out absorb devour suck dry bankrupt slash overcome lose strength make useless dry up run down finish wash up draw down dig into draw play out eat up squander slim down slowly reduce bleed dry slowly lessen slowly diminish gradually overcome

Trái nghĩa của a tunnel

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