Trái nghĩa của complete list

Danh từ

Opposite of a number of connected items or names written or printed consecutively, typically one below the other

Danh từ

Opposite of a complete list or catalog of items

Danh từ

Opposite of a set of facts, figures or information systematically displayed, especially in columns

Danh từ

Opposite of a class or division of people or things regarded as having particular shared characteristics

Danh từ

Opposite of a sloping position or movement

Danh từ

Opposite of an enumeration or listing of connected names, facts, or events

Danh từ

Opposite of a thing constituting a piece of evidence about the past, especially an account kept in writing or some other permanent form

Danh từ

Opposite of a written or printed announcement or publicity

Danh từ

Opposite of an official report or statement submitted in response to a formal demand

Động từ

Opposite of to be or cause to be at an angle

Động từ

Opposite of to state explicitly

Động từ

Opposite of to move or cause to move into a sloping position

Động từ

Opposite of to assign to a particular class or category

Động từ

Opposite of to give an enumerated account of

Động từ

Opposite of to mention as an example or reference

Động từ

Opposite of to move or fall (at an angle) to a lower level, pitch, etc.

Động từ

Opposite of dig up ground for cultivation

Động từ

Opposite of to engage in (typically meaningless or unimportant) conversation

Động từ

Opposite of to draft or conscript for military service

Động từ

Opposite of to categorize into separate classes or groups

Đồng nghĩa của complete list

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