Đồng nghĩa của extraordinarily similar

Tính từ

(intransitive) Denoting a resemblance between two persons or objects
alike comparable identical consistent matched matching close equal equivalent indistinguishable like uniform almost identical commensurate congruent congruous cut from the same cloth exchangeable homogeneous homogenous interchangeable much the same near on par same synonymous the same conformable duplicate exact impossible to tell apart like peas in a pod like two peas in a pod of a piece one and the same parallel proportionate relatable related selfsame substitutable tantamount twinlike undifferenced undifferentiated undiverse unvaried much of a muchness resemblant no different corresponding analogous correspondent cognate ditto akin twin coequal even resembling consonant compatible connate such double suchlike kindred homologous correlative same difference paired look-alike approximate unvarying complementary agnate identic Xerox carbon copy harmonized clone carbon-copy harmonised mated convertible conforming reciprocal regular harmonious Tweedledum and Tweedledee of a kind all of a piece very same dead ringer like Tweedledum and Tweedledee coupled relative in the same manner proportional commutable verging on standardised standardized monotonous reminiscent analogical unchanging amounting tallying likewise invariable very fungible transposable agreeing carbon allied concordant symmetrical swappable smooth substitute exactly the same on a par spitting image invariant of the same kind to the same degree autologous homologized switchable treadmill coordinating toning coordinated blending complementing harmonizing selflike copied duplicating dupe aforesaid similarly aforementioned connected with allied with cognated incident approaching commensurable balanced harmonising the dead spit a dead ringer approximative in agreement even-steven companion jibing bordering on as good a match according same as copy synonymous with commensurate with evened equated equalized even-stevens coordinate equaling equalling workalike mutual converse reciprocative changeable interconvertible identified equalised coterminous congeneric congenerous allying kin relating coextensive break even much the same as undistinguishable synonymic on a plane on level pegging coincident apposite evenly matched approximating of a piece with not a million miles away from stack up with symphonious not unlike congenial connatural all alike solid boring concurrent associated facsimile all the same all one almost repetitive samey undeviating steady constant unwavering unfluctuating equable static fixed stable sustained incorrigible fateful well-proportioned rigid ordered straight inflexible habitual ossified immutable fated normal reliable plumb unbroken orderly systematic irreversible unmodifiable level true unalterable methodical monolithic well-balanced undiversified more or less the same

Tính từ

Consistent, compatible, or in agreement with something else or a whole
consonant consistent corresponding congruent compatible harmonious congruous correspondent parallel like comparable alike analogous concordant akin accordant coherent nonconflicting agreeing uniform agnate conformable suitable congenial sympathetic according blending coincident conformable to in agreement correspondent to correspondent with harmonious with accordant with according with compatible with concordant with congruous with consistent with in accordance with at one with in harmony with in rapport in agreement with matching agreeable concurring coordinated attuned symmetrical adapted identical conforming coinciding harmonizing concurrent harmonising of a piece on the same wavelength cooperative in tune on the same page singing the same song like-minded in accord coming from the same direction of the same mind of one mind reconcilable corroborative corroboratory tallying supportive confirmational corroborating coordinative supporting coordinating complementing confirmatory in harmony fitting in unison in concert appropriate substantiating complementary proper fit meet confirming in step unanimous in keeping correlative substantiative resembling resemblant apt same probative affirmative probatory with one voice becoming verifying vindicating in conformity seemly logical in parallel in balance equable in line conforming to corresponding to according to conforming with well-suited together well-matched friendly companionable adaptable interoperable all of a piece agreed one cotton to having good vibes hitting it off getting along with in sync with in the groove at one in sympathy in concord as one united of like mind in unity of the same opinion shoulder to shoulder

Tính từ

Authentic, or closely resembling an object being compared to
living authentic faithful genuine close exact lifelike like near alike natural realistic speaking naturalistic naturalist true to life photo-realistic three-dimensional accurate strict precise delicate rigorous literal fine pinpoint refined mathematical hairline verbatim conscientious word for word spot-on resembling definite true errorless faultless unerring error-free veracious just convincing right verisimilar without error veridical credible on the money on the mark on the nail bang on spot on undistorted on the button on the beam correct factual truthful proper valid veritable reliable unvarnished honest good real legit unembellished sound kosher legitimate unadulterated perfect actual detailed scrupulous trustworthy dead-on solid direct authoritative undeviating true-to-life regular meticulous dependable on-target explicit bona fide matter-of-fact concrete absolute certified dinkum clear-cut thorough fair veristic specific straightforward unabridged believable graphic verifiable on the nose certain definitive hard fact-based pure on target well-founded sure-enough particular on the level right on judicious sharp distinct methodical scientific flawless impeccable defined representative word-perfect conclusive original so telling it like it is clear undisputed authenticated infallible certifiable sure unquestionable unambiguous as it really happened complete straight righteous echt effective vivid pukka pucka true-blue official proven careful trusty punctilious plain unmistakable rigid discriminating deft systematic discriminative skilful skillful punctual photographic objective ultraprecise representational word-for-word immaculate simple unexaggerated letter-for-letter attested letter-perfect unelaborated letter for letter cogent documentary nonfictional historical compelling unembroidered downright sensible irrefutable undeniable unimpeachable unrefuted narrow to the letter appropriate standard unequivocal legal supported circumstantiated validated verified reputable existent normal reasonable undoubted bonafide guileless ingenuous safe unmistaken amen outright rational indubitable satisfactory acceptable decisive canonical dead on inch-perfect de facto straight from horse's mouth honest-to-goodness for real on the up and up real McCoy like it is severe learned vérité minute scholarly bare gospel stark final line-for-line real-life utter in accordance with the facts documented respected confirmed out-and-out thoroughgoing identical creditable literatim total line for line line by line kitchen-sink surgical determinate categorical individual frank candid sincere still life warts and all apparent ordinary written usual verbal critical unmitigated consummate unqualified sheer express well-defined from the horse's mouth untainted unspoiled full true blue unspoilt upfront admissible unalloyed arrant lawful straight from the horse's mouth the real McCoy based on facts forthright watertight inerrant solemn OK not figurative open plain-spoken cinematic filmic blow-by-blow O.K. set determined established live sterling rightful stone okay equitable characteristic archetypal typical archetypical in every respect failsafe nailed down bull's-eye on the numbers unfaked persuasive artless unaffected free-spoken round visual retentive average unpretentious undesigning unpretending fitting on the right track for sure on track right stuff along the right lines cut-and-dried well defined genuine article real thing twenty-four carat clearly defined simon-pure your actual black-and-white astute plainspoken unfeigned truth-telling outspoken unreserved square telling intense acute justified right as rain on the ball on the right lines free of error cooking with gas according to Hoyle unadorned powerful dinky-di wise sagacious intelligent undeceptive strong forceful incontrovertible circumstantial meaning what one says fail-safe very likely logical unbiased unprejudiced percipient perceptive shrewd plausible probable potent justifiable reasoned defensible warrantable commonsensical firm levelheaded sober defendable warranted commonsense commonsensible informed high-principled incontestable unassailable irresistible unanswerable recognized fly tried-and-true sanctioned significant recognised orthodox true-life card-carrying painstaking vindicable as true as I'm sitting here on the line as true as I'm standing here assuasive impressive satisfying suasive nice balanced colourable moving influential possible carrying conviction swaying presumable believeable hopeful well grounded well-grounded unblemished irreproachable ideal indefectible seamless exemplary spotless stainless model intact exquisite copybook clean whole classic supreme foolproof textbook unflawed picture-perfect picture-book without blemish without fault just so


A person, a thing, people or things like the one or ones already mentioned

Trái nghĩa của extraordinarily similar

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