Đồng nghĩa của single topic

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A subject matter or general area of interest
issue matter question subject point theme argument concern content discussion field text thesis case concept essence focus gist motif motive proposition subject matter thread affair area business contention division idea item keynote material motion problem proposal resolution thought head leitmotif occasion situation substance talking point theorem moot point bone of contention field of inquiry matter at hand matter in hand matter in question matter of contention point at issue point in question principal object area under discussion field of reference thing consideration detail particular element aspect circumstance specific core feature respect event thrust object fact particularity information piece of information puzzle plot factor premise drift storyline facet characteristic direction burden nicety datum message sense view trope opinion title study statement position strain part news line meaning scenario undertaking regard dispute controversy portion query goings-on enigma can of worms point of contention chapter class meat debate minutia reference stuff through-line bearing ideas summary contents category mystery relation connection intention denotation import significance signification intent transaction focus of attention subject of thought precis abstract synopsis story article report account strand melody phrase purport enquiry grievance inquiry complication proceeding point of departure component state blurb entity outline attribute form body talk fine point perspective ingredient info technicality angle data slant trait specification point of view viewpoint specialization specialisation score nitty-gritty itemized information line of reasoning gen dope low-down tenor theory hypothesis research topic supposition focal point happening occurrence experience incident action sequence assumption presumption surmise episode eventuality phenomenon interlude adventure notion belief postulation dissertation major pointer deets circumstantial instance interest quandary predicament challenge vocabulary to-do train of thought postulate jam quagmire conundrum pickle catch-22 dilemma hitch puzzlement hole mire catch crux stumper pitfall snag hanky-panky carrying on set of circumstances context lexicon posit contestation principle apriorism presupposition sentiment story line full meaning full text frame of reference contextual relationship line of argument conjecture speculation deduction inference guess thinking conclusion suspicion reasoning judgement reason judgment rationale interpretation assertion logic feeling hunch explanation philosophy impression grounds ratiocination fancy basis shot shot in the dark claim stab sneaking suspicion rationalization declaration guesswork conviction cogitation rationalisation attitude premiss intellection verdict standpoint argumentation stance mind reckoning induction understanding rationality assessment vindication stand syllogism way of thinking guesstimate plea evidence hypothetical given persuasion if supposal expectation defence justification proof estimate defense foundation excuse conception profession axiom determination why and wherefore prediction avowal analysis mindset outlook intuition estimation reflection acceptance cerebration eye accounting dialectic wisdom reasons school of thought say-so allegation affirmation logical thought whys and wherefores two cents' worth good sense submission exposition consequence lemma pronouncement theorizing sequitur asseveration thoughts eduction announcement suggestion polemic hypothesizing presentiment ground predication guessing theorization knowledge deliberation stab in the dark accepting assuming meditation corollary contemplation side theorising hypothesising proclamation underpinning coherence sanity appeal expostulation apology illation relationship derivation evaluation calculation dialectics mentation take linkage syllogistics inclination divination appraisal pleading rationalizing rationalising syllogization reaction posture motivation thought process considered opinion validation line of thought raison d'être process of reasoning course of thought logical basis sound judgment antithesis and synthesis chain of reasoning rule formula dictum preconception ideology doctrine law fundamental principium petition presentation preconceived notion preconceived idea prejudgement expounding inkling observation anticipation finding provision bias surmisal treatise discourse approach premonition generalization ballpark figure findings results reflections twist trend conceptualization generalisation judgment call value judgment result answer musing concluding rumination inferring mulling pondering tendency imagining perception discernment whyfor song and dance whatfor the whole idea sour grapes the big idea say think questioning sixth sense abstraction input comment will pith picture gut feeling funny feeling admission assent vent wish representation call vote desire option dossier mental picture mind's eye demonstration upshot preference decision suffrage essentials fool notion sagacity cognition vox populi diagnosis right of speech right of free speech participation choice voice scheme attribution plan brief summary of the facts relevance common sense link system antecedent layout assignment forecast chain of thought sensibleness horse sense syllogistic reasoning good reason sound judgement lucidity formal system soundness accepted wisdom conceptualisation excogitation weighing brainwork studying review educated guess tentative law starting point insistence reading extrapolation advancement charge maintaining protestation attestation possibility implication insinuation hint likelihood condition suppose maintenance reading between the lines averment avouchment assurance rough guess swearing stressing asservation okay mouthful positive statement stamp of approval say so

Danh từ

The basis or essence of something
gist essence substance core heart point pith meat crux kernel nucleus nub meaning root drift sense theme significance import thrust keynote subject sum centrepiece centerpiece spirit quintessence marrow matter net basis pivot tenor soul burden nubbin idea stuff direction upshot summary bearing force score short bottom line nitty-gritty bull's-eye meat and potatoes nuts and bolts sum and substance heart of the matter main idea punch line long and short central idea central theme main theme important point name of the game general picture nature of the beast text center main point centre subject matter salient point principle keystone mainspring cornerstone question essential point central point signification proposition moral case relevance circumstance focal point standard linchpin view motif viewpoint statement opinion kicker brass tacks basic idea line of reasoning most important fact essential feature policy line essential element defining characteristic message focus purport general meaning implication content denotation intention connotation intent hub fundamentals base essential part acceptation understanding foundation significancy nuance essentials interpretation basics intimation bedrock importance value worth consequence nature of beast essentiality explanation suggestion vein axis effect context allusion symbolization fiber reality bottom intendment fibre lesson backbone quick fundamental point precept inference use definition account subtext purpose insinuation body thesis underpinning hinge fundamental kingpin infrastructure lynchpin groundwork tendency aim locus basic crown omphalos centre of attention nexus most important point seat center of attention belly crucial point polestar intrinsic nature ground zero implications validity meat-and-potatoes usefulness undertone hint inwardness undercurrent embodiment zest reference overtone impact influence piece bit morsel atom part fundamental principle reason rationale heart and soul subcurrent target principal element chief ingredient butt quintain footing swivel raison d'être ropes hidden meaning the long and the short of it axle spindle ABC warp grounding ground details vital part adage teaching maxim highlight secondary meaning efficacy flagship decisive point dead center home run direct hit climax object scope nature hole in one determination conclusion outcome sermon truism moralism saying end trend course design life warp and woof basic principles inside gut main ingredients guiding principle first principle bones bosom heartstrings dictum rule apophthegm proverb motto aphorism epigram saw chief thing the name of the game chief part essential details the facts cold fact important matter crux of the matter hard fact ethos being lifeblood key feature pride and joy support main event main feature high point best part high spot inner space coal and ice jewel in the crown character anecdote gnome axiom general intention fulcrum end result end product key point last word final decision indispensable content main thing whole story sine qua non constitution what it's all about element grain actuality structure epicenter quality aspect quiddity form entity capital attribute virtuality caliber property timber calibre essentia germ esse hotbed mecca marketplace fundamental nature basic quality central part place fundamental quality basic characteristic house central home navel cynosure headquarters concentration cluster eye middle chief constituent name of game epicentre magnet be-all and end-all centre of activity happy hunting ground where it's at center of attraction breeding ground nerve centre center of activity nerve center centre of attraction

Danh từ

The domain or field in which something or someone is active
compass domain area field realm arena sphere department speciality business sector zone discipline circle jurisdiction line subject bailiwick element specialty walk dominion thing front game interest purview scope branch function activity capacity specialisation specialization vocation station metier métier occupation avocation job work racket area of interest area of activity sphere of activity sphere of interest sphere of influence line of work theme firmament course curriculum province terrain specialism barony fief fiefdom precinct kingdom area of study subject matter branch of learning field of study course of study branch of knowledge matter question branch of study side aspect environment scene orbit forte region calling territory demesne study practice method exercise pale pigeon margin subfield confines mastery specialist subject field of inquiry sphere of study world turf profession section walk of life trade preserve career concern employment pursuit line of business milieu post craft neck of the woods responsibility duty society division charge part authority role affair position niche area of responsibility area of knowledge universe range office bag class slot line of country skill area of expertise day job manor seigniory medium compartment turfdom breadth market life beat operation ambit stage system task theatre forum industry rank person's calling group baby battlefield battleground extent stratum remit status school engagement enterprise field of influence area of power administration berth classification spot incumbency assignment living service pursuits matters handicraft situation bubble sport patch lists area of influence proceeding undertaking neighbourhood state radius neighborhood expanse place ground dimension handcraft art way theater handiwork employ grip stomping grounds chosen work rat race line of employment worry sphere of action area of conflict field of conflict tier faculty county champaign shire tract prefecture gift mission knack inclination genius flair strong suit aptitude ability bent disposition talent leaning

Danh từ

A main division, such as of a speech
heading category class division section categorization classification group head branch department grouping subject type kind order sort species bracket list set family variety genus grade brand style listing breed grading rank ilk model make rubric league ranks tier cast genre compartment kidney stamp school character form fashion feather manner stripe strain like description nature field subdivision rating ranking assortment coordination denomination arrangement graduation distributing cataloging ordination tabulating allotment analysis designation sizing collocation ordering alloting distribution disposal consignment gradation pigeonholing cataloguing allocation assignment apportionment typecasting disposition regulation echelon pigeonhole status level tribe race kingdom phylum design pattern organization caliber calibre quality system line organisation structure plan grain generation range mould mold method standard shape lot vintage position mark systematization planning purpose degree regularity codification orderliness systematisation setup standing sorting condition value array sequence lineup cut placement station collection likes conformation speciality sphere systemization specialty batch domain place point rate formation hierarchy positioning layout way step line-up configuration persuasion benchmark subclass scope stage measure realm methodization symmetry area ranging neatness unit notch worth arena series state rung jurisdiction filing cohort barony composition suit province mode format circle calibration scheme number marshalling stratum framework capacity likes of alignment make-up standardization measurement color colour stock standardisation management suite adjustment pecking order arranging set-up discipline marshaling subgroup subspecies collation size derivation string stature phase practice sector tidiness uniformity repute taxonomy categorizing body evaluation placing caste virtue kin gender stationing source frame origin course personality type figure anatomy age group taxon profile comparison remove selection sect name temperament categorising logic limits taxonomic group lineage display parameters span setting out label marque score estimate assessment appraisal level of ability ability group band constitution routine sample progeny pedigree extraction typology control use implementation spread precision presentation exhibition dressing gathering mustering direction valuation judgement judgment construction production issue assembly setting up lining up utilization employment formulation chemistry harmony methodology scale ladder making forming unity combination setout utilisation deployment distinction situation organism whole interrelation of parts gauge marking marking out scale point gage verification marking up succession progression business procession aligning chain responsibility bailiwick preserve territory establishment duty occupation function specialism procedure computation concern terrain element charge demesne fief fiefdom firmament precinct affair pigeon task job game front walk bag turf thing baby activity area of responsibility vocation administration berth sphere of activity dominion area of interest spot niche incumbency walk of life avocation slot

Trái nghĩa của single topic

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