Đồng nghĩa của so bypass

Động từ

To avoid or circumvent (a rule, obstacle or problem)
dodge avoid evade sidestep circumvent duck elude escape skirt shirk beat shortcut finesse outflank outmaneuver outmanoeuvre burke get around steer clear of get out of body-swerve get round go around blink at wink at depart from deviate from take back road go around the barn shun skirt round shake duck-shove cheat find a way round funk scape wriggle out of skip weasel out of cop out of circumnavigate shuffle out of eschew bilk cut miss run away from give a wide berth to skive off shake off shrink from skive stay away from shy from decline parry tergiversate turn back on duck out of slide out of back out of give the slip fend off disregard ignore stymie keep clear of foil thwart fudge keep one's distance from juke quit dance around neglect give something a miss keep at arm's length balk pussyfoot weasel pull out of baulk fight shy of fence pussyfoot around pay no attention to find a way out of get away from leapfrog hack pass over keep off trick outwit escape from brush off ditch overcome discount overlook throw off keep out of the way of give a wide berth leave behind work around dispense with excuse abandon desert rationalize backpedal welsh renege revoke renounce withdraw defeat stay shy of keep away from balk at recoil from shy away from skip out on frustrate give the slip to be oblivious to turn your back on lay low from pay no mind unmind unheed turn a blind eye to tune out take no notice of pay no heed to check prevent end-run put the move on baffle shuffle off get past have no part of have nothing to do with turn away from use pretext cop out have alibi back down rationalise back out back off weasel out get out forget shirk from find a way around not attend let something slide scrimshank slough off leave something undone dog lose sight of play truant from bob off bludge be lax about creep not attend to pay little attention to skimp on be remiss about lie down on job hedge prevaricate flannel equivocate waffle stonewall avoid answering be equivocal about be evasive about quibble about not pay not give a straight answer to beat around bush beg the question beat about the bush about tergiverse short-circuit keep your distance flee fake skulk lose goldbrick slip malinger avoid dealing with deke keep well away avoid like the plague hide from wriggle field swerve jouk deflect fence off answer evasively steer clear outrun outpace outstrip outdistance clear duck out of the way of swerve away from get out of the way of extricate oneself from fake out shuck fly shy get rid of get ahead of throw off the scent slip away from rid sneak away from sneak away slip out break away from slip through the net of lead on a merry chase escape the clutches of give the runaround sham loaf feign illness fake illness be AWOL put it on pretend to be ill take a sickie swing the lead play hooky pretend to be an invalid bunk off

Động từ

To contravene an accepted rule or stipulation
ignore contravene breach defy infract veto violate break contradict counteract disobey flout fail to comply with fail to observe set aside leave out take no account of fly in the face of pay no attention to disregard infringe rebel against set at naught go against transgress kick against refuse to obey cock a snook at commit a breach of overstep oppose offend challenge mock resist neglect fracture traduce withstand meddle encroach trespass transgress against pay no heed to be in breach of go counter to take no notice of disagree with thumb nose at fall foul of renege on violate law scout repudiate exceed set your face against crash entrench obtrude lift pirate borrow presume go beyond steal intrude impose ride roughshod over err sacrilege outrage sin contaminate encroach upon not comply with trample on tamper with rebel insurrect revolution mutiny decline revolutionize object dare strike shirk riot desert baulk evade misbehave balk revolutionise recalcitrate differ disagree revolt not mind be remiss break rules not listen not heed run riot dig your heels in break the rules rise in arms refuse to comply fly in face of take law into own hands fight dissent rise up be insubordinate run amok remonstrate denounce renounce combat come out against protest buck demonstrate rampage take to the streets intrench agitate refuse to accept the authority of kick over the traces be at odds with arise campaign thwart cross rock the boat opt out get out of line upset secede break with make waves drop out overturn turn against stage a rebellion rise up in arms take up arms mount a rebellion hinder refute stir up trouble go on rampage stage mount the barricades rise disaffirm gainsay conflict with interfere with abjure negate spurn interpose exclude impugn traverse reject offend against interfere disobey authority oppose authority resist authority defy authority go on strike take part in an uprising refuse to obey orders take part in an insurrection kick over rise against

Động từ

To omit, bypass or disregard (sections of a whole)
skip omit disregard ignore overlook cut forgo eschew avoid neglect leave out pass over dispense with do without give something a miss skim over cut out pass up steer clear of overpass slur over miss dismiss forget evade slight gloss over pay no heed to discount reject shrug off turn your back on brush off pay no attention to take no notice of turn a deaf ear to drop exclude abandon elide pretermit overleap shut out brush aside never mind skip over pass by fail to notice skate over turn back on fail to deal with tune out skirt around let something slide look the other way set aside pass leave whitewash misheed unheed unmind connive push aside paper over shut eyes to let it go take no notice close your eyes to be oblivious to gloze over pay no mind to leave be turn deaf ear not take into account wink at turn a blind eye turn a blind eye to blink at look through bury one's head in sand turn blind eye look past leave out of consideration pay no attention leave unnoticed slip up on fail to see fail to spot let fall between the cracks fail to observe except jump dodge preclude skirt duck bar repudiate withhold prohibit not bother take out leave off factor out count out fail to include miss out cast aside fail to mention cut in front of cut ahead of blank out dismiss from mind get over cease to remember cease to think of erase from memory let bygones be bygones have done with stop thinking about consign to oblivion think no more of lay aside not worry about put behind you erase from your mind put away banish from one's thoughts blank over put out of your mind shirk forsake discard desert defer contemn scant underestimate depreciate postpone procrastinate trifle with let go fail to care for be irresponsible not care for leave something undone be remiss lose sight of make light of not care let pass have nothing to do with fail to look after keep at arm's length think little of pay no mind be derelict procrastinate over be lax about leave alone be indifferent be negligent laugh off not attend to throw to the winds pay little attention to be careless skimp on live with keep your distance be remiss about fail to provide for not trouble oneself be remiss in

Động từ

outflank outdo outfox outshine outthink outwit beat best better defeat excel outclass outperform outplay outsmart surpass top outmaneuver outmanoeuvre get the better of fox outslick overreach outjockey exceed outvie con outguess take in overtake circumvent trick out-think outgeneral be cleverer than pull a fast one on make a fool of run rings round put one over on steal a march on make rings round trump own outstep get one over on improve upon get the upper hand over overshadow go one better gain the advantage over pass eclipse go beyond do better than outhussle overstep scoop be more than a match for outmatch put in the shade outstrip surmount outcompete put to shame rise above outpace transcend outdistance cap outgun go one better than outrival overtop tower over tower above outrank outrun upstage leave standing run rings around run circles around improve on be superior to be better than leave behind trounce be a cut above be head and shoulders above be greater than knock spots off override outgo walk away from dwarf be more than lead tower lick triumph over get ahead of win against be one up on blow away overcome triumph crush cream predominate rank outweigh extinguish dominate shake off clobber shoot ahead go above get further ahead of stand above be a class above beat hollow take precedence be on another level stand head and shoulders above wipe the floor with be master of win the race shoot ahead of blow out of the water outman overcount overrun leave win take over outgallop swamp be more numerous than exceed in quantity prevail over throw into the shade be superior transform leave in the shade leave in the dust bulldoze cook down trash snow bury outreach be over smash subdue rout vanquish thrash conquer outnumber gain on overdo out-distance overtax distance overwhelm overpower be larger than fake out do in draw away from go by break record have advantage have it all over get upper hand have a jump on pull a fast one blow out of water score points off overpass whip wallop drub shame wax

Động từ

(of an action or event) To prevent from happening
stop thwart foil forestall circumvent counter cramp curb derail oppose prevent stymie defeat get out of beat escape evade frustrate prohibit put paid to balk baulk circumnavigate counteract hinder impede inhibit nullify obstruct overturn scotch stand in the way of stave off check crimp defend against deflect disrupt head off hold back interdict interfere with limit repress restrain restrict retard sidestep skirt steer clear of ward off avert avoid bar block crash ditch do for hold off juke keep lid on outwit put the kibosh on put the stopper on ruin scupper shut out spoil stall stonewall stump take down take wind out of trammel unsettle upset wreck baffle hamper snooker dash put a stop to halt discomfit checkmate fend off nip in the bud disappoint obviate smash intercept hold up preclude nobble upset the applecart arrest deter foul up divert put the mockers on fetter bilk cripple crab repel parry hang up put a spoke in someone's wheel confuse neutralize hamstring root hobble cross neutralise confound repulse pre-empt louse up cut off give the slip screw up forfend mess up cramp one's style quash stifle handicap suppress negate snafu delay puzzle traverse cancel annul shake mystify help queer turn aside turn back discourage anticipate interfere dodge disconcert nonplus scuttle cook someone's goose play off put an end to interrupt preempt rattle flummox spike someone's guns rule out encumber duck queer someone's pitch debar second-guess conquer put the lid on turn away give the run around undo get ahead of get in before throw a spanner in the works of throw a monkey wrench in the works of provide against steal a march on corner throw monkey wrench in beat someone to the punch beat someone to it keep off beat someone to the draw throw a spanner in the works offset buck redirect intervene reroute finish finish off countermove sabotage forefend destroy make an end of bring to a close throw a curve glance devastate contravene invalidate elude commandeer squash rebut rebound promote faze skip buffalo bollix blank counterplot bury shackle extinguish shatter demolish be early be one step ahead of pick off act in advance of prepare for head off at pass crush block off shake off shuffle off confront shunt turn veer run circles around give the run-around run rings around control clobber blow dish cause setback get the better of put end to beat down take wind out of sails triumph beat off gain vanquish clog manacle short-circuit hog-tie handcuff embarrass crool banjax withhold halt in its tracks overcome lick forbid quiet indispose skin dead-end pigeonhole shelve tie up stultify throw a monkey wrench in the works resist look away shove aside turn from put a brake on cumber dash one's hope defend guard bulwark fence glance off draw away put on hold throw a monkey wrench into put on back burner choke off hang fire constrain bring to an end drive away screen keep back affect disturb put off remit suspend cover ward fend keep tamper influence turn off throw cold water on take the wind out of your sails intermit jam incommode conflict trouble inconvenience discommode render null and void pour cold water on put a damper on shield against fight off guard against safeguard against secure against stand up for protect against defend oneself against keep at arm's length skirt round keep at bay get in the way be a hindrance to get in the way of preoccupy forecast monopolize project expect foresee envision predict perplex bewilder monopolise throw fox floor obfuscate dumbfound wilder gravel discombobulate maze stick put at a loss bring up short stagger be all Greek to bamboozle be too much for

Động từ

To cease to perform a specified action
stop cease discontinue refrain from desist from quit forbear from break off cut out call a halt to call it a day give up abandon abstain from leave off knock off halt pack in suspend desist forsake lay off pass up preclude relinquish renounce resist shirk skip steer clear of belay finish get off keep from stay away from avert avoid ax axe back off from break the habit of can check out from dodge do without drop forgo get out of give over hold off pack up pull out of put a stop to refuse rein in restrain from shrink from shun shy from sidestep swear off withhold from call it quits on escape from jack in kibosh put an end to skip out on skirt surcease from break up nip in the bud block prevent ward off fend off stave off anticipate evade circumvent get around steer clear stay away abstain withstand escape forbear shake off deflect neutralise help rebuff repel prohibit shake arrest hinder check nullify obviate counteract impede counterbalance interfere with head off eschew neutralize negate make up for repulse counter deny oneself kick shield yourself from en garde forestall turn aside rebuke elude parry keep at bay hold at bay fence end terminate conclude break close wind up pass let up elapse determine lapse dead-end cut off expire wink out go die pause bring to an end shut off interrupt dispense with call it quits forswear take a break rest cancel refrain lay off of adjourn surcease take five withdraw bring to a halt take a breather have done with take time out hold back withhold go without ditch curb leave pull the plug on cut reject ease off come to an end intermit abjure give a wide berth to keep pack it in disconnect stay relax recess cut short abolish restrain resign take a rest put your feet up scrap have a break resign from kill chuck shut down scrub give the chop forego prorogue resist the temptation to waive decline shelve bite the dust leave alone knock something on the head pigeonhole prorogate remit dissolve put off back out of have nothing to do with take the cure do away with get rid of throw in the towel not continue abort phase out yield remove disappear eliminate ignore vanish stop work postpone delay stop oneself from restrain oneself from rescind repeal defer not do revoke stop oneself not touch bring to a stop inhibit come to a close fight shy of set aside be over have a breather cut it out table sit out sacrifice hold over bring to a close back out wrap up chuck in mothball put back drop out suspend proceedings lay aside omit come to a standstill call off hold in abeyance put on hold kick the habit quit cold cry off take ten lay on the table hold up call a halt take a rain check on finish with put on the back burner give a rest come up for air withdraw from throw up retire from put in cold storage keep off give in take a recess put on ice concede defeat kick over hold back from stand down from give something up give up on pass on abrogate spurn come off disturb turn in shut fail dump forlet close shop clock off finish work finish working lift leave out achieve complete succeed culminate call a stop to leave work spell go cold turkey sew up get on the wagon hang it up stop trying bridle cut into say goodbye to break into close down back off die down close out jack it in down tools relieve fade renege dwindle quit cold turkey decline to restrain yourself go easy retreat wait carve isolate exclude extirpate usurp delete snub exsect sever marginalize extract overlook oust excise disjoin dissever intervene separate interpose disunite part raise throw in the sponge put the kibosh on evaporate evanish let alone avoid doing something be temperate give notice bag it blow off fast stay neutral fence-sit starve sit on one's hands give the go by constrain not take sides transpire ease up take the pledge stop doing lie by reschedule take out marginalise cut dead take away run out cease to exist run its course drop out of disband go on the wagon shut up shop finish off finish the working day go by come to a stop become invalid put aside become void become obsolete fade away pass away blow over come to a halt draw to a close discourage deter trail off tail off bar hang up push back hold put on back burner count out put in abeyance rule out file procrastinate inactivate hang fire retard pink-slip keep in abeyance lay over protract put on the shelf melt away slip away be no more fly by be suspended be broken off be abandoned scratch put over continue respite take time off forfeit take a rain check divorce jilt sideline rise prevent oneself from not give in to cease to indulge in disrupt turn your back on part with eighty-six dust off break with write off part from wipe out forget about drop it call time pull pull out renege on stop participating in get out step down bow out of stop participating bow out

Danh từ

A road passing around or through a town to provide an alternative route for traffic
detour diversion ringroad ring road circuitous route rat run roundabout way alternative route relief road circuit circumvention circumnavigation deviation round circle alternate route go-round go-around shortcut roundabout route divagation divergency digression bypath byway divergence deflection departure indirect route runaround branch substitute crotch tourist route scenic route circumbendibus fork indirect course temporary route service road secondary highway back road long way round long way around excursus variation turning wandering difference aberration aside episode tangent excursion parenthesis alteration rambling veer footnote turn drifting apostrophe note discursion refraction change bending variance veering straying obiter dictum bend change of course change of direction incident curve drift disparity swerve irrelevancy dissimilarity discrepancy disagreement contrast unlikeness dissimilitude declination diversity distinction turning aside ramification red herring branching off addition afterthought interpolation comment shift innovation novelty meandering swerving slew foray maundering varying incompatibility mismatch polarity rebound glance drawing away divarication swing twist ricochet turning away in thing branching out latest thing new wrinkle last word going off at a tangent losing one's thread getting sidetracked straying from the topic straying from the point incidental remark deviation from the subject rerouting redirection nonconformity separation conflict clash distraction disagreeing mutation variety otherness dissemblance alterity radiation turn-off disparateness discrepance irregularity incomparability right-about left-about reversal about-face difference of opinion fake out split division bifurcation cleft junction divide prong extension

Danh từ

Shunt or diversion

Trái nghĩa của so bypass

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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