Đồng nghĩa của a tragedy

Danh từ

An event causing great suffering, destruction, and distress
calamity catastrophe disaster misfortune adversity cataclysm misadventure affliction mishap blight debacle devastation blow setback shock trial tribulation vicissitude apocalypse ill agony bummer disappointment distress injury knock mischance misery pain reverse sadness sorrow struggle unhappiness unluckiness whammy woe contretemps curse dolor doom downer failure hardship heartbreak humiliation lot waterloo wreck bad fortune bad luck grievous blow hard knocks sad event serious accident trouble accident difficulty problem burden upset crisis stroke of bad luck grief trauma ill luck fiasco ill fortune bad break bad news cross car crash casualty reversal collapse worry hard luck mess inconvenience unpleasantness ordeal harm suffering scourge hassle visitation tough luck rotten luck loss infelicity defeat crunch crash emergency hard times upheaval anxiety wretchedness meltdown issue ruin dire straits blunder reverse of fortune hot water disadvantage heartache nuisance cross to bear annoyance holocaust anguish discomfort torment reversal of fortune havoc plight predicament travail drama dilemma quandary train wreck complication exigency rout dud failing hard time bust jam bale shambles bomb mishanter shipwreck unluck dole lapse hitch let-down tight corner desolation albatross torture vexation flop buffet abortion tight spot letdown hell on earth critical situation extremity washout drag mire quagmire conundrum botch lemon imbroglio frustration the worst clinker fizzle fail pathos pickle hash ruination bungle hell miss clunker infliction depression muddle misstep check hurt haplessness nonsuccess stroke of ill luck curtains faux pas poignancy painfulness emotion sticky situation sad state spot of bother tricky situation tight situation headache unfortunateness snag travails straits bane untowardness disturbance unfortunate incident persecution breakdown turmoil bind entanglement perplexity hole strait pinch fix impasse horror turkey double trouble foul-up nonachievement nonperformance implosion worst-case scenario snafu frost balls-up screw-up false step big trouble dead duck damp squib sorry condition awkward situation problematic situation deep water sinking ship unfortunate situation no-win situation dead loss difficult situation damage melodrama bother evil crucible pitifulness downfall jolt tough break raw deal plaintiveness piteousness nostalgia tenderness non-success abyss destruction mishappening bitterness rigor nakba mischief feeling sentiment commotion slip poignance expressiveness comedown holy mess unholy mess act of God plague hazard rigour down danger scrape mistake stack-up total crack-up pileup fender-bender smashup wrack-up evil fortune evil chance chaos disarray disorder farce bad experience miscarriage body blow tinderbox stress trials and tribulations double whammy severe test trying time trainwreck kick in the teeth heavy blow ill-fortune clutch pass pressure urgency tension harsh conditions shit show non-starter hang-up no-hoper knock-back dreadful thing awful thing terrible thing rotten break devil's own luck hard cheese jar convulsion discouragement devastating blow pest downturn error punishment detriment excruciation rack care flooding bad thing glitch catastrophy grievance strain test blue ruin wrong casus befalling awfulness oppression wronging nightmare malice hold-up miscalculation tumult retribution pestilence cruelty disagreeableness nastiness ill chance botched situation spectacle pitiableness rear ender boo-boo offense prejudice offence ill-treatment disservice one in the eye loser unpredictable outcome worst case muck omnishambles bodge vengeance penalty incident fuss lack of success hard knock rainy day rabble pig's breakfast business circumstance occasion adventure row scene affair worst outcome disbenefit thrill fracas sensation excitement worst possible outcome worst that could happen worst comes to worst bombshell surprise stroke undoing rear-ender smash collision fluke desperation despair flood fall sorrowfulness thunderbolt to-do bath tear-jerker asperity hardness disgruntlement dolour cheese passion repulse poison hurting jinx skids grievousness sarcasm cynicism turnabout vanquishment conquering bad trot fell stroke necessity ill-luck pain in the rear tough situation pain in the backside evil eye can of worms pain in the neck pain in the bum kiss of death Dunkirk juncture head crossroads conjuncture rough situation bolt from the blue rude awakening bolt out of the blue source of distress spot urgent situation deep sadness crossroad squeeze panic stations breaking point flash point zero hour turning point boiling point crunch time compulsion desperate straits push climax unforeseen circumstances load fire intensity mournfulness Ragnarok doomsday Armageddon carnage annihilation conflagration eschaton decimation armageddon gauntlet gantlet calvary bankruptcy stew aggravation evocativeness emotionalism crucifixion confusion embarrassment messiness puzzle monstrosity situation disorderliness stalemate cropper sentimentality Judgment Day end times total loss lead balloon flash in the pan vain attempt vicious circle hot potato rabbit hole end of the world day of reckoning hindrance destitution bitter pill deprivation privation need obstacle irritation nemesis encumbrance millstone poverty want weakness indigence sin canker penury cancer obstruction drawback menace concern impediment botheration weight liability cumber bad rap bum deal injustice stumbling block disease gloom dejection despondency disquiet hurdle melancholy austerity crime shame ills beggary death bugbear hiccup dolefulness catch-22 delay lack agitation crux handicap holdup pity perdition downside blues irritant worriment disgrace labour labor regret malaise knot uphill contingency drain Achilles heel weak point weak spot harassment unfortunate occurrence crying shame unfortunate thing piece of bad luck cause for disappointment sad thing cause for regret badness bit of trouble sad situation source of regret thorn in your flesh thorn in one's side fly in the ointment hardshi awkward deep trouble bringdown difficulties sickness cost impoverishment infirmity condition squalor throe case bête noire dispossession thorn in one's flesh sordidness contamination heat lousy deal the shaft unfair assessment rotten deal bad charge frame-up bad deal angst challenge bête noir pollution demands anticlimax ticklish spot martyrdom barrier dismay stormy seas disintegration trouncing overthrow matter holdback soreness corruption misfiring foundering impropriety trammel crimp inefficacy disruption impairment provocation nag nagging fungus mildew contagion discomfiture terror neediness fatal attraction bad trip mourning bereavement block cramp bafflement irk rub thorn peeve exasperation aggro ruffle underbelly unjustness shaft inequity unfairness impecuniousness impecuniosity misfire infestation pressure cooker trials difficult going hard going rebuff inappositeness unfitness inaptness improperness inappropriateness incorrectness wrongness thorn in someone's flesh thorn in someone's side fizzling out coming to nothing non-fulfilment breaking down rejection falling through tormentor correction awkward moment dump eyesore withering sight sorriness drubbing beating licking dissolution defeasance shellacking toil drudgery peril incapacitation exertion brutality act of cruelty fatigue unfortunate development slowdown backset regress foil regression flip-flop about-face bottom hair shirt spanner in the works monkey wrench barricade sweat deadlock grieving rue deploring rain lamentation bemoaning evildoing onus solecism misusage soft underbelly pits obligation duty drawing board thorn in your side a jam a scrape a spot a fix dead end a stew a hole a pickle blot on the landscape extreme suffering bum rap whole new ballgame financial distress uphill battle Herculean task deadweight chain responsibility charge dead weight blame shackle task unwanted responsibility accountability fatal flaw minus rough seas downheartedness hoodoo ball and chain mental weight glumness gloominess shortcoming rotten hand rum deal voodoo hex cheerlessness debit negative incommodity strike question catch dispute immorality disconsolateness doubt habit count disagreement lease indebtment baggage pledge arrear possibility remainder millstone round one's neck IOU account involvement chit loan bite balance due contract mortgage tab disaster area doldrums dumps chagrin dreariness dispiritedness despondence joylessness forlornness miserableness mopes heartsickness broken-heartedness despond spell point at issue disputed point negative aspect sinfulness mortification disconsolation malediction box teething trouble low spirits megrim discontent dysphoria blue devils anhedonia wickedness non-achiever way of the world malison cess enchantment gremlin charm black magic Indian sign bugaboo way things go times we live in school of hard knocks karma destiny hand one is dealt usual state of affairs luck way the cookie crumbles unfortunate chance human condition kismet way of it life nefariousness perniciousness iniquity vice maltreatment outrage wrongdoing

Danh từ

An account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment
story tale narrative yarn account history anecdote chronicle recital record fiction narration report romance advices chronology commentaries commentary gen info information intelligence item legend news novel novelette novella spiel tidings version word detail relation testimony adventure allegory apologue autobiography beat biography book cliffhanger comedy conte drama epic fantasy memoir myth nonfiction parable potboiler saga sequel serial short story fictional account urban legend urban myth folk tale old saw long and short of it fable tradition fairy tale tall tale lore folklore journal folk story annals prose tall story fairy story mythos description sketch register diary uncos log archive annal life mythology reminiscence rigmarole work of fiction mythus essay composition traditional story ballad shaggy-dog story fish story writing exposition romp piece of fiction study legendry moral bestseller explanation dramatization bio adventure story portrayal palaver fictionalisation dramatisation fictionalization blog profile portrait depiction dissertation thesis life story dossier note fictional version past song and dance manuscript short novel lengthy story vita lengthy explanation best-seller soap opera old chestnut folk tradition memorial oral history folk history communication roman-fleuve archives phantasy knowledge review notion gag episode chestnut incident calendar analysis voice-over piece hardback paperback recountal chronicon blockbuster poem written account speech written writing style text style play yellowback memoirs recapitulation firsthand account poetry old wives' tale fallacy superstition verse talk tongue prehistory cover three-decker lesson public records escapism horror sci-fi pot boiler cliff-hanger literary work exemplum superstitious belief false knowledge false belief moral tale science fiction symbol emblem cover story song fabrication Haggadah teaching sword and sorcery carry-on to-do performance historical account monograph metaphor symbolism analogy moral story pantomime treatise recollection article memory discourse tractate transactions confessions paper recitation typification figuration symbolization sea story cock and bull story background lengthy statement traveller's tale burble burbling journey career maundering overelaboration adventures curriculum vitae life history experiences document file indirect representation extended metaphor catalogue of disasters chain of events personal record trials and tribulations personal narrative close-up personal account confession growth tearjerker education documentation evidence résumé biopic documentary development transcript minutes culture existence experience transcripts catalogue transaction weepie lyric melodrama idealization idyll almanac instrument deed registry transcription script data memorandum list inventory memo proceedings entry daydream sensation idealisation reality struggle sense past history sith banging on logbook act yearbook directory certificate trace case history swindle sheet muniment written material case study catalog paper trail scroll casebook inscription procès-verbal romantic short story love story romantic fiction romantic novel sense of excitement romantic film sense of history romantic comedy light fiction tissue of lies romantic story sense of adventure sentimental fiction romantic tale tear-jerker tear jerker

Danh từ

A person's predestined situation or status in life

Trái nghĩa của a tragedy

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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