Đồng nghĩa của a scolding

Danh từ

A severe reprimand
reprimand castigation censure rebuke reproach reproof criticism upbraiding admonition admonishment reproval lecture remonstration chiding lambasting wigging berating carpeting roasting rollicking earful blast bollocking caning reprehension caution dressing-down telling-off tongue-lashing ticking-off bawling-out ticking off rap over the knuckles chewing out talking to piece of your mind talking-to obloquy blame condemnation tirade abuse rocket denunciation diatribe chastisement vituperation invective slander revilement excoriation harangue defamation contumely stricture rap rating disapproval objurgation vilification libel insults slating scurrility serve bad-mouthing stick billingsgate dressing down row denigration disparagement remonstrance slap on the wrist opprobrium flak aspersions fulmination vitriol riot act verbal abuse commination sideswipe telling off character assassination reviling calumny verbal disapprobation slagging off railing slagging calumniation scurrilousness knocking attack warning mud-slinging derision slur objection fault-finding derogation philippic bashing curses scorn deprecation contempt chastening put down broadside discipline cursing correction panning accusation comeuppance recrimination discredit slamming going-over bad press animadversion hard time reprobation rant traducement punishment declamation polemic exhortation spiel offense insolence offence slurs counsel insult denouncement verbal onslaught venom backbiting trimming ragging odium injunction blowing-up critique verbal attack notice rap on the knuckles smear signifying going over aspersion flea in ear nitpicking faultfinding carping cavilling cavil knock arraignment roast caviling verbal disapproval nit-picking verbal blasting speech aversive aversive stimulus a slap on the wrist disquisition monologue advice slap on the wrists blowing up shame barracking teasing jeering hectoring caveat rebuff disrepute expostulation dissatisfaction monolog sermon execration verbal thrashing slight stain displeasure depreciation disfavor disfavour blemish ridicule deserts wrath nemesis penalty stream of abuse flea in the ear heat belittlement belittling disdain lessening degradation slandering malice evil-speaking upbraid scold preachment moralism preaching negative reinforcement chewing-out spitefulness spite fulminations obscenity slanderousness indecency debasement detraction torrent of abuse retribution admonishments antagonism animosity hostility rubbishing cattiness scandal coarseness offensiveness mocking diminishment monition ultimatum slap in the face kick in the teeth stigmatization implication a lashing a caning a roasting backstabbing underestimation mauling savaging abusiveness infamousness grossness raps knocks brickbats enmity persecution being put in one's place tick off haul over the coals tell off inculpation incrimination indictment malevolence assault prejudice argument jibe a bollocking a wigging a rocket a rollicking fire ill will confrontation slights charge stigmatisation upbraidment smearing damning pugnacity defilement tongue lashing swearing indignity indignities jibes expletives combativeness grooming rebukes disagreement belligerence slanging disrespect slam rudeness impugnment examen quibble swipe verbals quinine knifing hosing put-downs takedown slap pan hit captiousness brickbat sledge jeremiad foul language swear words cut discourse bawling out what for calling down oral punishment verbal assault name-calling slap on wrist critical remark anvil chorus call down bad notice trash talk screed spouting kicking around pushing around a slanging match pep talk complaint imputation impeachment attribution disgrace disesteem dishonour dishonor allegation citation malediction stigma opposition ignominy repudiation infamy proscription humiliation dislike plaint insinuation exprobation distaste sentence battering decrying black eye conviction assertion notoriety beef curse judgement judgment sarcasm outrage ill repute discountenance rejection exception demurral dissent sanction dispute anger ranting justice damnation onus fault discontentment boycott epithet barb claim dig penance outburst gripe squawk roar stink rumble dido imprecation exposé reflection suit a bad press penalization excommunication thumbs down catcall bum rap gibe affront abomination libeling libelling maligning vilifying traducing aspersing crimination defaming blackening lawsuit just deserts taunting anathema taunt backhanded compliment dirty dig punitive action loss of reputation comeback dump loss of face censoriousness onslaught complaints lamentation moan lament groan keen protest innuendo ascription wail sideswipes aggravation hassle angry exchange suggestion embarrassment vociferation ban discharge intimidation mudslinging maliciousness source of discredit bad language philippics asseveration blasphemy counterblast repulsion repugnance barrage jeer action plea disreputableness atrocity malison winze provocation ill fame animus summons villainy outrageousness sneer doom debarment blaming bill of indictment threat notoriousness shamefulness enormity impropriety prosecution aversion antipathy hate abhorrence revulsion detestation loathing disgust hatred finger-pointing taint harsh criticism ridiculing mockery goading scoff count black mark taboo lost face blur spot brand resentment unpopularity blot dispprobation blackball zing boo nix ostracism hiss discontent warrant bill detention writ findings statement comment presentment threat of punishment crack parting shot jab snappy comeback black list beating a bawling-out a bashing an earful culpability bar sinister a row critical remarks scandalmongering responsibility guilt accountability muckraking dirt jumping blameworthiness diss aftertale slime rumour lie dis liability rumourmongering rumor rumormongering mud strike demerit gird damage dart harm poke harassment name answerability defamation of character personality false report smear campaign low-down dirty malicious gossip dirty laundry false light tittle-tattle fake news slagging-off slap in face cheap shot ill-repute torment hounding loss of respect scoffing offensive gibing wisecrack burden bias crime guiltiness hate crime culpableness beating up burlesque banter lampooning raillery mocking remark buck

Tính từ

Extremely offensive and insulting
abusive insulting rude offensive disparaging scurrilous vituperative contemptuous defamatory derisive contumelious degrading invective scathing slanderous affronting castigating libellous maligning reproachful reviling belittling censorious denigratory derogatory disrespectful insolent opprobrious pejorative uncomplimentary vilifying vulgar blasphemous disdainful scornful scurril scurrile slighting truculent upbraiding vitriolic vituperatory calumniating castigatory reproving traducing berating foul injurious libelous obloquious obnoxious rough sarcastic sharp-tongued unmannerly violent withering critical harsh virulent sardonic malign calumniatory malicious ranting denunciatory disappointed disapproving fault-finding condemnatory admonitory accusatory judgmental faultfinding judgemental accusing full of reproof deprecatory hurtful nasty catty spiteful detractive wounding bitter depreciative scandalous vicious derisory venomous derogative indecent sharp depreciatory demeaning biting obscene denigrative coarse unkind damaging humiliating cutting cruel calumnious acerbic lewd dirty caustic malevolent mean unfriendly hateful decrying impertinent filthy smutty ribald crude negative inconsiderate sneering deprecating vile malignant brusque curt profane hostile discourteous vindictive uncivil despiteful unsympathetic aggressive mocking salacious surly annoying uncharitable low personal acrimonious aspersive dismissive mordant detracting severe galling unpleasant gruff snide abrasive satirical rancorous foul-mouthed poisonous despicable acerb bad mud-slinging impudent jeering impolite indelicate bad-tempered ill-tempered gross unflattering cheeky suggestive Rabelaisian defaming irritating outrageous denigrating blue unfavourable scatological offending discrediting dishonouring bawdy lying backbiting sordid ungracious debasing unprintable scatologic disagreeable raunchy X-rated acid trenchant barbed stinging incisive unfavorable detractory hard grating detestable uncouth dishonoring off colour tart churlish minimizing cantankerous savage blistering astringent minimising searing acidulous wretched antagonistic supercilious acrid corrosive snarky smart-mouthed acidic smart-aleck smart-alecky scalding pungent satiric callous insensitive mordacious angry irreverent devastating ill-humored mean-spirited ill-natured evil-minded ill-humoured ironical earthy distasteful colourful racy diminishing deflating depraved saucy forward brash pert pushy brazen malapert sassy Fescennine discreditable familiar intrusive abrupt blunt short false misrepresentative untrue resentful maledictory muckraking scandalmongering colorful aspersing bad-mannered ill-mannered ridiculing slurring maledictive choice aspersory sharp-worded peppery double-edged thoughtless offhand mortifying depreciating debased graceless inappropriate dyslogistic disadvantageous sniping downgrading repulsive belligerent envenomed splenetic maleficent malefic infamous scabrous groundless objectionable stabbing fierce inhospitable wrathful bellicose rotten confrontational combative pugnacious tough scoffing vituperous shameless epithetical evil-intentioned displeasing joyless unsociable militant uncongenial strong sacrilegious stern foulmouthed defiant viperous sour scrappy furious exasperating unfeeling brutal abhorrent haughty superior provocative vexing provoking exceptionable embarrassing overbearing cynical sniffy hypercritical snotty egotistic snooty affrontive pitiless comfortless arrogant full of contempt shocking unacceptable reprehensible censurable spiky argumentative libeling excoriating libelling shaming disgracing damning injuring hurting abasing reproaching upsetting improper unwholesome rubbing the wrong way hard to take trashy porny lascivious stag pornographic gutter wanton impure execrable ignominious ignoble currish dishonorable contemptible base paltry locker-room ornery ruthless dishonourable low-down low-minded

Tính từ

Inclined to find fault too readily
overcritical cavilling captious carping fault-finding hypercritical pedantic pernickety hair-splitting over-censorious over-particular picky quibbling caviling critical fastidious faultfinding finicky fussy hairsplitting hard to please judgemental judgmental meticulous nit-picking over-exacting overparticular overscrupulous pass-remarkable perfectionist punctilious rejective analytical belittling biting calumniatory cavillous censorious censuring choleric condemning contemptuous critic cutting cynical demanding demeaning derogatory diagnostic disapproving discerning discriminating disparaging exacting exceptive harsh humbling judgy lowering nagging niggling nitpicking overnice particular penetrating reproachful sarcastic satirical severe sharp stern trenchant withering condemnatory pettifogging negative persnickety criticizing nit-picky nice criticising deprecatory scathing difficult to please choosy dainty finical choosey finicking delicate fussbudgety difficult impossible to please old-maidish castigatory denunciatory unfavourable complaining reproving griping bellyaching pejorative whingeing unfavorable pharisaic over-rigorous over-strict fine nitpicky self-righteous scrupulous careful overprecise tricky painstaking faddy squeamish stickling subtle querulous grousing grouchy moaning grumbling overrefined grouching whining overexact overexacting bleating over-fastidious faddish slighting berating damning kvetching fiddly detailed on someone's back mithering chuntering unforgiving unsympathetic deprecating dissatisfied discontented culpatory accusatory denouncing reprehending vituperative reproaching chiding severely critical precise refined exact overdelicate assiduous sedulous queasy thorough irritable crabby touchy cantankerous peevish trivial testy perverse petty thorny acrimonious unfair contrary petulant unjust cross reprobatory reprobative very careful easily disgusted ultra-critical full of reproof very critical fussbudget fractious grumpy irascible cranky ratty snappish crotchety tetchy splenetic fretful huffy bad-tempered ill-tempered short-tempered crabbed mean out of sorts uptight surly snappy impatient miserable fiery chippy sullen prickly churlish narky pettish waspish snarky crusty soreheaded eggy snippy snippety stuffy ill-natured raspy mardy out of humor ill-humoured quick-tempered ill-humored in a bad mood angry sulky ornery upset tense obstinate disagreeable moody whingy edgy sour dyspeptic displeased peckish miffy liverish snaky sorehead argumentative quarrelsome contentious annoyed trying feisty unhappy huffish disgruntled tough truculent agitated pouty resentful shrewish bilious bitter pertinacious troublesome shirty ireful whiny crybaby ungracious peppery curmudgeonly stroppy pouting waxy morose scratchy sore worked up short disputatious waspy out of humour mumpish hot under the collar hot-tempered growling as cross as two sticks cussed on edge out of temper awkward like a bear with a sore head fretting childish out-of-sorts ugly spiteful ambiguous evasive equivocal vexed salty peeved put out jesuitical sophistical irritated irate irked piqued galled temperamental livid apoplectic sensitive bristly glum curt unsociable gruff volatile mad riled steamed wild brusque misanthropic hotheaded oversensitive steamed up crook vex ropeable uncooperative snarling exasperated hoha wroth gloomy iracund brooding iracundulous bearish jumpy in a paddy up in arms on the warpath foaming at the mouth hacked off not best pleased tooshie in a bate ticked off hopping mad in a lather bent out of shape teed off fit to be tied aerated acrid thin-skinned having got out of bed on the wrong side dour nasty-tempered acid tart nasty in a mood saturnine passionate blunt cross-grained on a short fuse malicious venomous vinegary foul-tempered hasty malignant hot-blooded vindictive filthy having got out of bed the wrong side obstreperous short-fused chuffy easily offended pugnacious polemical uncompromising scrappy importunate strict intractable clamorous tiresome rigorous dictatorial overbearing inflexible unmanageable hard imperious unamenable unaccommodating insistent stringent unbending exigent belligerent aggressive brawly assaultive warlike bellicose gladiatorial confrontational combative agonistic discordant controversial militant polemic hardheaded obdurate needy possessive unreasonable firm sticklerish stiff unsparing stubborn unflinching litigious dissentious serious tyrannical hard-line hard to satisfy high-maintenance hostile disputative overwrought distraught worried uncomfortable anxious stressed fidgety distressed wreck rattled overstrung twitchy nervous wrought up ill at ease het up

Động từ

Present participle for to criticize or find fault with
berating admonishing castigating rebuking abusing denouncing nagging reprimanding reproaching slating upbraiding blasting carpeting lambasting reviling basting cautioning censuring chastening chastising chiding criticising criticizing disparaging rating reprobating reproving threaping vilifying blaming cavilling caviling disciplining hammering keelhauling lecturing ragging rapping recriminating reprehending taunting vituperating wigging aspersing bollocking flaying jawing railing reaming rowing scoring expostulating objurgating preaching trimming putting down telling off laying into pulling up remonstrating with tearing into dressing down railing against railing at ticking off bawling out chewing out finding fault with jumping on lighting to pitching into ranting at reaming out giving someone a bollocking lacing to letting someone have it slapping down tongue-lashing blowing up giving a talking-to hauling over the coals having a go at laying down the law reading the riot act giving a rocket giving someone a caning raking over the coals yelling at calling down coming down on giving someone a row giving someone a wigging giving someone some stick going on at taking to task taking to the woodshed bringing to book giving someone a mouthful rapping over the knuckles giving someone a dressing-down giving someone an earful giving someone a roasting giving someone a rollicking giving someone a telling-off giving someone hell putting on the mat tearing off a strip giving someone a rating giving someone what for sending someone away with a flea in their ear having someone on the carpet keeping after slapping someone's wrist giving the business condemning excoriating attacking dissing slamming savaging flaming haranguing knocking slagging off fulminating against bashing belaboring panning belabouring inveighing against pillorying roasting lashing pummelling pummeling tearing a strip off trashing scathing potshotting ripping into rubbishing denigrating crucifying giving a piece of one's mind bagging blowing up at running down bad-mouthing calling on the carpet jumping down one's throat assailing exprobating raving at shouting at checking fulminating smearing maligning skewering blistering impugning scorching slashing talking to cutting up criticizing severely decrying calling over the coals cursing accusing monishing coming down hard on lessoning correcting arraigning harassing slurring faulting slanging slagging dispraising speaking to deprecating pulling apart derogating vituperating against casting aspersions on pulling to pieces calling to account insulting ripping disapproving warning slandering raking protesting trouncing jawboning defaming caning calumniating lamming into traducing ranting discrediting complaining rollicking scourging punishing lashing out at scorning inveighing denunciating declaiming wading into besmirching taking to pieces stigmatizing contemning letting fly at taking apart stigmatising carping at skinning letting fly strongly criticizing remonstrating sailing into mauling backbiting drawing the line swearing at execrating rapping on knuckles slapping on wrist giving a going over pouring scorn on telling a thing or two sounding off hitting out at tearing apart expressing disapproval of ostracising ostracizing animadverting on finding fault giving some stick to laying out getting after cussing out leaning on going after declaiming against jumping all over taking issue with climbing all over giving one hell reprimanding severely dealing with annoying pestering exprobrating sorting out exploding lampooning attasking feruling moralising moralizing setting upon zapping opposing frying advising counseling adjuring counselling bursting out dressing-down ridiculing raking over coals speaking satirizing rapping knuckles proscribing disgracing dishonoring dishonouring deriding striking cudgeling shellacking hitting slapping cudgelling smothering chewing visiting tearing to pieces erupting with anger keeping nothing back satirising earbashing criticizing harshly disapproving of cavilling at giving tongue-lashing rejecting taking down accosting having words with having words lashing out giving comeuppance laying on giving a tongue-lashing rapping across the knuckles severely reprimanding nitpicking about giving someone a telling off tearing someone a new one lashing into bringing to account casting a slur on deploring throwing the book at carping on taking down a peg pointing the finger calling to task throwing brickbats at sledging dragging over the coals rapping someone the knuckles anathematizing storming raging giving someone stick coming down on like a ton of bricks criticizing hatefully eating out giving someone a carpeting getting on giving a hard time picking holes in giving flak to burning one's ears sending someone away with a flea in his giving the dickens lowering the boom prosecuting screaming at rounding on incriminating animadverting judging rebuffing giving someone a bad press slighting belittling giving the devil teaching a lesson ragging on making an example of criticizing strongly meting out punishment to tearing down picking on giving piece of mind ranking on giving going-over giving a bad press to bagging on deflating browbeating giving something a bad press indicting charging with showing up impeaching delivering a tirade to bawling yelping yapping offending having your knife in starting on picking apart looking askance reading out giving someone a ticking-off giving an injunction to sounding off to libeling libelling discounting minimizing oppressing persecuting assaulting digging into tucking into working over having at cracking down on having a word with talking with miscalling minimising zinging injuring riding hosing arguing with cutting down blowing off doing a number on calling names cutting to the quick putting someone in their place taking down a peg or two trash-talking dumping on giving a black eye making a protest to vilipending thundering growling riling kicking vociferating fuming challenging whipping objecting putting up a fight against opposing strongly expostulating about remonstrating about disagreeing violently with kicking up making a fuss about kicking against complaining vociferously about taking great exception to thundering against raging against speaking out against kicking up a fuss about complaining bitterly about kicking up a stink about complaining about making a protest against taking a stand against making a stand against raising objections to objecting to protesting strongly at crying down tying into beating up on barking at sullying dragging through the mud degrading smirching lowering besmearing shaming staining tarnishing tainting doing a hatchet job on soiling dragging through the mire defiling damaging blackening debasing blotting bringing discredit to bringing into disrepute spoiling bringing shame upon scandalizing muckraking spotting disrespecting blotching scandalising breathing on reflecting badly on befouling bringing shame on speaking ill of taking exception to slinging mud at flinging mud at giving a bad name ripping up and down shooting down reducing tarring and feathering imputing running smear campaign spreading scandal about picking to pieces charging holding responsible carping depreciating diminishing detracting finding lacking talking down holding accountable detracting from branding frowning on undervaluing underestimating inculpating dismissing looking askance at underrating protesting against nagging at embarrassing playing down undermining poisoning passing strictures upon going for the jugular kissing off scoffing at abhorring pooh-poohing griping about despising detesting arguing against carping about whining about fustigating grousing about moaning about quibbling about grouching about disputing nitpicking over beefing about whingeing about bellyaching about implicating animadverting upon tearing to shreds demeaning finding unacceptable sounding off about downgrading badmouthing devaluing disfavouring disfavoring disesteeming criminating trivializing discountenancing prejudicing mocking humbling exposing blemishing nit-picking jeering at giving something a battering taxing misprizing minifying picking at holding liable frowning upon taking a dim view of treating lightly making light of bringing charges against assigning fault to placing the blame on laying the blame on trivialising doing down sneering at laying at one's door assigning liability to assigning guilt to considering guilty of finding guilty of holding cheap getting angry with refuting imprecating giving a rough time contradicting rebutting assaulting verbally abominating taking sniping at disagreeing with alleging piling in holding forth against complaining of heaping starting in marking down taking away controverting gainsaying taking on bringing under fire beating comminating reviewing unfavorably throwing stones at taking swipe at thinking wrong not supporting attributing jumping on one's case snapping someone's head off biting someone's head off ruining blackguarding clobbering disdaining slogging fluffing slugging showing someone up quarreling with jumping down someone's throat discommending negating expressing a poor opinion of remonstrating against selling short dragging someone's name through the mud dragging through mud slinging mud cutting to bits spurning clamoring against looking down on confronting blustering spouting huffing raving skinning alive giving bad press raising an exposing to ridicule sticking it to expressing disapprobation thinking badly of expressing disapprobation of speaking out holding up to shame questioning expressing strong disapproval of passing on making a stand intimidating taking a stand menacing convicting throwing shade mouthing off about vociferating about passing judgment declaring guilty pronouncing guilty proving to be guilty finding guilty holding someone answerable going on about scapegoating singling out ranting and raving holding someone to blame complaining to humiliating dissenting excepting bickering resisting taking issue arguing raining objecting strongly to fighting expressing disagreement with griping lodging a protest against combatting squabbling taking exception combating withstanding demurring hurting abasing destroying framing cheapening saddling sinking fouling fingering downplaying characterizing labelling labeling understating marginalizing squashing squelching compromising marginalising accusing of classifying classing categorizing marking laughing off laughing at taking a swipe at cutting down to size shooting full of holes laying a bad trip on passing the buck laying a guilt trip on putting in a bad light showing in a bad light blackening someone's name bringing into disfavour identifying describing calling categorising characterising naming marking out labelling negatively accusing of being

Động từ

Present participle for to complain or express discontent in a wearisome manner
nagging harassing badgering harrying hounding berating chivvying hassling henpecking upbraiding bullying persecuting pestering worrying beefing bellyaching bleating carping caterwauling complaining crabbing criticising criticizing croaking dogging fussing griping grizzling grouching grousing growling grumbling grumping hollering inveighing keening keeping on at kicking kvetching maundering moaning murmuring muttering needling pecking at plaguing repining riding screaming squawking squealing vexing wailing whimpering whining whingeing yammering yauping yawping yowling carping at going on at keeping after baiting distressing disturbing eating egging goading grumbling at harping on at heckling hectoring importuning moaning at nudging picking on prodding provoking teasing urging finding fault with keeping complaining to moaning on at bending someone's ear breathing down someone's neck finding fault picking at working on giving a hard time taking it out on busting someone's balls busting chops cavilling caviling tormenting domineering bothering creating chuntering chirping sounding off keeping at reminding prompting harping on intimidating grieving sighing sulking niggling chiding groaning bugging irritating browbeating kicking up a fuss kicking up a stink protesting mithering nattering cribbing objecting to going on sniveling speaking out against objecting puling snivelling picking holes in plaining over oppressing taunting disparaging annoying reviling reproaching pushing gripping torturing tyrannizing hazing afflicting overriding tyrannising enslaving tyrannizing over dominating lamenting bemoaning bewailing making a fuss deploring crying remonstrating quibbling nitpicking mourning knocking condemning howling denouncing opposing mumbling taking exception nit-picking screeching fretting bawling complaining about yelping raising objections demurring expressing disapproval twining expostulating carrying on dissenting railing at taking exception to grunting sorrowing for sighing over grieving over going on about squalling greeting censuring decrying yelling ululating shrieking wittering splitting hairs hypercriticizing whispering charging excepting taking a stand making a stand arguing disapproving rumbling beefing about mouthing protesting against quibbling about droning putting up a fight gabbling swallowing slurring kicking up a fuss about kicking up a stink about putting the boot in deprecating disagreeing lodging a complaint making a complaint kvetching about ruing rueing raising Cain regretting making a fuss about inveighing against moaning about repenting running down expressing sorrow wailing for expressing regret about keening over wailing over grieving for singing the blues crying over weeping over gurning pleading blowing off steam anathematizing execrating cursing yapping wauling weeping sorrowing niggling about pettifogging blubbering roaring raising a ruckus crying the blues kicking up a storm dwelling on repeating raging keeping on ragging crying out sobbing sorrowing about grouching about sounding off about bellyaching about sputtering muddling snarling burbling complaining vehemently about panning objurgating pecking miaowing snorting picking holes bickering quarrelling quarreling rubbishing slandering sniping maligning kicking up a rumpus contravening indicting defying accusing laying differing ascribing imputing gainsaying refuting attacking trashing badmouthing talking under your breath squeaking making screeching harping upon dwelling upon bad-mouthing slagging off pulling to pieces taking apart speaking ill of cutting up disagreeing with looking askance rampaging fulminating against expressing sorrow about shedding tears over crying over spilt milk beating one's breast crying over spilled milk moaning over weeping for moaning and groaning casting aspersions on doing a hatchet job on making a song and dance making a scene pouting expressing objections expressing objections to minding expressing disagreement lodging a protest arguing against expressing disagreement with lodging a protest against taking issue expressing disapproval of raising objections to remonstrating against moping taking issue with spurning having a problem quarreling with disapproving of grousing about grumbling about cavilling at drawing the line taking a stand against having a problem with disavowing challenging baulking discountenancing balking disesteeming ranting about discommending drawing the line at crossing disputing griping about begging to differ frowning on raising objection taking on railing against expressing sorrow for wailing about sorrowing over expressing woe for maffling making a stink tangling with mixing it up with making an objection going-one-on-one voicing speaking vocalising stammering talking uttering vocalizing saying to oneself talking to oneself rambling speaking sotto voce stuttering speaking indistinctly verbalizing garbling babbling intoning verbalising feeling sorry for yourself

Động từ

Getting onto

Động từ

Present participle for speak or shout at length in an angry, impassioned way
ranting blustering spouting fulminating shouting bellowing declaiming raving roaring yelling vociferating crying huffing pontificating trumpeting holding forth sounding off bloviating clamoring clamouring fuming haranguing mouthing objurgating orating perorating raging railing seething sizzling soapboxing spieling storming stumping delivering a tirade going on and on mouthing off ranting and raving carrying on going on taking on blowing your top exploding thundering bristling complaining discoursing preaching lecturing talking sermonizing expatiating speechifying speaking sermonising preachifying talking at length pronouncing speaking at length opining droning on going crazy uttering going ape shooting off one's mouth going mad moralizing speaking out moralising going off the deep end jabbering grumbling descanting bursting yapping protesting flipping becoming very angry spellbinding vaporing bragging boasting rambling chattering grandstanding addressing expounding talking forcefully rambling on rabbiting on getting in a rage reciting proclaiming jawing asserting declaring stating talking big piling it on blowing hot air babbling losing control having a fit blowing a fuse going bananas hitting the roof going wild freaking out foaming at the mouth talking endlessly talking wildly going up the wall rattling on going spare losing your cool flipping one's wig exploding in anger making a to-do losing one's temper going through the roof delivering a harangue coming unglued flying off the handle running amuck flipping your lid going into a frenzy going crackers frothing at the mouth

Trái nghĩa của a scolding

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