Trái nghĩa của terribly blunt

Tính từ

Opposite of rather rude, curt or abrupt in speech or manner
subtle tactful circuitous mealymouthed courteous diplomatic sensitive devious indirect kind lengthy long nice gracious mannerly politic fake perceptive discreet considerate understanding delicate careful thoughtful judicious respectful gallant polished genteel civil affable urbane refined courtly gentlemanly ladylike insincere feigned phoney genial cordial phony obliging artificial mealy pleasant pretended deferential chivalrous seemly discerning decorous prudent formal cultivated civilised civilized proper savvy skillful skilful decent treating with kid gloves well mannered well behaved well spoken well bred well brought up polite well-mannered well-bred gentle friendly amicable cultured mild complaisant patient tender well-behaved compassionate sympathetic soft amiable agreeable elegant dishonest evasive accommodating tolerant charming sociable amenable congenial neighborly neighbourly hospitable light good-tempered tasteful calm mellow sophisticated kindly advisable wise benevolent modest smooth warmhearted humane ultrarefined pleasing temperate moral indulgent guarded debonair ceremonious reticent ambassadorial suave wellmannered verbose mealy-mouthed mannered moderate placid complimentary nonabrasive tame benignant benign nonintimidating definite easy evolved comradely well-disposed accessible conversable gregarious receptive companionable welcoming approachable bonhomous unreserved communicative mindful solicitous graceful couth expansive attentive selfless warm accomplished helpful slight generous advanced educated happy sweet cheerful even-tempered encouraging leisurely deliberate big developed altruistic caring at ease good mannered charitable concerned magnanimous poised meek mild-mannered lovable easygoing humble respectable kind-hearted laid back unassuming softhearted likable angelic tender-hearted well brought-up good-natured likeable peaceful bland good-mannered submissive yielding good felicitous dutiful befitting becoming

Tính từ

Opposite of rudely abrupt in one's manner or response

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Opposite of open, honest, and direct in speech or writing, especially when dealing with unpalatable matters

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Opposite of blunt and plain-spoken in one's manner of speaking or behavior

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Opposite of not flattering

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Opposite of rather rude, curt or abrupt in speech or manner

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Opposite of frank and blunt in nature

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Opposite of vigorously keen or severe in expression or style

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Opposite of behaving, spoken or done in a determined and forceful way

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Opposite of forceful, with maximum effort

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Opposite of plain, unembellished and straight to the point, often uncomfortably so

Động từ

Opposite of to decrease in feeling or strength
sharpen whet animate intensify stimulate vitalize aid assist encourage enliven heighten help increase needle point strengthen put an edge on envigorate invigorate energise energize fire quicken excite inspirit vivify brace motivate fillip hearten exhilarate spike electrify boost fortify embolden revive inspire trigger raise stir empower extend escalate concentrate rouse sustain revitalise revitalize magnify reinforce deepen gladden step up bolster enhance amplify widen augment urge spark activate spur liven up move zap compound incite exacerbate instigate add to impel arouse redouble kick-start prod aggravate vivificate innervate refresh thrill broaden accentuate emphasise emphasize expand build up galvanise galvanize prime kindle pep up cheer up pick up ginger up inflame gain strength light up give life to worsen make worse give new life to breathe life into buck up breathe new life into gee up give a buzz light a fire under enlarge provoke irritate agitate upset improve grow worry neglect ignore allow complicate let go trouble prolong uplift intensate brighten release frustrate beef up develop upgrade aggrandize exasperate permit facilitate enrich ameliorate multiply advance depress support build free liberate enable harass richen dissatisfy infuriate enrage warm heat buttress toughen stagnate secure harden increment fan the flames of heat up triple double restore rejuvenate add lift solidify disturb praise coagulate rise withhold compliment leave alone reinvigorate elevate stress exaggerate highlight accent let down proliferate further buoy up wake up perk up fire up make stronger hone mobilise construct push mobilize indulge revamp patch fix rebuild reconstruct renovate better recondition mend repair doctor give a boost to inflate underline consolidate spotlight upraise cure amend heal start perfect jack up hike up promote underscore draw up put the accent on put emphasis on take up pile on bring out bring up tone up heap on refine polish divulge uncover accuse disclose open darken blame show condemn burden expose unmask blacken sentence reveal tell strip fine-tune let out lay bare

Đồng nghĩa của terribly blunt

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