Đồng nghĩa của terribly disappointing

Tính từ

Failing to fulfill someone's hopes or expectations
depressing discouraging disheartening dispiriting disillusioning dismaying distressing disenchanting saddening upsetting dissatisfying regrettable sad unfortunate anticlimactic disconcerting frustrating dismal gloomy daunting demoralizing cheerless unfavourable distressful bleak unfavorable sombre dejecting melancholy grim demoralising tragic hopeless somber heartbreaking dreary off-putting heart-rending painful black heartrending agonizing agonising oppressive wretched poignant crushing dire unhappy traumatic harrowing lamentable melancholic unpleasant funereal inauspicious woeful doleful mournful piteous tear-jerking depressive disturbing joyless pitiful sorrowful pathetic bitter grievous dampening pitiable moving sorry unlucky lachrymose unpropitious heart-wrenching unpromising pessimistic miserable comfortless ominous difficult dreadful dark bad morbid glum desolate shocking horrific disconsolate excruciating morose troublesome drear terrible discomposing appalling lugubrious sullen tragical deplorable plaintive calamitous touching unsettling intimidating desolating sickening teary tearful grave affecting blue downbeat despairing hurtful gut-wrenching afflictive murky solemn chill Cimmerian sepulchral plutonian acherontic acheronian afflicted anguished grieving agonized troubling displeasing looking on the black side disastrous catastrophic cruel tortured racked agonised feeble paltry mean awful alarming unnerving austere ghastly testing unwelcome parlous worrying horrible irritable bewildering macabre foreboding irksome perturbing troubled distasteful sinister disagreeable perplexing frightening distressed mephitical hellish unkind unpalatable repellant repellent loathsome vexing revulsive unamusing aggravating uncongenial irritating annoying unpleasing abhorrent galling repugnant poor rueful drab dispirited mirthless dolorous dolesome vexatious uncomfortable cold depressed dingy plangent horrifying derisible mortifying pensive frightful repressing inopportune disadvantageous dissuading hindering deterring not encouraging not hopeful forlorn tenebrous lonely godforsaken gray saturnine grey dreich elegiac elegiacal tenebrific darkening lonesome uninviting dull dim sunless cloudy unwelcoming dejected stark inhospitable despondent woebegone abject dour crestfallen bare clinical impersonal mourning institutional horrid drearisome spiritless severe bland down draggy mopey wintery wintry jarring in the dumps cast down down-and-out forbidding formidable sorrowing earnest sedate humourless humorless stern downcast weighty colorless sober unsmiling serious staid suspicious sourpuss hurting muted subdued stony-faced no-nonsense poker-faced down in the dumps down in the mouth lacklustre lackluster deep colourless boring monotonous shadowy lifeless unexciting blah uninteresting uninspiring humdrum disquieting spartan unappealing offensive disgusting broken-hearted heartbroken grief-stricken skeptical gruesome devastated inconsolable in the pits chap-fallen downhearted objectionable unappetizing unsavoury unattractive nasty sobering sceptical atrocious obnoxious awesome low-spirited long-faced rebarbative unsavory repulsive exacting challenging scary fearsome overwhelming mean-looking taxing fazing cynical negative gloom-ridden fatalistic defeatist demoralized harsh distrustful doubting alarmist unenthusiastic chilly demoralised Eeyorish

Tính từ

Not up to a satisfactory standard
inadequate unsatisfactory inferior insufficient lame poor underwhelming deficient mediocre pathetic pitiful substandard anticlimactic sorry duff ropy rubbish unacceptable unfulfilling unsatisfying unworthy bathetic disagreeable displeasing distasteful failing ineffective uninteresting disillusioning second-rate below par falling short not good enough not much cop not up to scratch not up to snuff not all it's cracked up to be lousy bad deplorable terrible wretched lamentable awful crummy rotten dreadful shoddy dire dissatisfactory appalling defective miserable undesirable imperfect distressing regrettable suboptimal subpar disgraceful sad atrocious dismal abysmal execrable paltry wanting punk low-grade unfortunate shameful faulty junky hopeless wrong diabolical crumby laughable shabby useless rubbishy woeful frightful trashy unsuitable offensive weak horrible disastrous wack off bush not up to par nasty crude reprehensible low ill-advised bush-league cheap pants feeble sour lacking egregious objectionable sucky tenth-rate unpleasant meager third-rate meagre low-quality a load of pants unlucky unwelcome unfavorable unfavourable below standard blameworthy inappropriate jerry-built abject sleazy unsound trumpery pitiable bum schlocky intolerable poxy calamitous chronic too bad ill inadmissible damaged poor-quality less-than-stellar godawful direful inept abominable horrendous odious below average no good unpopular from hunger undesired grievous unpalatable untoward mean inopportune upsetting improper unsavoury grim common unsavory cheesy schlock gimcrack coarse cheapjack tragic disturbing unwanted unseemly tatty amiss catastrophic impermissible incompetent worthless insufferable grotty unsought cut-rate piddling unimpressive exceptionable obnoxious low-rent stinking subnormal bargain-basement el cheapo under par inconsiderable cruddy not up to standard insubstantial derisory contemptible god-awful not satisfying second rate ignominious bungling impaired inefficient reduced limited impotent little flawed ineffectual shocking base trifling cheap and nasty low quality restricted inappreciable sparing negligible junk lemon less than ideal trivial minimal insignificant foolish-looking silly ridiculous rueful absurd hideous ghastly ludicrous beastly cataclysmic affecting dissatisfying under-strength insupportable pits very bad amateurish found wanting dodgy dubious unreasonable questionable repugnant minor league small potatoes minor-league squalid rough corrupt dark sordid unwholesome disreputable damnable garbage loathsome condemnable scurrilous horrid out cheapo vile gross irremediable indefensible stinky inacceptable unappealing uninviting reject too little won't do over the fence not on second-class not quite the done thing poor quality God-awful half-baked not cricket two-bit of poor quality beyond the pale of low quality out of order thin disconcerting disquieting unbefitting not okay scant not acceptable bereft indecorous infelicitous injudicious tactless unbecoming inexpedient degraded seedy inapt for the birds no great shakes leaving a lot to be desired tragical heartrending unhappy heartbreaking distressful undue unsuited scungy degenerate debauched afflictive regretful ill-suited icky yukky yucky bitter uncongenial unlovely unpleasing harsh rejected wicked seamy excluded uninvited ill-considered ill-timed a pity repellent annoying ill-favoured unwished for unwished-for not wanted ill-favored tinny valueless craptacular middling weak sauce tawdry tacky average detestable dime-a-dozen despicable sub-par foul ordinary revolting repulsive not up to much dirty disgusting abhorrent bodger leaving much to be desired vulgar hellacious hostile indifferent unexceptional pedestrian ignoble grubby sickening good-for-nothing ratty downmarket dishonourable poorer gaudy dishonorable critical unfit nauseous hack petty scandalous flimsy déclassé ugly the pits tinhorn scurvy adverse low-end discreditable unfriendly nauseating inexpert repellant noisome tasteless unspeakable incapable naff counterproductive negative half-pie twopenny-halfpenny grave slipshod low-down gruesome antagonistic meretricious outrageous inimical measly awkward horrifying evil obscene piss-poor rancid brummagem scabby scummy unsightly crass Brummagem careless cheap-jack ramshackle grody disapproving snide currish run-down unsympathetic poorly unimportant inefficacious powerless thrown together badly built low-minded sick hateful forbidding a dead loss a dime a dozen desperate troublesome uncomfortable clumsy alarming hairy fulsome noxious inhospitable damaging sneaking inconsequential contrary unskilful monstrous excruciating unbearable immoral cheapie unproficient pointless futile raffish godforsaken unavailing meaningless heinous kitsch unproductive nugatory rinky-dink negligent of a sort servile unusable inutile bogus nothing sterile unprofitable profitless barren unessential waste abandoned two a penny harmful adversarial slapdash troubling uncultured crook unstable off-colour discomforting horrific worrisome irksome adversary showy off colour knocked together lowbrow unsophisticated unsuccessful untimely severe agonizing stressful daunting unsettling traumatic perturbing torturous commonplace worse out of sorts inauspicious hamstrung feckless disadvantageous garbagy injurious opposing disavowing discouraging unflattering uncomplimentary unrefined serious dangerous wanky plastic agitating difficult doleful unpropitious perilous garish strictly for the birds end-of-the-pier dilapidated makeshift tormenting grisly fraught macabre troublous frightening nightmarish no-account antipathetic prejudicial jaundiced jerrybuilt senseless tremendous parlous broken inglorious painful sinful scruffy dingy cruel bleak gloomy iniquitous threatening ominous unqualified unpromising worrying indelicate harrowing downer bummer naysaying counter undistinguished uncouth rude hurtful galling agonising vicious empty unfitted impolite debased dishonest mournful opprobrious dud unprincipled depressing infamous uninspired inconvenient from hell disgustful loathly unladylike malapropos ungentlemanly graceless broken-down no-good very poor grungy unseasonable uncool scroungy ill-disposed pinchbeck tattered brassy menial raunchy inproficient entry-level bottom-rung drossy unable to do something for toffee under the weather dime-store beyond contempt fumbling ne'er-do-well corny cheeseball piteous rickety not so good slovenly lesser puny dicey tricky throwaway kitschy ropey well below par twopenny second-best wet melancholy inexcusable second class unscrupulous risky precarious acute hazardous unforgivable backwards hellish rebarbative stupid sickly invalid weakly unequal shlock shlocky depraved preposterous niggling picayune chicken minute footling piffling peanut nominal piddly slight pimping hard impoverished stark pitiless ruthless savage oppressed brutal merciless low-class unfashionable insalubrious tinpot reprobate dissolute minor destructive unpardonable unconscionable foolish overwhelming dolorous tinselly not cutting it maladroit pretentious humble slavish poverty-stricken off-color run down unable to do something to save one's life blah poopy flashy unjustifiable despisable disdainable sparse slender cowardly plebeian lowly not good erroneous diddly criminal down at heel not much chop disparaging ailing brash craven villainous hateworthy irredeemable irretrievable not the best bad news fallacious de minimis Mickey Mouse tardy late unadvantageous discommodious opposed inadvisable swinish off-form beggarly not oneself outcast unwell unchivalrous shameless flash tinsel glittering loud uncharitable dastardly in poor condition botched fumbled queasy decadent impure lewd modest simple peasant reproachful plain flamboyant flaring glaring jazzy screaming blatant obtrusive sporty glitzy flaunting chintzy brazen nauseated louche sleazoid avaricious skanky self-seeking mercenary calculated venal covetous catchpenny sombre unnerving discomposing solemn somber humourless humorless sober irritating mortifying dumbed down low cost unskillful unable cack-handed ham-fisted lacking ability unskilled uncultivated ill-mannered vexatious lurid sedate unendurable small-time fruitless no use saddening afflicting not know one's arse from one's elbow vulnerable losing not equal to ineligible naive unequal to the task out of your depth frail butterfingers inexperienced disqualified unequipped not up to it not up to dependent hollow boorish uncivilized anguished concerning sorrowful chaffy vain null banal nickel-and-dime of no benefit bootless unfructuous to no avail menacing undignified roughneck unmannered clodhopping incult oafish unpolished cloddish churlish lowbred illiberal uncivilised rough-hewn brutish slobbish mannerless fair unmannerly ill-bred nerve-racking nail-biting heart-rending gut-wrenching off-putting heart-breaking extremely bad nerve-wracking foreboding out of place unfitting indiscreet passable moderate so-so festy malfunctioning perverse incongruous incorrect inapposite unapt yucko gnarly medium not worth a hill of beans incomplete non-functioning inoperative run-of-the-mill tolerable middle-of-the-road ill-constructed rowdy out of keeping inelegant malodorous indecent in poor taste ruffian ungodly scratched buckled torn not working cracked warped deformed workaday everyday adequate very unpleasant sick-making unremarkable prosaic lackluster lacklustre unexciting buggy not functioning knackered run-of-the-mine OK forgettable run-of-mine immaterial bog-standard vanilla amateur fair-to-middling injured unhealthy on the bum abnormal blemished gone wrong unfinished in disrepair seconds on the blink unreliable ill-fated out of the way in bad taste not so hot of no consequence nothing to write home about plain vanilla not very good

Tính từ

Marked by a low amount or deficiency
poor meagre scanty scant paltry limited restricted reduced modest insufficient inadequate sparse spare deficient negligible insubstantial skimpy short little lean small slight slender miserable lamentable light meager pitiful scarce skimp slim sparing puny beggarly insignificant lowly measly trivial base contemptible diminutive ordinary stingy subnormal trifling pathetic piddling exiguous hand-to-mouth inconsiderable thin miserly tiny minimal wanting scrimpy bare inappreciable weak lacking low nominal derisory flimsy mean tenuous marginal in short supply sketchy shy failing rare not enough inconsequential barren petty remote faint outside mingy too few too little frail few and far between feeble minimum thin on the ground piffling tight incomplete unlikely picayune unproductive unsatisfactory unfinished implausible scrimp mere shabby off minute improbable ungenerous distant dubious doubtful fragile too little too late at a premium fractional far-fetched unsubstantial unimportant narrow piddly subtle stunted niggling scattered unfruitful infertile stinted thinning incommensurate few bitty defective vague frugal too small dry bereft infrequent destitute low on short on imperfect faulty dispersed pitiable short of imperceptible thinly distributed diminished hard to come by incidental lousy unconvincing confined nugatory infinitesimal minuscule shallow wispy unsufficient sporadic little bitty smallish fragmentary laughable lame unambitious economical parsimonious junk depleted finite exhaustible isolated unqualified diffuse on the small side missing scrubby occasional uncommon average questionable minus unfitted incapable unample drained incompetent devoid unconsiderable woeful shoestring sad insipid strapped for pushed for unaspiring unimposing unexceptional dicey iffy absurd inconceivable close footling bush-league out of short-handed circumscribed defined definite determinate measured rudimentary patchy basic hard to find with an insufficiency of like gold dust not to be had barely sufficient pimping just chicken peanut far faraway outlying not to be had for love nor money worthless set partial ineffectual scarcer than hen's teeth valueless merely minor only no-account de minimis Mickey Mouse nothing more than no more than no better than no more important than middling token fair nickel-and-dime moderate medium ridiculous tolerable adequate insulting ludicrous passable preposterous outrageous risible acceptable poxy dwindling decent humble very small peppercorn certain superficial meaningless unnecessary microscopic diddly mediocre not worth mentioning needed cut shoddy two-bit rinky-dink silly cockamamy derisive cockamamie comical farcical not making it not hacking it coming up short not worth bothering about median run-down at a low level straggling basal unfrequent satisfactory midsize midsized intermediate middle seldom seen next to none low in numbers next to no

Tính từ

Lacking in a required or necessary quality
wanting deficient inadequate insufficient lacking defective faulty imperfect inferior poor substandard unsound patchy sketchy incomplete unacceptable unsatisfying flawed impaired pathetic short shy absent limited low missing not good enough restricted scarce second-rate shabby shoddy unfinished bodger needing not acceptable not up to standard unpolished unrefined away bankrupt bereft cooked deprived destitute devoid empty failing gone half-baked less needed omitted scant scanty unfulfilled below par burned out cut off in default not up to par out of gas not much cop not up to expectations not up to scratch too little too late leaving much to be desired weak unsatisfactory scrappy unsuitable exiguous unworthy duff meagre skimpy unequal rare underprovided unassembled undersupplied injured meager amiss damaged infrequent marred second string second fiddle found wanting outta gas third string not enough not make it not cut out for broken malfunctioning inoperative not working not functioning kaput busted on the blink out of order knackered in disrepair non-functioning down broken-down conked out bust blemished out of commission done for acting up not in working order bad dud out of kilter gone phut playing up gone haywire on its last legs wonky warped on the fritz finished scratched cracked unusable deformed torn unfit unreliable shot sick fallible out of whack inoperable incorrect useless distorted broken down buckled out ruined disabled hurt spoiled buggy inexact botched had it spoilt worn out screwed up gone wrong lemon frail worn-out tainted out of action conked-out run-down in need of repair up the spout old chipped done in inconsistent dilapidated crippled slipshod off rumpty nonfunctional unavailable clapped out debilitated harmed unfunctional unserviceable incapacitated inactive unproductive unavailing crashed abnormal seconds unhealthy on the bum subnormal gone kaput given up the ghost stopped working out of service packed up gone bust out of use non-functional dysfunctional scrap bootless abortive dented doesn't work smashed spent wracked gone to pieces fallen apart in the shop haywire coming unstuck exhausted on the shelf coming unglued gone to pot feeble failed inaccurate beat-up loused up dinged messed up totaled snafued glitched in smithereens bent flubbed sunk in poor condition fouled up mucked up wounded no go fallacious invalid imprecise wrong erroneous worthless valueless ineffective no good debased rank unretentive contradictory adulterated awry false malformed blamable leaky confused maimed incoherent lame unsellable unsaleable partial crummy tenth-rate below standard immature lousy undeveloped rubbish ropy rudimentary disfigured in a state of disrepair minus junk vicious garbage not up to snuff faultful schlocky few bugs two-bit bottom-of-barrel

Tính từ

Causing annoyance or bother
plaguy bothersome annoying irritating irksome upsetting exasperating aggravating worrisome disturbing worrying pesky trying galling nagging troublesome provoking nettlesome burdensome disagreeable troublous unpleasant teasing mean ugly wicked afflicting tormenting infuriating maddening vexing discouraging wearisome distressing rankling unsettling troubling vexatious displeasing perturbing abrasive riling challenging painful harassing tiresome difficult chafing peeving carking nettling inconvenient pestilential pestiferous pestilent frustrating rebarbative plaguey unsatisfying pesty sickening objectionable grating traumatic discomforting infernal wretched repugnant thorny irking deplorable unwelcome antagonizing enraging niggling tedious jarring forbidding puzzling lamentable knotty taxing problematic harrying confronting disquieting discomposing distressful confounded awkward incommodious tricky concerning discommoding severe dismaying nasty toilsome disconcerting festering antipathetic wearing demanding unattractive impossible antagonising cussed threatening foreboding gloomy harrowing ominous perplexing consequential laborious onerous frightening startling sinister intrusive hurtful impeding shocking disruptive hard depressing agitating enough to try the patience of a saint enough to drive you up the wall alarming nerve-racking daunting grave prickly sticky hairy scary anxious-making nerve-wracking gnawing agonizing dreadful agonising dire offensive provocative instigative inflaming affronting charged inflammatory goading exciting insulting instigating inciting agitational piquing stimulating incendiary agitative edgy uncertain pessimistic embarrassing prophetic creepy controversial in-your-face obstructive

Tính từ

Failing to interest

Trái nghĩa của terribly disappointing

Music ♫

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