Trái nghĩa của a moderate

Tính từ

Opposite of tending to avoid extreme political ideas

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Opposite of restraining behavior or appetite

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Opposite of in detail, describing each step precisely and in order

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Opposite of characterized by patience and indulgence

Tính từ

Opposite of possessing sound judgment

Động từ

Opposite of to make or become less extreme, intense, rigorous, or violent
grow build increase intensify rise compound elevate escalate soar amass amplify climb increment inflate multiply accumulate aggravate augment balloon bourgeon broaden burgeon double enlarge expand mount mushroom snowball surge swell wax exacerbate heighten agitate build up develop extend go up magnify strengthen raise worsen irritate incite boost upset provoke pick up enhance prolong worry aggrandize excite inflame help free liberate trouble assist aid encourage advance release allow let go reinforce infuriate arouse improve intensate brighten step up add to beef up enrage deepen continue accentuate lift rouse sharpen whet forward lengthen hike up uplift jack up make worse permit promote leave alone revive madden stretch complicate concentrate exasperate lose stir exaggerate praise up ameliorate emphasize reveal bump up redouble compliment crank up accuse blame depress condemn pump up mark up ratchet up animate start draw out loose loosen facilitate indulge emphasise tension tighten strain tense harass ire incense enflame outrage anger tumefy enable win stimulate soften bend flex stagnate ascend embitter heat up become greater flourish exist dissatisfy deplete tell all refresh mobilise construct push mobilize antagonize antagonise push up upgrade stress highlight accent shoot up spike remain stay keep perpetuate progress be lenient underline consolidate spotlight support upraise richen enrich fortify widen protract underscore draw up put the accent on put emphasis on take up pile on bring out bring up tone up heap on supplement complement revitalize delay sustain triple blow up supersize neglect misguide abandon leave mislead forsake foster awaken waken revitalise urge on gee up exalt stir up whip up extend the duration of increase the length of go on with drag out extol acclaim applaud laud extoll glorify vaunt go ahead divulge uncover disclose open darken show burden expose unmask blacken sentence tell strip overrate commend overestimate approve turn on give up set free boast about hearten warm inspirit heat let out lay bare solidify disturb coagulate withhold

Động từ

Opposite of to keep under control, especially something that is increasing in intensity or extremity

Động từ

Opposite of intervene in a dispute in order to bring about an agreement or reconciliation

Động từ

Opposite of be in authority

Danh từ

Opposite of a person moderate (typically political) views

Danh từ

Opposite of a person who belongs to the political right

Đồng nghĩa của a moderate

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