Đồng nghĩa của deeply unsettled

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Feeling worried and uneasy
troubled anxious uneasy agitated flustered restive tense unnerved disturbed fidgety restless shaken worried disconcerted discomposed disquieted fretful perturbed ruffled uncomfortable alarmed apprehensive bothered concerned confused dismayed edgy nervous rattled shaky thrown upset wired distressed fazed turbulent twitchy disorderly insecure stressy antsy unbalanced unpeaceful unquiet unrestful wavering ill at ease on edge shook up uptight nervy jittery jumpy dithery queasy frightened aflutter queazy hung up atwitter hinky goosey in a tizzy het up scared keyed up fearful flurried stressed high-strung overwrought skittish neurotic hysterical afraid on tenterhooks shy highly strung distraught overstrung annoyed angsty toey discombobulated unglued vexed on pins and needles terrified awkward brittle spooked strung out hyper discomfited discountenanced unstable excited irked worked up timid excitable insomniac insomnolent shocked self-conscious wakeful tossing and turning sleepless bashful having kittens embarrassed intimidated like a cat on a hot tin roof like a cat on hot bricks distracted startled daunted wound up strained irritated unrelaxed watchful inconvenienced fretting unsteady impatient muddled fidgeting fitful in suspense hot and bothered tormented flighty angstful solicitous worried sick bugged panic-stricken under stress strung up in a sweat in a flap in a twitter in a stew in a tizz a bundle of nerves taut in a state of agitation in a cold sweat skittery fluttery careful frantic disordered adrenalized hurt spasmodic retiring hesitant out of place grieved emotional irrational panicky sad shivery saddened unhappy in a panic stressful provoked cowed unsure unsleeping sensitive gutted choked disappointed harassed feeling anxious overanxious nail-biting demoralized angered hassled browbeaten anguished riled beset overwhelmed overawed blue tortured plagued unzipped put out beside oneself demoralised perplexed cut up itchy bewildered squirrelly spooky windy abashed broken up bundle of nerves active worried stiff in a spin a wreck in a state of nerves in a twit in a flat spin in a state all of a lather all of a dither in a dither with one's stomach in knots having butterflies in the stomach with your heart in your mouth like a fish out of water trepidatious hunted overemotional trembling quaking eager overcome graceless timorous mousy angry histrionic faltering inhibited unnatural gauche hectic easily frightened easily agitated disorientated volatile exasperated clutched desperate flushed intense deterred disillusioned discouraged uncertain shrinking blushing reserved introverted aquiver bricking oneself shaking in one's shoes withdrawn sick shaking nerve-racking nervous wreck frenzied unreluctant disoriented falling apart irresolute moved afflicted asea distrustful aghast dreading dispirited downcast wrought-up overactive overexcited febrile fraught hot under the collar hyped-up afire atingle heated hyperexcited unconfident discomforted awake strange lost in turmoil broken pestered harried exacerbated puzzled harrowed displeased chagrined miffed aggravated pained mortified suspicious doubtful ill nerves on edge easily upset sweating bullets a basket case shot to pieces alert all of a flutter lacking social skills tongue-tied put off zipped up hot juiced up vigilant bad offended fretted attentive nonplussed flummoxed low without sleep wide awake wide-awake fuddled verklempt wounded floored in disorder amazed poorly come apart psyched out bummed out at sixes and sevens all torn up taken aback in botheration psyched-out mixed-up caught off balance out of countenance shook-up at sea thrown off balance messed-up maladjusted dysfunctional unhinged in a blue funk in a funk petrified terrorized affrighted bullied difficult problematic terrorised messed up screwed up mixed up terror-stricken in fear and trepidation numb with fear scared stiff emotionally confused ill-adjusted hard tough dark tricky full of problems beset by problems wrought up stressed out under pressure hysteric pressured all of a doodah beleaguered peeved careworn horrified irritable distrait horror-struck cross frozen narked huffy galled hag-ridden delirious mad frazzled at the end of your tether scary furious piqued disgruntled fevered resentful testy nettled burdened angst-ridden hard-pressed waiting for the axe to fall up the wall waiting with bated breath wild aroused under the cosh tremulous oppressed teed off fed up in a huff running scared crazed scared witless overburdened scared to death frightened out of your wits crazy scared out of your wits terror-struck exercised raving horror-stricken feart deranged panicked cautious fractious shaking like a leaf pinched drawn quivering hounded irate afeared frit infuriated unscrewed sore incensed enraged frayed crabbed gun-shy white-knuckled scunnered mistrustful wrathful dissatisfied inflamed swivel-eyed fuming maddened panic-struck pressurized eggy frustrated beside yourself chicken pressurised yellow stressed-out put upon miffy snuffy worn out ill-humored lily-livered up against it cheesed off brassed off hot-tempered in high dudgeon hacked off not best pleased ticked off ill-humoured in a temper having cold feet browned off peed off pessimistic twittering indecisive tentative sorrowful dithering vacillating Delphic unassured unpoised mousey fainthearted caught up tensed swithering traumatized traumatised creepy frisky aggrieved strict conventional discontented haggard worrying emotive wrung disheartened indignant affronted stir-crazy chafed preoccupied obsessed shook all nerves stung on the qui vive disconsolate embittered overstretched old-fashioned cowardly biting one's nails on the defensive injured insulted unfulfilled defeated foreboding agog eagerly cowering reproachful strung-up needled anxiously waiting nervously awaiting fearfully anticipating apprehensively expecting pusillanimous fearsome stiff weak grim hurried rushed emotionally charged tied up in knots unsatisfied unsated ungratified stunned bedevilled basket case all agog avid open-mouthed chicken-hearted numb rabbity sissy butterflies jellyfish with your back to the wall apprehensive about intimidated by agonized alarmed at in a fluster feverish tearing one's hair out frenetic weighed down fierce faint-hearted rabid carrying a chip on your shoulder having stage fright biting nails having a funny feeling with bated breath with one's back up against the wall at the end of one's rope in awe maniacal shell-shocked on the rack ground down despairing anxiety-ridden very scared pushing the panic button have cold feet uncontrolled frightened to death ferocious at wit's end insane demented berserk haunted bedeviled diffident under a strain violent white knuckled meek unassertive worn down agonised raging sceptical dubious mistrusting chary wary guarded berko corybantic weird zonkers funky grumpy racked with suffering skeptical circumspect untrusting doubting questioning devastated petulant spineless irascible preyed upon visited by touchy peevish out of control cranky shattered crabby nuts ratty passive snappish flipped out crotchety unforthcoming wigged out tetchy querulous weirded out freaked out spazzed out last-minute at wits' end addled splenetic leery perverse self-doubting not self-assured lacking confidence lacking self-confidence self-effacing captious complaining ornery worked-up miserable mean grumbling whining very upset critical out of your mind on guard out of one's mind carping caviling like a chicken with its head cut off contrary faultfinding wreck cavilling bad-tempered ill-tempered choleric short-tempered ill-natured ireful out of sorts tooshie steamed vex wrath hoha foaming at the mouth in a bad mood

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Not yet resolved
undecided open undetermined unresolved uncertain pending moot unanswered disputed ongoing arguable debatable equivocal inconclusive indefinite problematic unconfirmed unsolved vexed ambiguous confused iffy unsure vague borderline clouded dubitable pendent unclear unfixed waffling in doubt in limbo open-ended to be decided open to debate up in the air in a state of limbo in a state of uncertainty not decided betwixt and between up for grabs doubtful indeterminate dubious questionable open to question unknown disputable in the balance controversial unconcluded inexact undefined imprecise unpredictable dodgy indecisive contentious yet to be decided chancy obscure doubtable unfinished open to doubt problematical speculative in dispute indistinct incomplete unspecified touch-and-go unestablished enigmatic hazy suspect contestable irresolute incalculable unreliable controvertible unascertained cryptic in question negotiable undependable ill-defined outstanding tentative mysterious unforeseeable contested puzzling dicey hesitant inexplicit issuable nebulous at issue indistinguishable vacillating mootable on ice up for discussion opaque on the back burner open to discussion ambivalent suspicious fishy unsound precarious arcane wavering untrustworthy abstruse shadowy perplexing confusing fuzzy shaky flimsy murky hot-button bone of contention the jury's out between sixes and sevens between rock and hard place unattended to insecure unlimited in no man's land unexplained woolly unspecific shady proving nothing debated hidden queer weak marginal undone undisclosed unfinalized general fractious concealed exceptionable unfounded hairy sticky remaining unproven dark wooly not yet established unlikely intangible risky hanging blear contended apocryphal contingent equivocating blurred in-between double-edged enigmatical awaiting action occult awaiting attention not definite in abeyance not done awaiting decision hanging fire in contention in the air still open much debated to be done on thin ice uncompleted intermediate tricky non-specific hinky halfway inscrutable uncommitted at risk challenging suspended hand-to-mouth ignored neglected deferred open for discussion not yet settled mystic deep elliptical wide open conjectural sketchy open to argument of two minds yet to be settled unquestioned unnoticed unrefuted unchallenged secret in hand Delphic elliptic unverified unprovable unsupported postponed unsubstantiated unrevealed tenuous fuliginous contradictory conflicting argumentative disputatious polemical polemic spurious riddling subject to debate to be won or lost untold hypothetical conditional scrappy quarrelsome hanging by a thread settling nothing paradoxical loose undivulged limitless unidentified faltering hesitating abeyant undiscovered unfamiliar unsubstantial ungrounded wide-open uncounted unstipulated put off anyone's guess unconvincing unproved a live issue a moot point a controversial subject not reliable not dependable not obvious put to one side in cold storage in a state of suspension in suspension unclassifiable a matter of opinion erratic capricious whimsical fluctuant under advisement under examination infinite immeasurable endless evasive anybody's guess provocative critical unsatisfying unsatisfactory inadequate resolving nothing lacking groundless unfateful deficient uneventful unrecognized unapprehended unstated unclassified borderless uncategorized indeterminant bleary gauzy dim faint muzzy pale misty blurry foggy unnoted unrecognised noteless unperceived unheard of oracular leaving matters open measureless unfathomable horizonless unrestricted immensurable illimitable boundless bottomless unbounded fathomless two-edged innumerable inexhaustible wide noncommittal broad indeterminable under discussion being discussed under consideration in lap of gods in the lap of the gods sitting on the fence left hanging flexible muffled still open to question still open to doubt indiscernible elusive discussable improbable movable exchangeable convertible variable for debate at stake under debate implausible unrealistic fanciful unthinkable incredible preposterous fantastic left ridiculous absurd unbelievable open to modification subject to discussion pendant difficult to believe long shot unapt far-fetched hard to swallow fat chance beyond the bounds of possibility scarcely credible to be discussed on the agenda in the works in reserve

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Having doubts or uncertainty (about something or someone)
uncertain doubtful dubious unconvinced undecided unsure sceptical skeptical suspicious distrustful hinky mistrustful trustless hesitant irresolute vacillating wavering tentative indecisive iffy ambivalent undetermined dithering in two minds hesitating unresolved on the fence cynical in doubt doubting of two minds blowing hot and cold waffling leery shilly-shallying faltering indefinite uncommitted torn in a dilemma equivocal equivocating divided wary sitting on the fence noncommittal unbelieving questioning in a quandary not sure fluctuating split fearful unclear cautious apprehensive chary running hot and cold teetering cagey fickle disbelieving incredulous suspecting wishy-washy betwixt and between hemming and hawing nervous jealous insecure guarded quizzical ambiguous oscillating agnostic borderline on the horns of a dilemma on-the-fence hot-and-cold without belief negativistic uneasy careful perplexed vague uptight infirm faithless hazy shaky wondering vacillant fluctuant halting been hit before diffident volatile paranoid slow having reservations unable to decide like doubting Thomas touch-and-go hedging your bets in the middle untrusting unimpressed unpersuaded unmoved confused vexed anxious possessive pussyfooting solicitous unsteady wobbling floating scoffing dilly-dallying shillyshallying swithering unfinished pendent inconstant changeable unconfident changing halfhearted weak unstable wobbly aporetic jaundiced loath reticent indisposed weak-minded watchful unconfirmed disinclined neutral not definite impartial open up in the air debatable full of doubt weak-kneed loth reluctant cagy without faith not born yesterday fly-by-night unsavory unassured unsavoury chancy untrusty paranoiac obsessed unreasonable overly suspicious irrationally anxious over-suspicious para humming and hawing hot and cold circumspect distrusting show-me lacking confidence lacking trust lacking faith timid shy stumbling conflicting muddled broken contradictory stammering backward mixed unwilling mistrusting unaffiliated opposed independent non-aligned non-partisan undeclared vacillatory unattached variable irresoluteoscillating indeterminate unassertive flickering shaking trembling quivering worried skittish pendulous uneventful astraddle non-believing half-hearted conflicted unsatisfied suspect inconclusive nullifidian rationalist irreligious delaying stalling on guard havering hanging back cunctatory having misgivings having qualms having opposing views having clashing views having conflicting views having contradictory views afraid uneager unpredictable dawdling averse lazy unenthusiastic grudging resistant uninvolved free nonpartisan nonaligned stuttering antipathetic resisting free-floating free-spirited fence-sitting imperfect recalcitrant demurring cut loose not involved middle ground middle of the road awkward laboured disjointed non-fluent bumbling inept unhandy claudicant lumbering ham-fisted labored gauche ham-handed wooden maladroit clumsy

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Constantly changing
changing inconstant changeable variable erratic ever-changing inconsistent temperamental uncertain unpredictable unstable varying capricious changeful fickle flickery fluctuating fluid mercurial mutable shifting skittish unreliable unsteady protean quicksilver undependable volatile kaleidoscopic moving chameleon-like irregular wavering vacillating labile flighty blowing hot and cold uneven whimsical impulsive fitful fluctuant up and down mobile wayward movable flakey flaky up in the air up-and-down turbulent moody chameleonic unfixed bipolar vagarious irrepressible excitable yo-yo full of ups and downs giddy active elastic irresolute oscillating floating random variational unequal spasmodic swaying iffy waffling peaky alterable flexible adaptable dubious versatile shifty roving wandering rambling desultory arbitrary scattershot not fixed haphazard faithless volative inexact chancy tempestuous spotty flickering intermittent everchanging untrustworthy evolving not constant stayless shapeshifting irrational fluky ambiguous weaving unequable patchy jerky slippery dynamic quirky freakish indefinite unsteadfast adjustable alternating explosive deviating ever-shifting knife-edge ephemeral transitory ungovernable faddish wild subject to change likely to change nonuniform sporadic free chance meandering directionless episodic altering dicey undirected incalculable nomadic frivolous crotchety in a state of change unmethodical discontinuous developing growing episodical not settled momentary fleeting transient impermanent constantly changing always changing short-lived vicissitudinous transitional restless variant agitated vagrant indecisive reckless occasional untrue disreputable not conscientious hit-or-miss inexplicable varied checkered chequered ever-moving unforeseeable fiery impassioned emotional intense passionate unforeseen unreckonable infrequent scarce aperiodic rare scattered odd uncommon periodic isolated casual choppy hot-tempered quick-tempered periodical seldom catchy few unfrequent semioccasional on-again-off-again in bits and pieces on and off in fits and starts

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Constantly moving from place to place
nomadic wandering transient traveling travelling rootless itinerant roving peripatetic drifting vagrant vagabond migrant migratory roaming errant homeless mobile nomad wayfaring ranging floating gypsy ambulatory on the move peregrine displaced ambulant rambling fugitive galavanting gallivanting perambulatory migrating moving shifting of no fixed abode touring journeying footloose restless destitute seasonal jet-setting globetrotting immigrant perambulant itinerate on the wing on the go down and out of no fixed address voyaging strolling temporary changing tramp casual migratorial immigrating migrative emigrating impermanent fly-by-night freewheeling derelict refugee down-and-out migrational transmigratory houseless unhoused without family ties adrift living rough without a settled home on the streets sleeping rough without a roof passing over passing through idle shiftless expatriate locomotive discursive Gypsy meandering prodigal translocating relocating pastoral erratic afoot ambling on foot constantly traveling rangy walking riding the rails straggling sauntering mendicant wayward stray aimless unstationary fancy-free exiled dispossessed abandoned dossing outcast poor unwelcome estranged disinherited friendless forsaken desolate deported uncared-for banished forlorn without a roof over one's head Romany trekking jaunting landloping planetary lost hiking strayed moving around vagarious rubbernecking globe-trotting gadabout cruising commuting driving flying riding desultory digressive arrant sweeping spanning extensive widespread traversing covering on tour excursioning active marching bustling promenading adventurous plantigrade ambulate digitigrade strutting having itchy feet unclaimed gone astray

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Occurring at uneven or varying rates or intervals
irregular erratic inconsistent inconstant unsteady fluctuating unstable variable volatile sporadic intermittent spasmodic capricious random changeable uneven varying fitful wavering uncertain episodic changing shifting casual unreliable discontinuous aperiodic haphazard patchy episodical nonuniform unsystematic desultory spotty unmethodical choppy disconnected indiscriminate occasional jerky shaky scattershot infrequent eccentric unequal aimless catchy designless fragmentary unpunctual purposeless unconsidered ever-changing hit-or-miss on-and-off up and down off-and-on non-periodic interrupted disturbed disrupted broken incomplete impulsive restless periodic flickering herky-jerky troubled off and on on-again-off-again on and off arbitrary chaotic disorderly disorganized fluky scattered messy jumbled undirected disorganised careless all over the map all over the place unthinking unplanned unselective higgledy-piggledy hit or miss slapdash slipshod thoughtless accidental chance helter-skelter catch-as-catch-can stray orderless hit-and-miss confused undiscriminating uncritical unpremeditated unconcerned incidental spontaneous unorganised loose unexpected unorganized reckless sudden fluke willy-nilly unconscious devil-may-care offhand uncoordinated unpredictable any which way any old way undiscerning undifferentiating indeterminate whimsical hit and miss illogical blind entropic uncontrolled non-linear mixed up fractal scrambled muddled aleatory stochastic frenzied disordered promiscuous chancy incalculable

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Violently disturbed or agitated
roily turbulent agitated tempestuous rough choppy violent tumultuous raging bumpy stormy ruffled disturbed restless wild swirling blustery heaving raucous troubled roiled fierce jerky jouncy blustering harsh riotous squally rolly cacophonous furious jarring boisterous buffeting roaring stormful storming stridulent storm-tossed herky-jerky flapping tremulous threatening stirred up seething heavy foaming moiling boiling weltering unstable foul windy inclement gusty blowy rainy nasty thundery howling raw angry bleak rugged frigid storm-wracked murky vehement torrid menacing raining cats and dogs cold coming down bitter damp savage frenzied riproaring breezy dirty wet unpleasant filthy bad gusting disagreeable intense ferocious strong severe overcast cyclonic airy thunderous volatile intemperate fresh powerful drizzly windswept foggy blusterous extreme draughty forceful gloomy drafty blowing hard blistering dark wintry freezing misty louring chilly miserable cloudy icy brisk snowy rigorous hellacious brutal bracing destructive gray chill grey typhonic forbidding wintery grim acute explosive almighty stiff hazardous risky exposed horrible squallish well-ventilated wuthering wind-swept evil rough-and-tumble vile broken ripply wavy frosty battered full of waves adverse potent uncontrollable weather-beaten stark titanic mighty crushing forcible powerhouse dreadful intensive devastating blizzardlike foreboding ominous chaotic volcanic vicious exquisite fearsome ghastly terrible fearful frightful overwhelming sharp overpowering high tough trying inauspicious malevolent baleful oppressive cruel onerous heavy-duty sombre sinister morbid somber grievous excruciating burdensome murderous searing inhuman hardhanded punishing unforgiving

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Unable to sleep, rest or relax due to excitement, stress or worry

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Relating to lands or territory previously unsettled

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Having lost one's direction
disoriented bewildered confused perplexed discombobulated lost thrown astray unhinged adrift unbalanced unstable at sea mixed-up at a loss all at sea off-course out-of-joint not adjusted off-beam disorientated nonplussed off-track mazed wildered mixed up in a state of confusion going round in circles not knowing whether one is coming or going all over the place in a muddle muddled delirious unglued demented befuddled addled senile dazed irrational unsound crazy psychotic absent-minded deranged whacko with Alzheimer's disease shook up glassy-eyed dopey pixilated spacy pixillated spaced-out dizzy muzzy spacey zonked gone fouled up addlepated screwy shell-shocked punchy zonked-out shot to pieces out to lunch unscrewed punch-drunk silly slaphappy spaced out dopy muddleheaded addle-brained not knowing if one is coming or going not with it muddle-headed confounded puzzled baffled stupefied bemused bushed stumped stunned bamboozled distracted fuddled flummoxed disconcerted mystified bedeviled befogged flustered thrown off balance at sixes and sevens bedevilled dumbfounded astonished astounded shaken floored fazed taken aback fogged discomposed discomfited unnerved troubled clueless surprised shaken up raddled addle spaced rattled dumbstruck flabbergasted speechless startled staggered foxed vexed shocked beaten uncertain bowled over in a dither dismayed embarrassed hard-pressed discountenanced strayed foolish woolly woozy upset disturbed frustrated hard put slap-happy shook wooly addlebrained dazzled aghast agog awed agape maladjusted distraught gaga giddy thunderstruck hazy dumb come apart disorganised disorganized roaming roving lost one's bearing out of it balled up confusional off-balance awe-struck off balance amazed overwhelmed blown away stray had their heads messed with uncomprehending besotted off course out confusticated gravelled got beat graveled buffaloed thrown off caused to be at a stand having lost one's bearings having lost one's way off the right track made to scratch their head preoccupied going in circles engrossed fuzzy

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Missing one's home and family very much when away

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Discontented or unsettled

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Feeling sick with an urge to vomit

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Not arranged neatly and in order
untidy disorderly disorganised disorganized messy cluttered disarrayed disordered jumbled chaotic disheveled dishevelled disrupted haywire muddled shambolic confused disarranged messed mussed mussy rumpled sloppy tousled tumbled unkempt askew awry littered unorderly muddly upset hugger-mugger mixed up pell-mell topsy-turvy higgledy-piggledy upside-down at sixes and sevens in a clutter in a mess in chaos in confusion in disarray in disorder upside down in a jumble in a muddle every which way scrambled random unsorted tangled out of joint out of order mixed-up haphazard all over the place orderless unsystematic anarchic unorganized slovenly unorganised all over the map helter-skelter unmethodical all over the shop messed up scattered in a shambles all over the lot disjointed wild indiscriminate slapdash mussed up straggly out of place irregular tumultuous in a state slipshod dislocated undirected hit-or-miss uncombed casual incoherent erratic snarled unplanned uncoordinated overturned deranged uncontrolled frenzied unpremeditated riotous unruly undisciplined unarranged purposeless shuffled in turmoil convoluted arbitrary unpredictable knotted upended matted discombobulated upturned lawless tangly ruffled lax turbulent hectic careless out-of-line out-of-step out-of-control out-of-whack untrained heterogeneous tumult unsystematized unrestrained fluky downside-up desultory rampageous designless offhand loose in uproar utterly confused like a bomb's hit it screwed up harum-scarum in pandemonium straggling fragmented stirred up strewn strewed unfastidious dilapidated neglected rough crude unclear bedraggled untidied piled crowded ragged shifting rambling incongruent fitful inside-out snafu unhinged cockeyed luxated windswept like a dog's breakfast broken like a dog's dinner ungroomed windblown out of kilter misplaced displaced tossed worse for wear messed-up mussed-up complex variable reversed out-of-place multifaceted complicated intricate twisted aimless capsized backward uncertain hit and miss illogical indeterminate whimsical inconsistent entangled entwined ravelled knotty non-linear nonuniform promiscuous entropic fractal stochastic disconnected aleatory accidental chance multifarious manifold confusing inverted catch-as-catch-can stray hit-and-miss bottom-side-up wrong way on head wrong-side-up bottom up coiled intertwisted enmeshed varied chancy incalculable systemless unconcerned incidental spontaneous unselective sudden any which way unthinking willy-nilly unconsidered devil-may-care hit or miss any old way unexpected reckless fluke unconscious snarled up ratty kaleidoscopic many-faceted cursory perfunctory interlaced raveled trapped thoughtless slack neglectful negligent heedless remiss clumsy imperfect botched shabby hurried unmeticulous shoddy threadbare unthorough faulty inexact junky inaccurate hasty poor inattentive slap-happy lackadaisical thrown together lazy unprofessional

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Crazy or behaving irrationally
moonstruck demented crazy mad crazed deranged unbalanced unhinged daft maniacal psychotic wacky frenzied psychopathic confused distraught idiotic insane irrational lunatic touched batty bizarre cuckoo dotty gaga loco loony mental nutty psycho rabid raving screwy wacko whacko whacky balmy bonkers brainsick bughouse certifiable crackbrained cracked crackers crackpot cranky daffy fruity haywire kookie kooky looney maniac meshugge schizophrenic unsound barmy bedlam derailed disordered moonstricken nuts paranoid scatty senseless wild dazed distracted dreamy fatuous meshuga off preposterous raging wrong wud bats mentally ill off one's gourd off your head around the bend in a daze not all there nutty as a fruitcake off your rocker of unsound mind out of one's mind sick in the head stark raving mad crazy as a loon in another world looney tunes loony tunes mad as a hatter out to lunch non compos mentis disturbed unstable loopy delirious sectionable hysterical frantic bananas barking a few cards shy of a full deck raving mad a few sandwiches short of a picnic round the twist barking mad flipped out one card shy of a full deck unglued incoherent sick manic buggy nutso unreasonable bushed berserk squirrelly nutsy porangi as daft as a brush stark staring mad not the full shilling off your trolley mad as a March hare away with the fairies round the bend off one's nut off the wall dysfunctional irresponsible impractical ape maddened schizzo unscrewed diseased off your chump severely mentally disordered gone fishing screwed up feverish dippy silly eccentric odd schizoid schitzy neurotic doolally uncontrolled stupid psychopathological peculiar queer babbling foolish oddball potty sociopathic gonzo bemused demoniac yarra violent fierce frenetic furious ferocious out there not right upstairs severely mentally ill not quite right in the head one sandwich short of a picnic not together out of one's tree as mad as a March hare not of sound mind mentally deranged out of one's gourd have bats in the belfry up the pole deprived of one's wits having a screw loose foaming at the mouth not right in the head with a screw loose off the deep end off-the-wall as mad as a hatter manic-depressive in the ozone stark mad having kangaroos in the top paddock over the edge flipped-out non compos swivel-eyed lightheaded hot hallucinating restless aberrant deviant light-headed fevered rambling bewildered out of one's head wandering hallucinatory flipped out of one's skull disarranged deviate have kangaroos in the top paddock have a screw loose flaky flakey berko erratic troubled freaked out off the air mixed up not in your right mind schizo unrealistic a bit lacking daft as a brush simple zany uncontrollable freaky fried bedlamite screwball soft in the head amok out of control touched in the head strange paranoiac paranoic mindless borderline daggy unwise outlandish unsafe invalid fantastic psychoneurotic dingy unzipped kinky phrenetic gibbering rampant ranting witless imbecilic simple-minded moronic off the chain few X short of a Y panic-stricken yampy cretinous dull-witted slow slow-witted dim-witted half-witted dunce-like feeble-minded dull empty-headed vacuous dopey thick vapid mad-dog demonic demoniacal pixilated obsessed flighty chaotic nobody home out of one's box pig-ignorant dim bovine dozy birdbrained dumb pea-brained out of your mind off the rails disorganized wooden-headed lamebrained boneheaded chuckleheaded fat-headed brain-dead muttonheaded dunderheaded hyper topsy-turvy two sandwiches short of a picnic excited overexcited up high agitated busy faulty tangled shambolic spare not right barro crook postal giddy not quite right slow on the uptake thick as two short planks wonky nonfunctional broken fuddled pretentious senile beside oneself disorganised orderless amiss defective messy on the rampage up the wall through the roof not functioning properly out of order turned out hopped up psyched out delusional in pieces in a mess out of commission on the blink out of whack on the fritz up the spout

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(of a question or subject) Being of current or continuing interest and importance
live current important pertinent topical burning dominant popular pressing prevalent relevant running vital widespread active circulating common contemporary controversial earnest prevailing alive debatable effective of current interest critical urgent imperative crucial acute essential dire exigent compelling significant clamant importunate major emergent pivotal imperious necessitous crying clamorous instant climacteric lively of interest serious key paramount high-priority necessary grave all-important life-and-death consequential fundamental integral of great consequence indispensable required desperate requisite central needed of the essence pre-eminent of the utmost importance mandatory drastic cardinal must-have principal severe needful weighty heavy capital vitally important primary momentous profound extreme prerequisite overriding called for compulsory obligatory prime big great decisive far-reaching intense meaningful core parlous focal large immediate substantial considerable material chief heavy-duty exceptional monumental historic terrible main sore intrinsic foremost basic leading appreciable portentous especial substantive large-scale determining notable noteworthy impactful mighty top-priority eventful striking all important precarious earth-shattering dreadful alarming sweeping predominant worthwhile top premier ponderous supreme preeminent quintessential remarkable prominent heavyweight almighty influential telling pronounced sizable imposing salient radical big-time of concern major-league of note of consequence constitutive grand sensational extensive special unforgettable conspicuous high-level life and death much needed very important front-page outstanding meat-and-potatoes forceful newsworthy very great life-or-death impressive immoderate huge worthy overruling primal deciding demanding climactic determinative ruling master mission-critical business-critical constraining demanding attention underlined inescapable emergency impelling nitty-gritty world-shaking bottom-line name-of-the-game coal-and-ice driving perilous demanded clamouring exacting clamoring distressing characteristic inherent structural hazardous uppermost rudimental staple natural underlying rudimentary elementary awful foundational constitutional elemental constituent called-for time-critical now or never connected component innate prodigious unmissable page-one tremendous at the heart of greatest egregious conclusive glaring much fateful strong distinctive headline noticeable preponderant obvious rare landmark signal unusual resonant hefty unordinary deep ponderable potent memorable glorious marked keynote particular worthy of attention carrying a lot of weight emphatic quantum uncommon generous earthshaking extraordinary milestone of great import of moment of import of great moment bad highest afflictive life-threatening first commanding arch basal high priority pointed instrumental powerful top-level overshadowing life-changing high-profile dangerous grievous big-league big league most important

Tính từ

Isolated, especially from civilization or society
remote faraway isolated secluded distant far outlying deep godforsaken away lonely removed backwoods jerkwater obscure back Barcoo beyond boondocks foreign frontier lone lonesome undiscovered unknown wild far-flung cut-off far-off out of the way out-of-the-way hard to find middle of nowhere off-lying off the beaten path off the beaten track off the map unget-at-able god-knows-where in the middle of nowhere in the hinterlands in the sticks in the backblocks in the back of beyond in the backveld in the backwoods in the booay in the platteland in the tall timbers beyond the black stump in a backwater inaccessible unreachable unapproachable outlandish private alien sequestered unfrequented desolate peripheral outer hidden deserted cut off quiet solitary impassable retired outermost difficult to get to furthest apart unexplored uninhabited provincial far off virgin unvisited cloistered exotic fringe strange out of reach concealed disconnected secret afar far-removed far removed hard-to-reach neglected unpopulated forsaken detached suburban barren uncontactable uncivilized unmapped untravelled uncultivated impervious extreme uncivilised external new inconvenient uncharted separate further outside beyond reach incommunicado tucked away free forlorn far-out unattainable in the depths of … off beaten track uninhabitable un-get-at-able nonnative ulterior elusive covert sheltered marooned abroad aloof unfamiliar well away unplumbed undisturbed hard to get to at a distance hidden away a long way stone's throw a good way unresearched far away in the distance in the boonies unidentified unsurveyed unheard-of unnamed miles away farthest remotest in the boondocks empty furthermost dissociated separated disengaged divorced little known not mapped unoccupied unused vacated forgotten bare disused vacant untenanted unpeopled ultimate farthermost disparate yonder utmost desert rough inhospitable trackless unmanaged unfarmed rugged independent lorn farther outmost severed withdrawn untouched beyond your ken extrinsic extraneous companionless friendless without a friend in the world lost abandoned homesick outward not close at arm's length waste out of earshot beyond range long-distance far back out of range wide of more remote more distant

Động từ

To have thrown into disorder
confused disorganised disorganized disordered cluttered disarranged disarrayed discomposed disheveled dishevelled disrupted jumbled agitated disjointed disturbed hashed messed messed up muddled mussed ruffled tousled dislocated mixed up rumpled scattered scrambled shuffled untidied upset deranged mussed up snarled up threw into disorder tumbled put out of order turned upside down thrown into disorder rummaged spoilt spoiled confounded displaced made untidy interfered with made a mess of turned topsy-turvy wrecked convulsed thrown into confusion played havoc with threw into confusion made a shambles of thrown into disarray threw into disarray subverted ruined unbalanced destabilized perturbed embroiled discreated interfered dispersed brought into disorder tost tossed caused confusion in caused turmoil in put out of place loused up destabilised fouled up screwed up upset the applecart cut short got out of order gotten out of order weakened undermined sabotaged damaged impaired overturned disabled disempowered changed rattled complicated derailed shaken shook threatened made disorderly rearranged discombobulated stopped distempered misplaced tampered distorted meddled bollixed broke down brought into disarray psyched out muddied the waters intruded on threw a spanner in the works turned jumbled up broke up gummed up broken up turned inside-out rattled one's cage reordered made a hash of thrown a monkey wrench in the works of mucked up got into a tangle threw a monkey wrench in the works of made a mess thrown a spanner in the works knocked off balance slopped sloshed tilted reversed threw thrown thrown into a state of disorganization threw into a state of disorganization broken down stricken at the foundations struck at the foundations thrown into chaos threw out thrown out threw into chaos thrown into uproar threw into uproar botched bungled flubbed blundered fumbled mismanaged muffed goofed up mishandled fluffed bobbled snarled made a muck of butchered boggled foozled erred muddled up ballsed up stumbled boobed mixt mixed tangled slipped up bollixed up mangled blew blown marred bumbled dubbed murdered booted tripped made a Horlicks of goofed entangled made a mistake fouled misdirected botched up bodged muddied mucked stuffed up scuppered raveled ravelled floundered balled up made a nonsense of put in disarray miscalculated snafued misaligned dealigned misconducted misgoverned bolloxed destroyed bollocksed up bolixed up made unclear bolloxed up bolixed dirtied made hash of queered loused intermixed shifted encumbered misarranged perplexed reorganized riffled mingled mistaken strewed mistook misjudged mutilated patched misapplied stirred up slipped disaligned changed the order pulled a boner dropped the ball made a botch of wrinkled made a pig's ear of miscued miscomputed misconjectured caused mess tripped up crumpled reorganised made a boner jacked up made dirty failed mended shifted about made a blunder misconstrued transposed faltered did clumsily done clumsily broke the deck broken the deck threw off thrown off strewn did something badly done something badly fallen down fell down gotten it wrong went wrong gone wrong got wrong gotten wrong got it wrong blew it blown it

Động từ

To have thrown into a state of distress marked by confusion
confused flustered perturbed disconcerted dismayed distressed disturbed agitated bothered confounded discomfited disquieted fazed frustrated rattled discommoded discomposed discountenanced exasperated upset afflicted aggravated chagrined demoralized discomforted nonplussed perplexed psyched troubled unhinged unnerved abashed demoralised flurried mortified put off put out stirred up threw off balance worked up worried embarrassed alarmed concerned distracted frazzled ruffled distempered ailed fussed derailed hagrid alarumed exercised weirded out freaked out vexed vext bewildered discombobulated put someone off their stroke irked got to frightened undone undid hagridden hagrode appalled startled harassed annoyed bugged scared beset hassled provoked thrown threw shocked put into a flap put someone off their stride fretted tormented daunted spooked surprised plagued made uneasy made anxious psyched out shaken shook flummoxed irritated thrown off balance floored took aback taken aback shook up shaken up pestered dumbfounded gotten to disordered deranged sickened baffled jolted panicked puzzled stunned discouraged disheartened astonished knocked for six put the wind up put out of countenance intimidated tortured galled stupefied harried terrified staggered oppressed depressed angered cowed awed overwhelmed flabbergasted needled unbalanced chafed made nervous astounded setted someone back on their heels dispirited nettled agonized racked stressed offended horrified peeved persecuted dazed beleaguered displeased pained strained aggrieved excited hurt crazed chilled disarranged tried bowled over consternated bedevilled bedeviled affected addled muddled pothered gnawed at stopped someone in their tracks made waves put on edge knocked sideways agonised caused someone to lose their composure nauseated amazed piqued burdened traumatized revolted disgusted anguished deterred dejected narked saddened harrowed unmanned miffed terrorized rocked curst cursed dumfounded affrighted gravelled graveled bustled jarred mystified turned caught off balance hacked off lied heavy on ticked off traumatised terrorised made someone scratch their head riled threw off thrown off destabilized thrown into a tizz threw into a tizz grated got repelled grieved tricked besieged subdued sapped petrified hurried preoccupied overcome despaired moved antagonized wound wounded disappointed devastated bullied browbeat trapped disorganized frenzied sweat unstrung made uncomfortable disrupted paralysed disoriented cast down dogged roused demented tested rendered speechless nagged weighed down indisposed fuddled paralyzed made fretful rattled one's cage electrified hurt somebody's feelings made sick caused to be at a stand knocked out teared knocked the stuffing out of pushed buttons tantalised caught out made a scene put the fear of God into wound up fouled up antagonised egged on sprung on hit a sour note let down turned on got at grossed out got on your wick pulled the rug out from under scared the bejesus out of cut up wrong-footed put away upset the applecart debilitated tantalized flipped caused anxiety to destabilised got across picked on hit like ton of bricks pulled the rug from under thunderstricken thunderstruck struck dumb stricken dumb gave a turn taken by surprise given a turn burned up took the wind out of your sails given a hard time burnt up gave a hard time took by surprise taken the wind out of your sails thrown a curve threw a curve outraged wrung overawed haunted undermined scandalized repulsed maddened gotten gat weakened infuriated rasped incensed enraged spited taxed heated het excruciated frosted griped relucted dashed exposed outsmarted outwitted enfeebled occupied crushed inconvenienced itched locoed cracked rankled inflamed surprized bamboozled befuddled disarrayed overcame thwarted scarified devitalized enervated frighted feared benumbed disorientated badgered teased hounded browbeaten foxed outfoxed played stewed incommoded sweated blighted abraded disillusioned gobsmacked incited caused disquiet to niggled disempowered disenchanted fluttered assailed importuned injured disgruntled hindered aroused flapped hustled buffaloed stimulated fidgeted fidgetted quickened balked fermented stirred made wretched gotten across chilled to the marrow unhitched sprang on unquieted strapped disparaged gotten at keyed up messed up turned stomach worsted screwed up jumbled uncoupled rubbed up the wrong way given someone grief blinded flipped out layed up made restless pushed scared the pants off unzipped hectored made flip made someone jump out of their skin detached preyed on your mind weighed on poured cold water on numbed fired up rocked the boat bummed out scared to death filled with fear sprung made your gorge rise made speechless sweated out knocked props out stumped torn jangled made miserable laboured over tore grated on blown away raised someone's eyebrows made jump dazzled martyred tried your patience snarled brought low tripped sent up dizzied aroused anxiety in unfastened caused anguish to crippled caught on the hop dampened turned off chilled to the bone incapacitated left aghast completely surprised knocked off balance teed off jarred on goaded separated gave someone grief tripped up made someone feel nauseous pricked bugged up blew away unglued made it tough for filled with consternation scared witless mixed up occupied thoughts baulked dunned sent over the edge left open-mouthed cramped scandalised damped got in a stew deflated caused suffering to setted on edge tangled desolated frightened the living daylights out of disconnected disengaged made self-conscious made flesh crawl made someone want to throw up caught unawares insulted sent into a spin got on caused anxiety laid up caused wonder wringed wrang ate eaten grope gripen uncalmed got someone gotten someone threw into a tizzy thrown into a tizzy threw cold water on thrown cold water on driven insane drove insane eaten away at ate away at eaten at ate at nit-picked broke broken brake done a number on did a number on taken pains got worked up took pains gotten worked up thrown for a loop threw for a loop blew your mind took your breath away taken your breath away blown your mind struck with awe stricken with awe given offence to shaken out of your complacency gave offence to shook out of your complacency took steam out blew up taken steam out taken apart took apart blown out blown up blew out driven you out of your mind drove you out of your mind threw into tizzy thrown into tizzy worn wore given someone a jolt given someone a fright gave someone a jolt given a shock gave a shock sprang gave someone a fright drove crazy driven mad driven to distraction driven up the wall drove to distraction got on your nerves drove up the wall driven round the bend gotten on one's nerves drove round the bend driven crazy gotten on drove mad got on one's nerves got under your skin drove you up the wall gotten on your nerves driven you up the wall gotten under your skin threw into a panic given someone goose pimples thrown into a panic given someone the heebie-jeebies struck terror into gave someone goose pimples stricken terror into gave someone the heebie-jeebies cut to the quick affronted weighed heavily on cut beat put down put someone's nose out of joint nagged at obsessed caused offense crucified dissed hung over preyed on rankled with stung possessed slighted overpowered touched scared stiff scared the living daylights out of made unhappy got down made one's hair stand on end absorbed absorpt prostrated gripped engrossed whelmed consumed grinded ground overmastered swamped dominated stabbed bemused disrespected dissatisfied struck humiliated pierced seared enthralled deeply upset disobliged caused agony to mazed caused discomfort to caused concern to caused anguish scared away scared someone out of their wits befogged got the wind up made teeth chatter dumped on muddied posed made one's blood run cold put in a spot cast a gloom upon hit for six put your back up put in a hole put on the spot set someone's teeth on edge hurt the feelings of beaten suffered took control of taken control of mused labored laboured damaged squirmed fixated shamed devoured engulfed slapped stiffed rended rent monopolized interrupted wronged scarred caviled cavilled shattered pressed down on convulsed overburdened galvanized pressed prest caused to panic lambasted mourned caused sorrow bled caused suffering stricken taken over took over soured embittered held demeaned abominated impressed weighed galvanised overcharged ate up eaten up thrilled inflicted anguish on hacked you off drained wearied overloaded monopolised offended morals of scared off pushed the buttons of caused pain to mithered filled with loathing wildered distorted made one's flesh creep frozen your blood froze your blood bent someone's ear gave a bad time given a bad time curdled the blood curdles the blood darkened dragged abased dulled drug fogged thrown into a blue funk threw into a blue funk snubbed spellbound scared someone half to death inflicted trauma thrown into a fright threw into a fright thumbed nose at showed up made awkward owned made ashamed knocked over stayed with run down reduced to tears snowed obfuscated slurred zinged did in done in made punchy made discontented made gloomy kicked up a stink dished it out kicked up a fuss went to your head dampened spirits got your goat lied heavily on dashed hopes scared the pants off of rubbed the wrong way made someone fed up niggled at beat down intoxicated brought up short made sad dished out ground down kept under caused someone distress made a monkey of made desolate made your head spin stymied gone to your head frightened to death harshed someone's mellow left speechless hung up inebriated stuck it to setted someone thinking caught one short swept over balled up made despondent broke down messed with one's head snowed under made someone jump out of his skin brought tears to your eyes swept someone off their feet caused pain caused trouble to torn apart tore apart holden own snew snown given it to gave it to trodden on someone's toes given offence gave offence trod on someone's toes broken down threw a curveball thrown a curveball ran down given one the creeps gave one the creeps tore to pieces torn to pieces bore down gave someone the blues beaten down broken someone's heart broke someone's heart borne down given someone the blues given someone the hump gave someone the hump

Trái nghĩa của deeply unsettled

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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