Đồng nghĩa của so thin

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Having little, or too little, flesh or fat on the body
slim slender lean skinny spare bony slight scrawny svelte underweight lanky rangy scraggy skeletal emaciated spindly undernourished gaunt sylphlike willowy angular cadaverous pinched wasted gangling gangly light meagre reedy underfed anorectic anorexic boney fatless gracile lank lithe macilent stringy ultrathin weedy puny stalky starveling waifish beanpole beanstalk featherweight fragile haggard meager rawboned scraggly starved sticklike twiggy twiglike hollow-cheeked raw-boned skin-and-bones stick-like size-zero spindle-shanked like a matchstick skin and bone thin as a rake like a skeleton as thin as a rake as thin as a reed looking like a bag of bones attenuated gawky wiry wizened malnourished spindling tall shrunken frail attenuate half-starved shrivelled shriveled lissom trim skin and bones slightly built weak leggy starving delicate narrow small like a bag of bones long-limbed long-legged hollow-eyed drawn undersized graceful withered fine fleshless little famished hungry awkward stick snake-hipped rattleboned clean-limbed slinky spidery peaked lightweight wan atrophied ethereal skeleton wispy elongated skin-and-bone lumbering ungainly very thin pint-sized feeble small-boned deprived of food insubstantial waiflike shadow limber dainty skeletonlike diminutive tiny rickety rarefied threadlike lissome lantern-jawed underdeveloped deathlike pygmy uncoordinated inelegant petite Lilliputian undersize dwarfish bantam not heavy shrimpy ungraceful graceless elfin loosely built loosely jointed without an ounce of fat loose-jointed all skin and bones thin as a rail pint-size fun size flexible long wraithlike sinewy sapped taut stilted extenuated shrunk over-thin ill-fed gossamer sleek raddled agile stringbean no fat stark lithesome aciculate acicular jerky irregular squiggly diminished tapered peaky sharp like a rail tapering macerated subtle stilt pole fit airy tenuous worn to a shadow looking like death warmed up loose-limbed not large ghastly ghostly consumptive unco lymphatic etiolated bulimic phthisical sallow devastated dead shadowy midget thin as rail sickly looking without appetite faint short corpse-like ruined battle-scarred desolate war-torn wrecked dim meek peewee squat runtish homuncular stunted stubby dwarf shrimp mere a slip of a … bag of bones ravaged watery pale pocket wee dinky smallish toylike subnormal broomstick pocket-size pocket-sized half-pint lightly-built

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Unconvincing, lacking in substance or plausibility
feeble inadequate poor flimsy insufficient lame shallow unconvincing insubstantial weak implausible superficial tenuous threadbare unbelievable improbable questionable untenable vapid flat inconceivable incredible meagre meager sketchy unpersuasive weak-kneed unlikely doubtful dubious suspect fantastic unthinkable unimaginable incredulous uncompelling pathetic far-fetched impossible fantastical unsatisfactory fanciful unconceivable fishy unsubstantial preposterous hard to swallow won't wash unsound reachy paltry scarcely credible full of it full of holes won't hold water absurd slight unreasonable unrealistic trifling farfetched puzzling obscure problematic phony phoney too much hard to believe half-baked cock-and-bull beyond belief for the birds difficult to believe ridiculous tame ludicrous remote faulty extraordinary specious hollow staggering shaky inconsequential ineffectual strange transparent incogitable unimpressive mind-boggling mind-blowing far out not likely not convincing indecisive half-hearted strained slim forced labored laboured ponderous deficient measly outside vague flawed irrational faint off inconsiderable inappreciable minute nonsensical unsubstantiated contradictory illogical inconclusive nebulous insignificant hard to take frail distant spurious unsustainable unsupportable false groundless incongruous invalid irreconcilable senseless indefensible fragile astonishing amazing unreal outlandish harebrained infeasible reaching trivial iffy flakey kooky scatterbrained eye-popping flaky cockeyed lamebrained past belief screwy open to doubt jaw-dropping cockamamie nonrational airy illegitimate unreasoning fatuous nutty wacky fallacious vain unfounded unreasoned inconsequent off the wall self-contradictory slender rare too little too late not expected hundred-to-one unimagined incomprehensible unknowable insupposable imcomprehensible faltering unheard-of out of the question debatable tall extremely implausible extremely doubtful extremely unlikely not to be thought of beyond the bounds of possibility beyond reason extremely difficult to believe won't fly not in the least likely unplausible cock and bull bizarre outrageous crazy farcical wild laughable extravagant insane astounding weird inane foolish hare-brained dubitable peculiar mad odd uncommon unusual unapt curious queer risible exaggerated suspicious zany remarkable disputable sensational silly fabulous impracticable spectacular phenomenal unworkable whimsical singular pointless untrue asinine unreliable comical loony incoherent out of the ordinary unheard of unsupported lunatic off-the-wall baseless unique uncertain idiotic breathtaking equivocal wondrous whacky exceptional unfeasible stupid daft oddball imbecilic offbeat balmy shocking fabricated barmy misleading cuckoo eccentric looney embellished kookie crackpot featherheaded undependable hyperbolic distorted erroneous shady defective unattainable ungrounded elaborate abnormal impractical small dodgy goofy negligible romantic marginal baffling stupendous unexpected prodigious stunning derisory unviable grandiose grotesque doubtable monstrous miraculous cock-eyed simpleminded bewildering surprising atypical striking funny brainless witless unwise daffy inaccurate dotty screwball dippy lunkheaded bubbleheaded highly unlikely cockamamy make-believe batty overblown fallible non-viable untruthful dishonest out of this world chancy risky rocky disreputable half-witted weak-minded untrustworthy embroidered arguable incorrect mistaken wrong deceptive unachievable unobtainable contrived unnatural frivolous unjustifiable unspeakable ineffable blown up unutterable imaginary pseudo unstable sham unrealizable artificial undoable outré awesome assailable insuperable insolvable unsolvable overdone overwhelming hopeless wonderful wishful wide of the mark off-target unordinary insoluble futile mystifying irresponsible untold weakly unconfirmed illusory visionary inaccessible inept hilarious meaningless dreamlike potty uncustomary sublime vaporous especial aberrated aberrant anomalous capricious derisive unthought of tremendous ill-conceived outside chance insupportable open to question portentous freaky inconsistent suppositious awful undreamed of confounding legendary minimal tiny beyond one's wildest dreams beyond the realm of reason amazeballs marvellous marvelous not on hardly possible eye-opening faraway far scarce way out contrary to reason idealistic histrionic unicorn unsuccessful unacceptable complicated controvertible uncredible hokey exiguous shonky unbelieveable recondite likely unreachable unwinnable caricatural bleak problematical rings phony crackbrained unbacked mindless moronic derisible not able to hold water jerky fool tomfool sappy beyond possibility immense contemptible nominal isolated rad slim and none excessive ill-founded off your head erratic ambitious unpardonable unwarrantable inexcusable unforgivable unhinged deranged demented contrary untoward top drawer out-of-this-world overdramatic sensationalized illusive different extreme hallucinatory maniacal extremely foolish off beam stupidly irresponsible exorbitant reckless notable momentous enigmatic ironic inflated overstated unforgettable eye-catching arresting lacking substance special unwonted noteworthy conspicuous unbalanced dicey fractional imperceptible diminished foundationless undecided speculative unsettled unsure exceeding uncanny extraordinaire unprecedented serious unco preternatural unaccustomed freak out-of-the-way less likely unfamiliar out of sight sensationalised heavy flash gnarly forby over the top mercurial without justification inexpiable uncorroborated O.T.T. a bit much OTT wackadoodle nonconformist infantile crazy-ass freakish wackadoo off beaten path never to be forgotten long shot fat chance imprudent surreal rum puerile funky quixotic quirky weirdo foolhardy without foundation on thin ice touch-and-go high-flown without basis little spaced-out off-kilter out of bounds highly coloured mythical impressive short-sighted beyond all reason bird-brained out of all reason inappropriate outlying ideal fancied made-up forlorn insurmountable outstanding chimerical irresoluble pretend invented fictitious fantasied imaginative chimeric phantom fictional notional poetic mythic phantasmal imagined imaginal fairy-tale phantasmic paradoxical irresolvable falsified fake impervious useless inexecutable impassable irrealizable indescribable shadowy pie in the sky aerial fairy tale kinky blue sky pipe dream fictive castles in the air floating on cloud nine awe-inspiring no-way no-go not possible beyond one not a prayer not worth considering like herding cats beyond you temporary unmaintainable unverifiable unmanageable fleeting unsanctionable brief unendurable unsuitable inapprehensible undreamed-of not understandable

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Having little thickness or extent from one surface to its opposite

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Having few parts or members relative to the area covered or filled
sparse scattered wispy insufficient scanty scarce thinning dispersed light meager meagre paltry poor bare deficient diffuse inadequate sparing thinly distributed few and far between thin on the ground short skimpy scant exiguous limited negligible insubstantial low lacking wanting stingy slender measly shy in short supply piddling rare slim spare restricted few small skimp not enough too little sporadic at a premium infrequent hard to come by hand-to-mouth inconsiderable tight slight hard to find sketchy failing flimsy inappreciable scrimpy too few narrow revealing trifling straggling brief inconsequential imperceptible minimal low-cut low in numbers indecent tiny pathetic modest uncommon bereft incommensurate miserly occasional destitute barren middling lean minute nominal marginal insignificant little see-through incomplete too small miserable minimum imperfect puny weak unfinished tenuous scrimp not to be had like gold dust unfrequent too little too late not to be had for love nor money unproductive widely spaced seldom seen mingy close unsufficient missing infinitesimal nugatory token shallow barely sufficient seldom met with fractional fragmentary basal less petty short-handed short on low on unusual next to none next to no shabby unfruitful subtle infertile mere pitiful in the minority out of the ordinary seldom found laughable feeble lame scarcer than hen's teeth stunted depleted derisory parsimonious junk scrubby beggarly stinted dry exhaustible diminutive confined bush-league drained unsatisfactory unqualified devoid unample minus incompetent unfitted incapable short of out of trivial piffling mean reduced minor picayune unimportant ungenerous piddly worthless niggling dinky footling incidental poxy diminished pitiable Mickey Mouse immaterial base pimping unsubstantial frivolous casual irrelevant no-account de minimis lowly bitty peanut chicken minuscule frugal meaningless pointless nonessential lightweight fiddling ordinary sorry wretched of little account nickel-and-dime contemptible of no consequence of no account small-fry not worth mentioning subnormal dwindling isolated finite secondary semioccasional unwonted lesser odd non-essential intermittent of little importance of no importance of little consequence shoestring irregular unaccustomed vague exceptional peripheral superficial faint lamentable seldom spasmodic valueless patchy rudimentary circumscribed trite mediocre determinate defined definite measured pettifogging cut inessential smallish nondescript ignorable out of the common foolish purportless unique faulty unheard of second-rate hardly any little or no of minor importance small-time of no moment small-bore not worth speaking of not worth bothering about disappointing subsidiary inferior useless lousy deprived despicable out of gas very little little bitty on the small side penurious basic gentle economical truncated threatened shortened set partial ineffectual not much needed smaller silly extraneous senseless just very only shoddy woeful insipid unconsiderable sad not hacking it coming up short not making it minor-league of no great concern two-bit low-ranking no biggie neither here nor there two bit all the same small potatoes entry level of no significance inappropriate standout singular cheap lilliputian run-down nothing more than of little import no more than at a low level erratic uncustomary fair unlikely aberrated aberrant atypical abnormal aperiodic anomalous episodic episodical discontinuous average outré rarefied periodical periodic fitful idle medium tolerable moderate median unexceptional unconventional uncharacteristic surprising unexpected everyday microscopic unorthodox acceptable passable midsize midsized satisfactory adequate sometime stray penny-ante skin-deep beside the point twopenny-halfpenny intermediate middle once in a blue moon cursory perfunctory scrappy as scarce as hens' teeth rough crude outline imprecise hurried hasty fuzzy cramped compact provisional constricted confining cobbled together introductory defective unclear hazy depthless woolly uncritical wooly preliminary coarse congested squeezed incapacious pinched compressed choked tapered tapering jammed bounded on the back of an envelope contracted near straitened narrowing incommodious strait taper pent shrunken fixed narrow-gauged

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(of air or gas) Less dense than usual

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Made of thin or poor-quality metal
tinny cheap flimsy inferior insubstantial shoddy low-grade poor-quality tawdry trashy cheapjack gimcrack jerry-built rubbishy tacky tatty poor worthless bad mediocre wretched execrable substandard lousy grotty duff rubbish ropy third-rate second-rate terrible miserable rotten bum inadequate pitiful junky common crummy sad trumpery shabby low-rent below standard deficient el cheapo crude abysmal below par abject appalling atrocious awful dreadful dismal unsatisfactory insufficient lamentable deplorable unacceptable frightful dire diabolical pants schlock sleazy schlocky coarse cheesy direful egregious lame subpar cut-rate bargain-basement tenth-rate imperfect defective faulty paltry a load of pants bush-league naff cheap and nasty bodger cheapo nasty punk below average two-bit dime-a-dozen tinhorn base run-down not up to much dissatisfactory suboptimal under par average meretricious weak sauce pitiable makeshift half-pie dud cheap-jack grubby junk no great shakes cruddy ratty sorry not much cop cheapie kitsch scroungy lemon dime-store a dime a dozen Brummagem bottom-rung twopenny-halfpenny two a penny entry-level pinchbeck brassy low-end second-class rinky-dink tattered indifferent ropey commonplace low-quality end-of-the-pier rickety piss-poor ramshackle unpleasant disagreeable uncomfortable horrible hateful second-best badly built thrown together wanting off wrong wack ill bush sour strictly for the birds of a sort pathetic poorly useless contemptible second class off-colour from hunger slipshod dilapidated plastic low gaudy dingy scruffy broken-down seedy pretentious inglorious mean low-down sub-par off-color not up to snuff disappointing weak feeble valueless crumby craptacular middling lacking less-than-stellar not up to scratch not up to standard woeful hopeless abominable poxy unsound disgraceful laughable chronic vile distressing grim shameful sucky horrendous very bad foul meagre meager not up to par detestable sordid objectionable inept loathsome ghastly disastrous flawed horrid God-awful subnormal godawful hostile dirty unbelievable grievous implausible unconvincing displeasing ordinary hellacious despicable inconceivable bleak incompetent leaving much to be desired dodgy shocking offensive trifling distasteful gross unworthy tenuous grungy ineffectual unpersuasive rough revolting odious squalid unfortunate incredible beastly horrifying grave pedestrian disgusting improbable scurvy calamitous shallow poor quality repulsive good-for-nothing critical unfavorable unimpressive hideous questionable regrettable intolerable unexceptional repugnant neglected tragic hack troublesome disconcerting sketchy harsh forbidding ineffective stinking déclassé pits downmarket threadbare gloomy disquieting insignificant poorer unfavourable garbage sick unpalatable amateurish adverse no good dubious abhorrent tumbledown unsuitable godforsaken vapid disturbing unfriendly heartbreaking negative tame monstrous unspeakable flat troubling impoverished decrepit severe the pits yucky excruciating horrific depressing gruesome distressful doleful sombre piteous stressful bitter cheerless discouraging piddling negligible uninspired second rate lackluster lacklustre unsettling torturous unlikely desolate unsubstantial difficult sickening poverty-stricken repellent mangy somber hairy doubtful tragical nauseous dishonorable dumpy ignominious rundown tatterdemalion dishonourable nightmarish scrubby slight fraught scabby faint dreary cruel disreputable timeworn discomforting worrisome irksome impaired discreditable unbearable run down unsympathetic far-fetched damaged disapproving agonizing daunting traumatic perturbing half-baked suspect forlorn galling drab down at heel moth-eaten bloodless spiritless agitating uninviting beat-up drear unhappy dog-eared not good enough nauseating down-at-the-heels half-hearted bombed-out glum down-at-heel ailing anemic inane antagonistic tormenting grisly macabre troublous frightening solemn comfortless anaemic injurious depressive painful outrageous awkward superficial indefensible scummy inhospitable damnable hard unsatisfying harrowing frail heartrending pale untenable derisory repellant ridiculous brutal inimical petty reprehensible heinous icky minimal undesirable puny scandalous ignoble unsightly grody unkempt insufferable bedraggled degenerate agonising vulgar vicious insipid bland unsavory illogical unimaginative of poor quality no-good ugly snide currish worn-out unsavoury tired careless slummy unreasonable weakly crook wishy-washy disheartening lifeless unflattering uncomplimentary sickly sullen morose untoward low-minded ominous absurd ludicrous vague threatening senseless joyless faded desperate unwell little depressed clumsy inauspicious sneaking transparent fragile inefficient filthy alarming inexpert jaundiced perilous damaging corrupt improper off colour out of sorts remote obnoxious failing fanciful iniquitous contrary amiss silly indigent inconsiderable stark savage oppressed rueful unpromising insalubrious worrying parlous naysaying hurtful inappropriate fatuous found wanting decaying servile decayed of low quality pallid limited for the birds frivolous ruinous harmful preposterous impotent irrational dull distressed restricted adversarial wishful worse for wear negligent uncultured groundless bungling adversary etiolated dark measly colourless hollow lowbrow unsophisticated trivial untimely unpropitious inadmissible disadvantageous lurid queasy powerless catchpenny characterless immoral destitute scuzzy unrefined garbagy opposing disavowing enervated reject serious dangerous colorless shaky upsetting insupportable indisposed slim inopportune slovenly nauseated unstable unprincipled sorrowful tender incomplete wicked worn fantastic specious inconvenient ragged nonsensical uninteresting unlucky sepulchral scungy prosaic unrealistic frayed fishy antipathetic prejudicial slender mournful corny anguished menial tremendous incredulous uncompelling broken airy risky pointless stupid distant lonesome elegiacal derelict fallacious infelicitous slapdash unexciting pitiless ruthless merciless foolish-looking unseasonable run-of-the-mill scurrilous evil irremediable infamous unpolished noisome unsuited wacky nutty untidy afflictive unseemly not good morbid counter low quality unhealthy debased dishonest undistinguished degraded rancid droopy blah jerrybuilt from hell crass gut-wrenching scarcely credible skanky not acceptable outside unthinkable unimaginable disgustful loathly hard to believe ruined ill-advised not convincing deteriorated vacuous hard to swallow down-and-out deteriorating affecting minor-league minor league ill-disposed degenerated disfigured bare raunchy small potatoes god-awful knocked together gone to seed under the weather difficult to believe not satisfying beyond contempt fumbling reduced vigourless inexcusable phony cheeseball weak-kneed dissatisfying unskilful unforgivable sparing inappreciable ungrounded baseless lesser wanky halfhearted dicey throwaway low-class unfashionable shlock shlocky brummagem twopenny patchy overwhelming unpardonable unconscionable impermissible bogus nugatory phoney tinpot light tough oppressive sinful unscrupulous controvertible commiserable austere precarious acute hazardous backwards under-strength hellish rebarbative catastrophic cataclysmic worse derisible in poor condition scrappy outclassed underwhelming unjustifiable depraved rugged trying nefarious low in quality downer bummer erroneous diddly inexpedient poopy well below par small-time glaring minor not up to expectations disadvantaged deprived reprobate dissolute onerous criminal opprobrious not cutting it less than ideal flagrant not the best bad news anticlimactic burdensome maladroit sinister heavy despisable disdainable dour taxing humble slavish flagitious third string second string second fiddle unfulfilling shambly unmaintained small cowardly to be pitied destructive ragtag sparse off-form messy very poor stinky battered old raggedy bathetic stiff sloppy crumbling shacky sticky gunky gungy rank mucky a dead loss villainous hateworthy needy debauched inhuman fantastical disparaging worn out dowdy well worn disillusioning unable to do something for toffee swinish beyond the pale beggarly outcast leaving a lot to be desired indelicate plebeian lowly bereft too little not okay scant irredeemable irretrievable slumlike dishevelled disheveled decadent impure seamy unconceivable strained weighty warby raggedy-ass marginal iffy searing malapropos unfit discommodious murderous falling apart at the seams out at elbows the worse for wear having seen better days poorly maintained ponderous labored laboured forced underprivileged hardhanded louche sleazoid avaricious opposed falling short backbreaking exiguous treacherous not all it's cracked up to be strange full of it cock-and-bull beyond belief hard to take unadvantageous inadvisable botched fumbled self-seeking mercenary calculated venal covetous hefty condemnable out inacceptable bleached waxlike haggard pasty gray white waxen wan grey livid sallow ashen dim ashy whitish cadaverous spectral deathlike washed-out doughy watery blanched fulsome obscene noxious peaky tiny rough going faltering festy dumbed down low cost ghetto shanty ghost slum-like uncared-for gone to rack and ruin yucko gnarly liverish unnerving discomposing humourless annoying humorless sober irritating mortifying not expected not likely hundred-to-one piecemeal contradictory nebulous farfetched unsubstantiated inconclusive unwelcome vexatious sedate unendurable far faraway outlying pot cure fiendish wabbit funny very unpleasant peaked saddening unappealing afflicting uncool yukky sick-making scarce peculiar skid row infernal not on won't do incongruous spurious impossible puzzling unsustainable unsupportable false invalid irreconcilable obscure unlovely unpleasing concerning uncongenial indecisive all the worse for wear fair boring peakish disconsolate tedious dry banal dizzy patchwork shameless giddy waterish downcast dejected illegitimate unreasoning nonrational unfounded unreasoned reachy vain inconsequent inconsequential problematic passable moderate lightheaded melancholy so-so nerve-racking nail-biting heart-rending off-putting heart-breaking extremely bad nerve-wracking uncharitable wilting flagging wilted drooping blameworthy wearisome stale trite heartbroken medium dastardly menacing light-headed washed out green about the gills not oneself peely-wally down crestfallen debilitated lewd won't hold water full of holes won't wash off the wall self-contradictory tolerable middle-of-the-road craven woebegone inconsolable downhearted unchivalrous infirm foreboding reproachful jejune uninspiring workaday everyday adequate unwise sorrowing grieving melancholic mourning pieced together jerry-rigged ill-constructed unremarkable lustreless monotonous limp devastated blue despairing malfunctioning run-of-the-mine OK unimportant forgettable run-of-mine immaterial bog-standard vanilla amateur fair-to-middling weakened languid saddened brokenhearted tiresome humdrum imprudent impractical funereal non-functioning inoperative inapt heavyhearted despondent lonely choked heartsick hangdog heartsore dolorous sapped enfeebled incapacitated dreich lugubrious saturnine sterile hackneyed namby-pamby ho-hum milk-and-water not so hot of no consequence nothing to write home about plain vanilla not very good gutted scratched buckled torn not working cracked warped deformed sunless plutonian tenebrous black tenebrific elegiac wimpish wimpy valetudinarian doddering crippled ill-suited simpleminded mindless misguided naive rash foolish reckless injudicious ill-considered hacky barren prosy afflicted helpless bummed hapless dispirited mirthless hurting downtrodden buggy not functioning knackered wasted vitiated effete nesh sensitive asthenic prostrate susceptible prostrated mundane arid nothing driveling beige weariful soft drivelling nebbish innocuous plain subdued dry as dust grief-stricken broken-hearted cast down injured on the bum abnormal blemished out of order gone wrong unfinished in disrepair seconds on the blink unreliable uncultivated uncouth rude ill-mannered trembly strengthless doddery delicate sapless low-spirited cut up in the pits down in the mouth long-faced brainless irresponsible asinine witless unintelligent idiotic thoughtless ill-fated Cimmerian chap-fallen down in the dumps common or garden boorish uncivilized impolite in poor health kooky harebrained foolhardy short-sighted mad featherbrained aberrant roughneck tasteless unmannered clodhopping incult oafish unladylike cloddish churlish ungentlemanly lowbred raffish illiberal uncivilised rough-hewn brutish slobbish mannerless graceless unmannerly ill-bred

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Having a displeasingly thin, metallic sound
tinny jangling metallic jangly jingling jingly plinky harsh high reedy ringing shrill raucous dissonant jarring grating brassy strident discordant cacophonous sharp piercing blaring squeaky noisy ear-splitting loud booming deafening thundering clangorous small faint weak feeble soft clanging resonant resounding low bell-like cracked high-pitched rasping hoarse guttural unmelodious unharmonious croaking screeching raspy penetrating squawky ear-piercing grinding clamorous tumultuous riotous scratchy squawking croaky gruff stridulant growling growly clashing creaking tuneless stridulous caterwauling earsplitting unmusical astringent off-key out-of-tune out-of-key rough inharmonious husky coarse throaty gravelly rusty gravel thick unmelodic deep unvocal dry horrisonant absonant screechy blatant atonal thunderous disharmonious disharmonic inharmonic stridulatory incongruous hard stridulent stertorous braying unsuitable rough-sounding obstreperous incompatible vociferous shrieking harsh-sounding vociferant immusical flat squealing creaky ill-sounding piping sour acute abrasive intrusive harsh sounding strong out of place rackety dinning stentorian clinking brittle monotone monotonous droning carrying shrieky head-splitting inarticulate glottal sepulchral stentorious gular jugular cacophonic persuasive vocal boisterous forceful baying uncongenial inappropriate unpleasant disagreeable snarling out of tune tickly acrid glaring unrelenting rigid severe uncomfortable bitter disturbing uneven disagreeing bleak jagged asperous rugged grim unlevel craggy lacking harmony at variance at odds croupy breathy whispering treble shattering air-rending squeaking whistling clamant crisp clearly audible conflicting yowling yawping yauping out of keeping vociferating argute not smooth screaming obtrusive contrasting grotesque unaesthetic

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Pale from illness or fatigue
peaky drained ill pallid pasty pasty-faced poorly sick anemic anaemic ashen ashen-faced ashy bad bloodless colorless colourless gray grey indisposed unwell whey-faced cadaverous corpse-like crook ill-looking sallow washed out liverish nauseated nauseous pale peaked pinched queasy sickly wan deathly pale funny off off colour out of sorts peculiar rough under the weather ailing awful crummy down drawn dreadful emaciated grotty lousy not oneself punk ropy rotten run-down seedy sickened sickly-looking terrible unhealthy unsound wabbit below par etiolated off-colour off-color peakish peelie-wally peely-wally run down as white as a ghost as white as a sheet green about the gills not up to par in poor shape like death warmed up bilious in bad shape waxen white chalky queer infirm weak milky deathlike diseased chalk-white debilitated not well blanched bleached sapped in poor health deathly ghostly under par feeble faint bedridden not very well dizzy giddy not in good shape not up to snuff livid jaundiced frail sick as a dog whitish waxy washed-out lymphatic haggard tired-looking paled valetudinarian lightheaded laid up white as a sheet doughy in a bad way ghastly invalid groggy light-headed infected woozy tired unfit on the sick list fair dull lurid mealy squeamish green wheyfaced rocky impaired white as a ghost laid-up laid low sickish cream queerish qualmish afflicted waxlike invalided delicate iffy listless suffering white-faced bummed disordered feverish at death's door fatigued leaden alabaster queazy languid insipid not yourself pukish faded light-colored light-coloured grim off one's feed unhealthy-looking hospitalized incurable fair-skinned light-skinned the worse for wear down with rickety feeling awful hospitalised confined out of action under medication in ill health out of condition feeling rotten out of shape broken down in poor condition rundown slightly unwell horrible ugly ropey unsightly wishy-washy qualmy reeling unstable low uneasy exhausted failing mean pearly light discoloured enervated wasted knackered ghostlike lacklustre lackluster poor not up to the mark off form strange droopy wilted drooping wilting flagging watery discolored ineffectual ineffective not a hundred percent gaunt achy hypochondriacal in pain decrepit sick as a parrot anaemic-looking in bed jaundiced-looking worn out out of commission dragging shaky seasick not feeling up to snuff declining not feeling well hors de combat confined to bed got a bug carsick trainsick airsick travel-sick tottering weakly in a decline uncomfortable upset not so hot imperfect wretched stricken defective not healthy wobbly enfeebled dying languishing running temperature a wreck got the bug feeling terrible off one's feet uncertain restless dubious unsettling troubling odd suffering from motion sickness concerned unsettled doubtful fidgety suffering from altitude sickness wasting away in bad health green around gills creamy ivory spectral milk-white looking as if one has seen a ghost

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Having a pitch or frequency at the upper end of the auditory range
shrill high-pitched high piercing screeching sharp ear-piercing penetrating piping shrieking ear-splitting strident acute air-rending intrusive loud shattering squeaking squeaky strong treble whistling screechy squawky argute blaring blatant cacophonous clanging clangorous deafening discordant earsplitting harsh jarring metallic noisy raucous dissonant grating shrieky jangling unmusical unmelodious soprano stridulous inharmonious unharmonious rasping squawking clamorous stridulant falsetto clarion hoarse rank rancid putrid malodorous reeking smelly booming shrilly grinding brassy jangly rough tinny ringing thunderous tuneless scratchy unmelodic clashing off-key stridulatory caterwauling reedy feeble high-frequency stentorian guttural stentorious absonant tumultuous riotous stridulent flat stertorous thundering creaking astringent carrying inspiring head-splitting rackety fluting dinning definite clear whiny vibrant crisp clearly audible pellucid unvocal squealing soaring horrisonant croaking raspy harsh-sounding plinky jingling jingly resounding croaky gruff sonorous not harmonious hissing tooting calling warbling growling growly forceful baying bright persuasive vociferous vocal vociferant boisterous obstreperous disharmonic roaring out-of-tune out-of-key blasting immusical plangent weak small faint ill-sounding husky harsh sounding soft slam-bang low atonal braying cracked powerful reverberating resonant full deep rich reverberant reverberative orotund deep-toned echoing rotund mellow consonant sonorant heightened intensified lusty enhanced electrifying round golden pulsating throbbing canorous pulsing beating profound thrilling ear-popping very loud disharmonious fortissimo inharmonic reverberatory uproarious baritone rambunctious disorderly clattery strepitous bass full-throated crashing rowdy forte turned up full-bodied intense ear-shattering loud-voiced vigorous hearty trumpeting hard rumbling mournful clinking sour bellowing full-toned plaintive uncongenial brittle melancholy raising Cain basso raising the roof throaty cacophonic thundery tremendous almighty pear-shaped oscillating fruity palpitating harmonious lively melodious unpleasant disagreeable aquiver plummy robust overpowering full-voiced lacking harmony at variance at odds out of tune fulminating turbulent blustering vehement wakes the dead high-sounding big heavy pealing full-mouthed emphatic clattering sounding resonating screaming

Động từ

(usually "thin out") To make or become less dense, crowded, or numerous
decrease diminish disperse dissipate dwindle scatter lessen become less dense become less numerous become less in number clear out assuage temper dilute attenuate reduce moderate ease soften alleviate allay mitigate abate soothe mollify calm lighten take the edge off dull deaden weaken relieve lower contract shrink dampen undermine palliate extenuate blunt tone down water down subdue make less cut down sap enfeeble constrict adulterate deflate disable devaluate offset debilitate vitiate cripple rarefy enervate numb benumb desensitize damp appease muffle cool slake sate cauterize obtund hebetate desensitise cauterise put a damper on wane decline ebb subside recede fall fade taper drop relent remit slacken pall check plummet relax flag nosedive quieten drain depress cut erode impair close blur minify desist tame clip drop off de-escalate taper off die out wind down take the bite out die away go down grow less cut back become smaller come down slack up ratchet down die off get less fall away take the sting out drain away drop away let up soft-pedal ease off roll back phase down waste away tail off die down peter out slow down grow smaller sink fall off slump quell plunge curb restrain depreciate cushion still melt away evaporate fade away modify disappear wither dip quiet vanish stifle deteriorate help suppress lull minimize downsize crash minimise curtail go downhill settle come to an end dive lenify droop tumble slack off smother decrement descend mute fail tranquilize ease up decay slacken off deplete downscale wear away pacify tranquillise dissolve degenerate dim placate waste crumble compose limit stop trail off take a nosedive damp down qualify calm down wear down become less quench dry up fizzle out wear off modulate shrivel dent die slow slack control cease trail run low grow faint extinguish knock down run out cool off languish crater rachet down skid dispel sweeten fall steeply loosen fall sharply settle down give out go away ameliorate hit the floor overcome repress drop rapidly go into a tailspin adjust regress smooth destroy collapse sag bate slide wilt disintegrate grow dim become weak come to nothing become weaker trail away go through the floor get smaller fade out get lower narrow restrict rebate take a dive come to a halt let up on salve release lose edge narrow down lapse disempower regulate atrophy banish satisfy quash melt squelch terminate tail away go decelerate hush contain downturn heal slope retrench revise commute mellow make less intense put damper on chill out finish put the lid on gentle comfort loose get rid of buffer pare down make weaker defuse dump put an end to pour oil on throw cold water on anesthetize end cure clear scale down succor vary play down fall short take a header pour cold water on dampen down make smaller succour quieten down cave in turn down break down become lower break up come to a stop be reduced level off eat away take the heat off slash shorten degrade prune chill abase discount satiate grow weaker falter diffuse inhibit rein pipe down lose strength lose intensity untighten peter address improve gutter disengage excuse minimalize decimate paralyze paralyse gratify retrograde minish give way evanesce give in faint abbreviate fall through keep in check take the bite out of take the sting out of silence mask slip make reasonable reduce the force of subjugate be on the way out drop down put a lid on anaesthetize run dry muddy up retire rise above resolve lose ground fizzle cut off choke off unlax be used up go downwards kill dulcify become less intense devitalize etiolate draw to a close close out refresh relaxed die away or out die away or down straiten pass gruntle lose its effect lose its effectiveness infrigidate freeze freshen ally frost ebb away anaesthetise scale back lag blow over emaciate step down fix up tire subvert stabilize relapse wither away thin out take sting out patch things up be gone totter withdraw devalue clear up be no more lose liberalize liberalise cool it dismiss phase out make narrower wreck prostrate ruin thin down drag backslide cheapen buckle eliminate wizen take pressure off flop neutralize sink into oblivion be forgotten disappear slowly pass away break bow out neutralise stabilise become listless feel weak lose energy feel faint make less strict make less formal ease up on drive away chase away put to rest drive off get narrower become narrower lay off treat cool out lose value lessen the impact of soften the impact of reduce the impact of smooth out clear the air fold up decrease in value decline in price nurse hit the dirt tip over corrode rob from be precipitated attend brighten counteract pale punctuate console solace remedy nourish doctor eat gnaw liss interrupt abrade consume lose significance decrease in importance pale into insignificance prevent aid assist rehabilitate balm make better spoil balance attune bring respite to lose lustre grow dull bring an end to take a load off bring aid to make something bearable bring aid take load off weather harmonize nibble rot fret devour set tone tune scrape away scour grind down eat away at bite bite at inflect chip away at eat into gnaw away at amend fine-tune transmogrify change alter switch shift revamp adapt harmonise tweak

Động từ

(of hair) To thin out

Động từ

(of a person or a part of the body) To become progressively weaker and more emaciated
waste atrophy decay wither decline shrink degenerate deteriorate fade flag languish molder moulder rot wane wilt become emaciated crumble grow weak perish shrivel up disappear wear away weaken waste away sink dwindle diminish fail disintegrate sag ebb emaciate droop worsen lag go go downhill regress sicken retrograde spoil disimprove devolve become debilitated break down lessen shrivel go to pieces debilitate pine away retrogress fall slide collapse slip slump putrefy depreciate lapse vitiate wizen pine fall apart go bad descend decrease get worse grow worse go to pot fade away hit the skids fall to pieces dry up be on your last legs go into a decline go down the toilet die on vine go to rack and ruin decompose peak lose strength become shrunken go mouldy rot away go off die become enfeebled backslide corrode relapse become moribund have one foot in the grave be at death's door be on one's deathbed be breathing one's last be giving up the ghost be slipping away be about to die be in extremis be approaching death reduce cave in fall into decay melt away become listless grow less feel weak lose energy give out feel faint fall off go to the pack go down the tubes take a turn for the worse go to the dogs come apart at seams stagnate degrade debase devitalize dilapidate impair drop sap enervate go backwards etiolate become worse lose quality faint break up be in decline tucker long hunger go into decline yearn hanker fall apart at the seams teeter ail brood despond wither away fizzle out knock out conk out go soft

Trái nghĩa của so thin

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